module ScopedSearch
module RailsHelper
# Creates a link that alternates between ascending and descending.
# Examples:
# sort :username
# sort :created_at, as: "Created"
# sort :created_at, default: "DESC"
# * field - the name of the named scope. This helper will prepend this value with "ascend_by_" and "descend_by_"
# This helper accepts the following options:
# * :as - the text used in the link, defaults to whatever is passed to `field`
# * :default - default sorting order, DESC or ASC
# * :html_options - is a hash of HTML options for the anchor tag
# * :url_options - is a hash of URL parameters, defaulting to `params`, to preserve the current URL
# parameters.
# On Rails 5 or higher, parameter whitelisting prevents any parameter being used in a link by
# default, so `params.permit(..)` should be passed for `url_options` for all known and
# permitted URL parameters, e.g.
# sort :username, url_options: params.permit(:search)
def sort(field, as: nil, default: "ASC", html_options: {}, url_options: params)
unless as
id = field.to_s.downcase == "id"
as = id ? field.to_s.upcase : field.to_s.humanize
ascend = "#{field} ASC"
descend = "#{field} DESC"
selected_sort = [ascend, descend].find { |o| o == params[:order] }
case params[:order]
when ascend
new_sort = descend
when descend
new_sort = ascend
new_sort = ["ASC", "DESC"].include?(default) ? "#{field} #{default}" : ascend
unless selected_sort.nil?
css_classes = html_options[:class] ? html_options[:class].split(" ") : []
if selected_sort == ascend
as = "▲ ".html_safe + as
css_classes << "ascending"
as = "▼ ".html_safe + as
css_classes << "descending"
html_options[:class] = css_classes.join(" ")
url_options = url_options.to_h if url_options.respond_to?(:permit) # convert ActionController::Parameters if given
url_options = url_options.merge(:order => new_sort)
as = raw(as) if defined?(RailsXss)
content_tag(:a, as, html_options.merge(href: url_for(url_options)))