#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Masanori Kado, Kenshi Muto # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". # # Convert old PREDEF/CHAPS/PART/POSTDEF files into catalog.yml. require 'pathname' require 'optparse' bindir = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.dirname $LOAD_PATH.unshift((bindir + '../lib').realpath) require 'review/version' require 'review/extentions' require 'review/logger' require 'review/catalog' def main @logger = ReVIEW.logger opts = OptionParser.new opts.version = ReVIEW::VERSION opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} dirname" opts.on('-h', '--help', 'print this message and quit.') do puts opts.help exit 0 end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e @logger.error e.message $stderr.puts opts.help exit 1 end dir = Dir.pwd # confirmation if File.exist?("#{dir}/catalog.yml") if ask_yes?('The catalog.yml already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? [y/n]') @logger.info 'Start writing...' else @logger.info 'bye.' exit end end if exist_old_style_catalog_files?(dir) File.open("#{dir}/catalog.yml", 'w') do |catalog| # predef if File.exist?("#{dir}/PREDEF") catalog << parse_predef(File.read("#{dir}/PREDEF")) end # chaps and parts if File.exist?("#{dir}/CHAPS") if File.exist?("#{dir}/PART") catalog << parse_parts(File.read("#{dir}/PART"), File.read("#{dir}/CHAPS")) else catalog << parse_chaps(File.read("#{dir}/CHAPS")) end end # postdef if File.exist?("#{dir}/POSTDEF") postdef = File.read("#{dir}/POSTDEF") if ask_yes?('Do you want to convert POSTDEF into APPENDIX? [y/n]') catalog << parse_postdef(postdef, true) else catalog << parse_postdef(postdef) end end end end new_catalog = replace_old_style_part(dir) File.write("#{dir}/catalog.yml", new_catalog) puts File.read("#{dir}/catalog.yml") end def parse_internal(str, header) if str.present? header + str.split("\n").map { |i| " - #{i}\n" }.join else header end end def parse_predef(str) header = "PREDEF:\n" parse_internal(str, header) + "\n" end def parse_chaps(str) header = "CHAPS:\n" parse_internal(str, header) + "\n" end def parse_postdef(str, to_appendix = false) if to_appendix header = "APPENDIX:\n" else header = "POSTDEF:\n" end parse_internal(str, header) + "\n" end def parse_parts(parts_str, chaps_str) if parts_str.blank? || chaps_str.blank? return "CHAPS:\n\n" end parts = parts_str.split("\n") chaps = chaps_str.split("\n\n") "CHAPS:\n" + parts.zip(chaps).map do |k, vs| " - #{k}:\n" + vs.split("\n").map { |i| " - #{i}\n" }.join end.join + "\n" end def exist_old_style_catalog_files?(dir) File.exist?("#{dir}/PREDEF") || File.exist?("#{dir}/CHAPS") || File.exist?("#{dir}/PART") || File.exist?("#{dir}/POSTDEF") end def ask_yes?(message) loop do print message case gets when /\A[yY]/ return true when /\A[nN]/, /\A\Z/ return false end end end def replace_old_style_part(dir) catalog = ReVIEW::Catalog.new(File.open("#{dir}/catalog.yml")) Array.new(catalog.parts.split("\n")).each_with_index do |part, part_idx| next if part.end_with?('.re') allow_overwrite = true part_name = sprintf('part%d.re', part_idx + 1) if File.exist?("#{dir}/#{part_name}") loop do print "The #{part_name} already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? [y/n]" case gets when /\A[yY]/ break when /\A[nN]/, /\A\Z/ allow_overwrite = false break end end end next unless allow_overwrite File.write("#{dir}/#{part_name}", "= #{part}") catalog.replace_part(part, part_name) end catalog.to_s end if File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) == File.basename(__FILE__) main end