require 'simple_websocket_vcr' require 'thread' require 'websocket-client-simple' require 'json' # class Object # alias real_sleep sleep # # def sleep(*args) # real_sleep(*args) if !WebSocketVCR.cassette || WebSocketVCR.cassette.recording? # end # end describe 'VCR for WS' do HOST = 'localhost:8080'.freeze ON_TRAVIS = ENV['TRAVIS'] == 'true' RSpec.configure do |c| c.filter_run_excluding skip: true end let(:example) do |e| e end before(:each) do WebSocketVCR.configuration.reset_defaults! end it 'should record the very first message caught on the client yielded by the connect method' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do url = "ws://#{HOST}/hawkular/command-gateway/ui/ws" c = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect url do |client| client.on(:message, once: true, &:data) end sleep 1 if expect(c).not_to be nil expect( be true end end it 'should record also the outgoing communication' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do puts 'we are recording..' if url = "ws://#{HOST}/hawkular/command-gateway/ui/ws" c = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect url do |client| client.on(:message, once: true, &:data) end sleep 1 if c.send('something 1') c.send('something 2') c.send('something 3') expect(c).not_to be nil expect( be true end end def test_closing url = "ws://#{HOST}/hawkular/command-gateway/ui/ws" c = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect url do |client| client.on(:message, once: true, &:data) end sleep 1 if expect(c).not_to be nil expect( be true sleep 1 if c.close expect( be false end it 'should record the closing event(json)' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] c.json_cassettes = true end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do test_closing end end it 'should record the closing event(yaml)' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do test_closing end end def test_complex url = "ws://#{HOST}/hawkular/command-gateway/ui/ws" c = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect url do |client| client.on(:message, once: true, &:data) end sleep 1 if c.send('something_1') c.on(:message, once: true, &:data) sleep 1 if c.send('something_2') c.on(:message, once: true, &:data) sleep 1 if expect(c).not_to be nil expect( be true c.close expect( be false sleep 1 if end it 'should record complex communications for json' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] c.json_cassettes = true end cassette_path = '/EXPLICIT/some_explicitly_specified_json_cassette' WebSocketVCR.use_cassette(cassette_path) do test_complex end # check that everything was recorded in the json file file_path = "#{WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir}#{cassette_path}.json" expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/WelcomeResponse/).size).to eq(1) # once in the client message and once in the GenericErrorResponse from the server expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/something_1/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/something_2/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/close/).size).to eq(1) end it 'should record complex communications for yaml' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end cassette_path = '/EXPLICIT/some_explicitly_specified_yaml_cassette' WebSocketVCR.use_cassette(cassette_path) do test_complex end # check that everything was recorded in the yaml file file_path = "#{WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir}#{cassette_path}.yml" expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/WelcomeResponse/).size).to eq(1) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/something_1/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/something_2/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/close/).size).to eq(1) end context 'automatically picked cassette name is ok, when using context foo' do it 'and example bar' do WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do # nothing end prefix = WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir name = 'automatically_picked_cassette_name_is_ok,_when_using_context_foo_and_example_bar.yml' expect(File.exist?(prefix + '/VCR_for_WS/' + name)).to be true end end describe 'automatically picked cassette name is ok, when describing parent' do it 'and example child1' do WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do # nothing end prefix = WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir name = 'automatically_picked_cassette_name_is_ok,_when_describing_parent_and_example_child1.yml' expect(File.exist?(prefix + '/VCR_for_WS/' + name)).to be true end it 'and example child2' do WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do # nothing end prefix = WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir name = 'automatically_picked_cassette_name_is_ok,_when_describing_parent_and_example_child2.yml' expect(File.exist?(prefix + '/VCR_for_WS/' + name)).to be true end it 'and example child2 for json' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.json_cassettes = true end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do # nothing end prefix = WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir name = 'automatically_picked_cassette_name_is_ok,_when_describing_parent_and_example_child2_for_json.json' expect(File.exist?