require 'spec_helper' describe "ui interactions" do context "saves responses" do include_context "everything" it "radio button" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("What is your favorite color?") within question("1") do choose "red" choose "blue" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) end it "dropdown" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("What color is the sky right now?") within question("3") do select "sunset red", from: "What color is the sky right now?" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("3", "sr").count).to eq(1) click_button "Previous section" within question("3") do select "night black", from: "What color is the sky right now?" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("3", "nb").count).to eq(1) end it "check and uncheck checkboxes" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("What color is the sky right now?") check "orange" click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) click_button "Previous section" uncheck "orange" click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(0) end it "string" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("What is the best color for a fire engine?") within question("fire_engine") do fill_in "Color", with: "red" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("fire_engine", "color").first.string_value).to eq("red") end it "free text" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("Please compose a poem about a color") within question("color_poem") do fill_in "Poem", with: "green, nature's color, you're not easy, but that's why you're worth it" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("color_poem", "poem_text").first.text_value).to eq("green, nature's color, you're not easy, but that's why you're worth it") end it "date" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("When is the next color run?") within question("color_run_date") do fill_in "On", with: "2014-06-08" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("color_run_date", "date").first.date_value).to eq("2014-06-08") end it "time" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("What time does it start?") within question("color_run_time") do fill_in "At", with: "1:30am" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("color_run_time", "time").first.time_value).to eq("01:30") end it "datetime" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("When is your next hair color appointment?") within question("hair_appointment") do fill_in "At", with: "2014-06-08 17:00:00" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("hair_appointment", "datetime").first.datetime_value).to eq("2014-06-08 17:00:00")) end it "radio button with date" do pending "better selectors" # Issue 207 - Create separate fields for date and time response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("What is your birth date?") within question("birth_date") do choose "I was born on" fill_in "I was born on", with: "2000-01-01" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("birth_date", "date").first.date_value).to eq("2000-01-01") end it "checkbox with date" do pending "better selectors" # Issue 207 - Create separate fields for date and time response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("What is your birth date?") within question("birth_time") do choose "I was born at" fill_in "I was born at", with: "12:01am" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("birth_time", "time").first.date_value).to eq("00:01") end it "slider" do pending "move slider programmatically" end end context "saves group responses" do include_context "everything" it "grid" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Groups" expect(page).to have_content("How interested are you in the following?") within( grid_row("weddings")){ choose "interested" } click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) end it "repeater, repeater with a dropdown" do pending "investigate failure later" response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Groups" expect(page).to have_content("Tell us about your family") within group("family") do select "Parent", from: "Relation" fill_in "Name", with: "Mom" fill_in "Quality of your relationship", with: "great" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" within group("family") do within( question("relation", 1)){ select "Parent", from: "Relation" } within( question("name", 1)){ fill_in "Name", with: "Dad" } within( question("quality", 1)){ fill_in "Quality of your relationship", with: "great" } end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(6) end it "group with a dropdown" do # Issue 251 - Dropdowns inside of group display as radio buttons response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Groups" expect(page).to have_content("Drop it like it's hot") within group("drop_it") do select "It", from: "What to drop" end click_button "Next section" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) end it "group with labels" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Groups" expect(page).to have_content("Drop it like it's hot") within group("drop_it") do expect(page).to have_content("Like Snoop Dogg said") end end end context "dependencies" do include_context "everything" it "double letter rule keys" do # for a dependency - try this with "lifestyle" end it "simple" do end it "inside a group" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_hidden_question('who') expect(page).to have_hidden_question('weird') within question("anybody") do choose "Yes" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('who') expect(page).to have_hidden_question('weird') within question("anybody") do choose "No" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to have_hidden_question('who') expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('weird') end it "groups" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_hidden_group('anybody_no') within question("anybody") do choose "No" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_group('anybody_no') end it "on question in dependent group" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_hidden_question('feels_like_it') within question("anybody") do choose "No" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to have_hidden_question('feels_like_it') within question("who_talking") do choose "Are you nuts?" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('feels_like_it') end it "!= without responses" do # Issue 337 answer != condition returns false if question was never activated response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_content("How do you cool your home?") expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('cooling_2') expect(page).to have_content("How much does it cost to run your non-passive cooling solutions?") within question("cooling_1") do choose "Passive" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to have_hidden_question('cooling_2') end it "!