# @(#) MQMBID sn=mqkoa-L151208.15 su=_G3xYgJ26EeWqUvq4M3I6bA pn=appmsging/ruby/mqlight/samples/uiworkout.rb # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # 5725-P60 # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with # IBM Corp. # require 'mqlight' require 'optparse' require 'securerandom' require 'json' require 'thread' %w(INT HUP QUIT).each do |signal| trap(signal) do $stderr.print "\n" $stderr.print "SIG#{signal} - Exiting..\n" exit! 1 end end $stderr.sync = true $stdout.sync = true # The number of clients that will connect to any given shared destination CLIENTS_PER_SHARED_DESTINATION = 2 # The topics to subscribe to for shared destinations SHARED_TOPICS = ['shared1', 'shared/shared2'] # The topics to subscribe to for private destinations PRIVATE_TOPICS = [ 'private1', 'private/private2', 'private/private3', 'private4' ] # The command line options, populated by the parser options = {} parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: uiworkout.rb [options]' opts.summary_width = 25 opts.summary_indent = ' ' opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Options:' opts.on('-h', '--help', 'show this help message and exit') do puts opts exit end options[:service] = 'amqp://localhost' opts.on('-sURL', '--service=URL', 'service to connect to, for example:', 'amqp://user:password@host:5672 or', 'amqps://host:5671 to use SSL/TLS', '(default: amqp://localhost)' ) do |url| options[:service] = url end options[:ssl_trust_certificate] = nil opts.on('-cFILE', '--trust-certificate=FILE', String, 'use the certificate contained in FILE (in PEM format) to', 'validate the identity of the server. The connection must', 'be secured with SSL/TLS (e.g. the service URL must start', 'with amqps://' ) do |ssl_trust_certificate| options[:ssl_trust_certificate] = ssl_trust_certificate end end # Performs the MQ Light UI workout operation for a single client. class UIWorkout # All topics. An entry is picked at random each time a message is sent ALL_TOPICS = SHARED_TOPICS + PRIVATE_TOPICS # Text used to compose message bodies. A random number of words are picked. LOREM_IPSUM = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, '\ 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore '\ 'magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud '\ 'exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea '\ 'commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit '\ 'in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla '\ 'pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, '\ 'sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est '\ 'laborum.' # Build an array of word ending offsets for lorem_ipsum LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS = [] i = 0 loop do i = LOREM_IPSUM.index(' ', i) if i.nil? LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS.push(LOREM_IPSUM.length) break else LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS.push(i) i += 1 end end # A counter of all messages sent by the application @@mutex = Mutex.new @@message_count = 0 @@first = true # Sets up the MQ Light client service and options for a new instance def initialize(options, topic, share = nil) @topic = topic @share = share if !options[:service].nil? @service = options[:service] else unless bluemix_service_lookup?(false) @service = options[:ssl_trust_certificate].nil? ? 'amqp://localhost' : 'amqps://localhost' end end unless options[:ssl_trust_certificate].nil? @ssl_trust_certificate = options[:ssl_trust_certificate] # Ensure that the amqps protocol is being used fail StandardError, 'Error: the service URL must start '\ "'amqps://' when using a trust certificate."\ if @service.index('amqps', 0) != 0 end end # Creates a MQ Light client. The client is used to # periodically publish a message to a randomly chosen topic. def run_send send_opts = {} send_opts [:id] = "CLIENT_#{SecureRandom.hex[0..6]}" send_opts[:ssl_trust_certificate] = @ssl_trust_certificate \ unless @ssl_trust_certificate.nil? @client_send = Mqlight::BlockingClient.new( @service, send_opts) {| state, reason | puts "Connection to #{@service} failed because #{reason}" \ unless reason.nil? } # Wait for the connection to complete until @client_send.started? return if @client_receive.retrying? sleep(0.2) end print "Send connected to #{@client_send.service } using id " \ "#{@client_send.id}\n" # Loop sending messages to randomly picked topics. Delay for a small # (random) amount of time, each time around. @@mutex.synchronize do print "Sending messages\n" if @@first @@first = false end loop do delay = SecureRandom.random_number * 20 index = SecureRandom.random_number(ALL_TOPICS.length) send_topic = ALL_TOPICS[index] start_idx = SecureRandom.random_number(LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS.length - 15) end_idx = start_idx + 5 + SecureRandom.random_number(10) message = LOREM_IPSUM[LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS[start_idx].. LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS[end_idx]] sleep(delay) @client_send.send(send_topic, message, {}) @@mutex.synchronize do @@message_count += 1 print "Sent #{@@message_count} messages\n" \ if @@message_count % 10 == 0 end end rescue => e $stderr.print "*** error ***\n" $stderr.print "Send message: #{e.class.name.split('::').last}: #{e}\n" $stderr.print "Send exiting.\n" exit 1 ensure stop end # Creates a MQ Light client. The client will subscribe to @topic. If the # @share variable is nil the destination will be private to the client. If # the @share variable is not nil, it will be used as the share name for # subscribing to a shared destination. def run_receive recv_opts = {} recv_opts[:id] = "CLIENT_#{SecureRandom.hex[0..6]}" recv_opts[:ssl_trust_certificate] = @ssl_trust_certificate \ unless @ssl_trust_certificate.nil? @client_receive = Mqlight::BlockingClient.new( @service, recv_opts) {| state, reason | puts "Connection to #{@service} failed because #{reason}" \ unless reason.nil? } # Wait for the connection to complete until @client_receive.started? return if @client_receive.retrying? sleep(0.2) end print "Receive connected to #{@client_receive.service } using id " \ "#{@client_receive.id}\n" subscribe_opts = { qos: 0 } subscribe_opts[:share] = @share unless @share.nil? @client_receive.subscribe(@topic, subscribe_opts) print "Receiving messages from topic pattern: #{@topic}" print "with share '#{@share}'" unless @share.nil? print "\n" until @client_receive.stopped? msg = @client_receive.receive(@topic, subscribe_opts) unless msg.nil? print "Received message from Topic:#{msg.topic_pattern}" print " with share:#{@share}" unless @share.nil? print "\n" end end rescue => e $stderr.print "*** error ***\n" $stderr.print "Receive message: #{e.class.name.split('::').last}: #{e}\n" $stderr.print "Receive exiting.\n" exit 1 end # Stops the MQ Light client when started def stop @client_send.stop unless @client_send.nil? @client_receive.stop unless @client_receive.nil? end private # Checks to see if the application is running in IBM Bluemix. If it is, tries # to retrieve connection details from the environment and populates the # options object passed as an argument. def bluemix_service_lookup?(verbose) result = false if !ENV[VCAP_SERVICES].nil? print "VCAP_SERVICES variable present in environment\n" if verbose services = JSON.parse(ENV[VCAP_SERVICES]) if !services.mqlight.nil? mqlight_services = services[:mqlight] mqlight = mqlight_services[0] credentials = mqlight[:credentials] @opts[:user] = credentials[:username] @opts[:password] = credentials[:password] @service = credentials[:connectionLookupURI] if verbose print "Username: #{@opts[:user]}\n" print "Password: ****\n" print "LookupURI: #{@service}\n" end else fail StandardError, 'Running in IBM Bluemix but not bound to an '\ "instance of the 'mqlight' service." end result = true else print "VCAP_SERVICES variable not present in environment\n" if verbose end result end end begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e $stderr.puts "ERR: #{e}" $stderr.puts $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end begin clients = [] threads = [] # Create clients that subscribe to a shared topic, and send messages # randomly to any of the topics. i = SHARED_TOPICS.length - 1 loop do j = 0 loop do share_name = 'share' + (i + 1).to_s clients.push(UIWorkout.new(options, SHARED_TOPICS[i], share_name)) j += 1 break unless j < CLIENTS_PER_SHARED_DESTINATION end i -= 1 break unless i >= 0 end # Create clients that subscribe to private topics, and send messages # randomly to any of the topics. i = PRIVATE_TOPICS.length - 1 loop do clients.push(UIWorkout.new(options, PRIVATE_TOPICS[i])) i -= 1 break unless i >= 0 end # Start the clients clients.each { |c| threads.push(Thread.new { c.run_receive }) } clients.each { |c| threads.push(Thread.new { c.run_send }) } # Wait for all client threads to end threads.each(&:join) rescue => e $stderr.print "*** error ***\n" $stderr.print "message: #{e.class.name.split('::').last}: #{e}\n" $stderr.print "Exiting.\n" exit 1 ensure clients.each(&:stop) end