(prefix + '/VCR_for_WS/' + name)).to be true end end describe '.configuration' do it 'has a default cassette location configured' do expect(WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir).to eq('spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes') end it 'has an empty list of hook ports by default' do expect(WebSocketVCR.configuration.hook_uris).to eq([]) end end describe '.configure' do it 'configures cassette location' do expect do WebSocketVCR.configure { |c| c.cassette_library_dir = 'foo/bar' } change { WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir } .from('spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes') .to('foo/bar') end it 'configures URIs to hook' do expect do WebSocketVCR.configure { |c| c.hook_uris = [''] } change { WebSocketVCR.configuration.hook_uris }.from([]).to(['']) end it 'has an empty list of hook ports by default' do expect(WebSocketVCR.configuration.hook_uris).to eq([]) end end context 'with cassette options' do it 'with :record set to :none and no cassette, it should fail' do prefix = WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir cassette_path = '/EXPLICIT/something_nonexistent' expect do WebSocketVCR.use_cassette(cassette_path, record: :none) do fail 'this code should not be reachable' end raise_error(RuntimeError) expect(File.exist?(prefix + cassette_path + '.yml')).to be false end def test_substitution(text1, text2 = nil) url = "ws://#{HOST}/hawkular/command-gateway/ui/ws" c = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect url do |client| client.on(:message, once: true) do |msg| expect( include(text1) end end sleep 1 if text2 ||= 'something_1' c.send(text2) c.on(:message, once: true) do |msg| expect( include("Cannot deserialize: [#{text2}]") end end it 'with :erb set to {something: 11223344}, it should replace the variable in yaml cassette' do cassette_path = '/EXPLICIT/some_template' WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.use_cassette(cassette_path, erb: { something: 11_223_344 }, record: :none) do test_substitution '11223344' end file_path = "#{WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir}#{cassette_path}.yml" expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/<%= something %>/).size).to eq(1) end it 'with :erb set to {something: world, bar: hello}, it should replace the variables in json cassette' do cassette_path = '/EXPLICIT/some_template' WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] c.json_cassettes = true end WebSocketVCR.use_cassette(cassette_path, erb: { something: 'world', bar: 'hello' }) do test_substitution 'world', 'hello' end end it 'with :erb set to {something: 11223344}, and :reverse_substitution it should record the cassette as template' do cassette_path = '/EXPLICIT/some_other_template' WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.use_cassette(cassette_path, erb: { something: 'WelcomeResponse' }, reverse_substitution: true) do test_substitution 'unlikely_string' end file_path = "#{WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir}#{cassette_path}.yml" expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/<%= something %>/).size).to eq(1) end end describe 'version' do it 'should return the major, minor and micro components correctly' do expect(WebSocketVCR.version).to include(WebSocketVCR.version.major.to_s) expect(WebSocketVCR.version).to include(WebSocketVCR.version.minor.to_s) expect(WebSocketVCR.version).to include(WebSocketVCR.version.patch.to_s) end end def checks_for_echo_ws(file_path) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/hello/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/how/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/are/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/you/).size).to eq(2) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/write/).size).to eq(4) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/read/).size).to eq(4) expect(File.readlines(file_path).grep(/close/).size).to eq(1) end it 'should be able to store the recording with real communication into YAML', skip: !ON_TRAVIS do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [''] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do url = 'ws://' c = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect url do |client| client.on(:message, &:data) end sleep 5 if c.send('hello') c.send('how') c.send('are') c.send('you') sleep 20 if c.close expect( be false end # check that everything was recorded in the yaml file cassette_name = 'VCR_for_WS/should_be_able_to_store_the_recording_with_real_communication_into_YAML.yml' file_path = "#{WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir}/#{cassette_name}" checks_for_echo_ws file_path end it 'should be able to store the recording with real communication into JSON', skip: !ON_TRAVIS do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [''] c.json_cassettes = true end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do url = 'ws://' c = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect url do |client| client.on(:message, &:data) end sleep 5 if c.send('hello') c.send('how') c.send('are') c.send('you') sleep 20 if c.close expect( be false end # check that everything was recorded in the json file cassette_name = 'VCR_for_WS/should_be_able_to_store_the_recording_with_real_communication_into_JSON.json' file_path = "#{WebSocketVCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir}/#{cassette_name}" checks_for_echo_ws file_path end end