require 'spec_helper' require 'flapjack/data/event' describe Flapjack::Data::Event do let(:entity_name) { '' } let(:check) { 'ping' } let(:mock_redis) { mock(::Redis) } let!(:time) {} let(:event_data) { {'type' => 'service', 'state' => 'critical', 'entity' => entity_name, 'check' => check, 'time' => time.to_i, 'summary' => "timeout", 'details' => "couldn't access", 'acknowledgement_id' => '1234', 'duration' => (60 * 60) } } context 'class' do it "returns the next event (blocking, archiving)" do mock_redis.should_receive(:brpoplpush).with('events', /^events_archive:/, 0).and_return(event_data.to_json) mock_redis.should_receive(:expire) result = => true, :archive_events => true, :redis => mock_redis) result.should be_an_instance_of(Flapjack::Data::Event) end it "returns the next event (blocking, not archiving)" do mock_redis.should_receive(:brpop).with('events', 0).and_return(['events', event_data.to_json]) result = => true, :archive_events => false, :redis => mock_redis) result.should be_an_instance_of(Flapjack::Data::Event) end it "returns the next event (non-blocking, archiving)" do mock_redis.should_receive(:rpoplpush).with('events', /^events_archive:/).and_return(event_data.to_json) mock_redis.should_receive(:expire) result = => false, :archive_events => true, :redis => mock_redis) result.should be_an_instance_of(Flapjack::Data::Event) end it "returns the next event (non-blocking, not archiving)" do mock_redis.should_receive(:rpop).with('events').and_return(event_data.to_json) result = => false, :archive_events => false, :redis => mock_redis) result.should be_an_instance_of(Flapjack::Data::Event) end it "handles invalid event JSON" it "returns a count of pending events" do events_len = 23 mock_redis.should_receive(:llen).with('events').and_return(events_len) pc = Flapjack::Data::Event.pending_count(:redis => mock_redis) pc.should == events_len end it "creates a notification testing event" do Time.should_receive(:now).and_return(time) mock_redis.should_receive(:rpush).with('events', /"testing"/ ) Flapjack::Data::Event.test_notifications(entity_name, check, :summary => 'test', :details => 'testing', :redis => mock_redis) end it "creates an acknowledgement event" do Time.should_receive(:now).and_return(time) mock_redis.should_receive(:rpush).with('events', /"acking"/ ) Flapjack::Data::Event.create_acknowledgement(entity_name, check, :summary => 'acking', :time => time.to_i, :redis => mock_redis) end end context 'instance' do subject { } its(:entity) { should == event_data['entity'] } its(:state) { should == event_data['state'] } its(:duration) { should == event_data['duration'] } its(:time) { should == event_data['time'] } its(:id) { should == '' } its(:client) { should == 'xyz' } its(:type) { should == 'service' } it { should be_a_service } it { should_not be_a_acknowledgement } it { should_not be_a_test_notifications } it { should_not be_ok } it { should be_a_failure } end end