= without responses, count>0" do # Issue 337 answer != condition returns false if question was never activated response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_content("How do you heat your home?") expect(page).to have_hidden_question('heating_2') expect(page).to have_content("How much does it cost to run your non-passive heating solutions?") within question("heating_1") do check "Oven" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('heating_2') end it "count== dependencies" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_content("How many times do you count a day") expect(page).to have_hidden_question('counts_good') expect(page).to have_hidden_question('counts_twice') within question("counts") do check "Once for me" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('counts_good') expect(page).to have_hidden_question('counts_twice') within question("counts") do check "Once for you" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to have_hidden_question('counts_good') expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('counts_twice') end it "when the last response is removed" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_content("How do you heat your home?") expect(page).to have_hidden_question('heating_3') within question("heating_1") do check "Forced air" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('heating_3') within question("heating_1") do uncheck "Forced air" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to have_hidden_question('heating_3') end it "on checkboxes" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Dependencies" expect(page).to have_content("How many times do you count a day") expect(page).to have_hidden_question('thanks_counting') expect(page).to have_hidden_question('yay_everyone') within question("counts") do check "Once for me" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('thanks_counting') expect(page).to have_hidden_question('yay_everyone') within question("counts") do check "Once for you" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('thanks_counting') expect(page).to have_hidden_question('yay_everyone') within question("counts") do check "Once for everyone" end click_button "Next section" click_button "Previous section" expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('thanks_counting') expect(page).to_not have_hidden_question('yay_everyone') end end context "special features" do include_context "everything" it "help text" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Special" within question("favorite_food") do expect(page).to have_css("", text: "just say beef") end end it "images" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Special" within question("which_way") do expect(page).to have_css('img[src^="/assets/surveyor/next.gif"]') expect(page).to have_css('img[src^="/assets/surveyor/prev.gif"]') end end it "custom css class" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Special" expect(page).to have_css("fieldset.q_default.hidden") end it "default answer" do response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Special" click_button "Click here to finish" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) expect(response_set.for("favorite_food", "food").first.string_value).to eq("beef") end it "hidden questions" do # Issue 197 - Add a hidden field type # does not appear in DOM, does not receive question numering response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Special" expect(page).to_not have_content("What is your name?") expect(page).to_not have_content("Friends") expect(page).to_not have_content("Who are your friends?") # custom class "hidden" does nothing unless you add your own css to hide it expect(page).to have_content("5) What is your favorite number?") end it "customizing numbering" do override_surveyor_helper_numbering response_set = start_survey('Everything') expect(page).to have_content("A. What is your favorite color?") expect(page).to have_content("B. Choose the colors you don't like") expect(page).to have_content("C. What color is the sky right now?") expect(page).to have_content("D. What is the best color for a fire engine?") expect(page).to have_content("E. What was the last room you painted, and what color?") restore_surveyor_helper_numbering end it "mustache syntax" do # Issue 259 - substitution of the text with Mustache SurveyorController.send(:include, mustache_context_module(name: "Santa", thing: "beards")) response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Special" expect(page).to have_content("Regarding Santa") expect(page).to have_content("Answer all you know about Santa") expect(page).to have_content("Where does Santa live?") expect(page).to have_content("If you don't know where Santa lives, skip the question") expect(page).to have_content("Santa lives on North Pole") expect(page).to have_content("Santa lives on South Pole") expect(page).to have_content("Santa doesn't exist") expect(page).to have_content("Now think about beards") expect(page).to have_content("Yes, beards") end it "mustache with simple hash context" do # Issue 296 - Mustache rendering doesn't work with simple hash contexts SurveyorController.send(:include, hash_context_module({name: "Father Christmas", thing: "reindeer"})) response_set = start_survey('Everything') click_button "Special" expect(page).to have_content("Regarding Father Christmas") expect(page).to have_content("Answer all you know about Father Christmas") expect(page).to have_content("Where does Father Christmas live?") expect(page).to have_content("If you don't know where Father Christmas lives, skip the question") expect(page).to have_content("Father Christmas lives on North Pole") expect(page).to have_content("Father Christmas lives on South Pole") expect(page).to have_content("Father Christmas doesn't exist") expect(page).to have_content("Now think about reindeer") expect(page).to have_content("Yes, reindeer") end end context "versioning" do include_context "favorites" include_context "favorites-ish" it "takes current survey" do pending "only show one form for multiple versions" response_set = start_survey('Favorites') expect(page).to have_content("What is your favorite color?") expect(page).to have_content("redish") choose "blueish" choose "redish" click_button "Next section" click_button "Click here to finish" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) end it "takes previous survey" do pending "only show one form for multiple versions" response_set = start_survey('Favorites', version: '0') expect(page).to have_content("What is your favorite color?") expect(page).to have_content("red") choose "red" choose "blue" click_button "Next section" click_button "Click here to finish" expect(response_set.count).to eq(1) end end context "shows responses" do include_context "favorites" include_context "feelings" it "takes a survey, then shows it" do response_set = start_survey('Favorites') expect(page).to have_content("What is your favorite color?") choose "red" choose "blue" check "orange" check "brown" click_button "Next section" click_button "Click here to finish" visit("/surveys/favorites/#{response_set.access_code}/") expect(page).to have_disabled_selected_radio("blue") expect(page).to have_disabled_selected_checkbox("orange") expect(page).to have_disabled_selected_checkbox("brown") end it "takes a survey with grid questions, then shows it" do response_set = start_survey('Feelings') expect(page).to have_content("Tell us how you feel today") within grid_row "anxious|calm" do choose "-1" end click_button "Click here to finish" visit("/surveys/favorites/#{response_set.access_code}/") within grid_row "anxious|calm" do expect(page).to have_disabled_selected_radio("-1") end end end end