module AIPP module LF # Airports (IFR capable) and their CTR, AD navigational aids etc class AD2 < AIP include AIPP::LF::Helpers::Common include AIPP::LF::Helpers::ADRadio using AIXM::Refinements # Map source types to type and optional local type SOURCE_TYPES = { 'CTR' => { type: 'CTR' }, 'RMZ' => { type: 'RAS', local_type: 'RMZ' }, 'TMZ' => { type: 'RAS', local_type: 'TMZ' }, 'RMZ-TMZ' => { type: 'RAS', local_type: 'RMZ-TMZ' } }.freeze # Airports without VAC (e.g. military installations) NO_VAC = %w(LFOA LFBC LFQE LFOE LFSX LFBM LFSO LFMO LFQP LFSI LFKS LFPV).freeze # Airports without VFR reporting points # TODO: designated points on map but no list (LFLD LFSN LFBS) or no AD info (LFRL) NO_DESIGNATED_POINTS = %w(LFAB LFAC LFAV LFAY LFBK LFBN LFBX LFCC LFCI LFCK LFCY LFDH LFDJ LFDN LFEC LFEY LFGA LFHP LFHV LFHY LFJR LFJY LFLA LFLH LFLO LFLV LFLW LFMQ LFMQ LFNB LFOH LFOQ LFOU LFOV LFOZ LFPO LFQA LFQB LFQG LFQM LFRC LFRI LFRM LFRT LFRU LFSD LFSG LFSM LFLD LFSN LFBS LFRL).freeze # Map synonyms for +correlate+ SYNONYMS = [ 'nord', 'north', 'est', 'east', 'sud', 'south', 'ouest', 'west', 'inst', 'instruction', 'junction', 'intersection', 'harbour', 'port', 'mouth', 'embouchure', 'tower', 'chateau' ].freeze def parse index_html = prepare(html: read("AD-0.6")) # index for AD-2.xxxx files index_html.css('#AD-0\.6\.eAIP > .toc-block:nth-of-type(3) .toc-block a').each do |a| @id = a.attribute('href').value[-4,4] begin aip_file = "AD-2.#{@id}" html = prepare(html: read(aip_file)) # Airport @remarks = [] @airport = AIXM.airport( source: source(position: html.css('tr[id*="CODE_ICAO"]').first.line, aip_file: aip_file), organisation: organisation_lf, # TODO: not yet implemented id: @id, name: html.css('tr[id*="CODE_ICAO"] td span:nth-of-type(2)').text.uptrans, xy: xy_from(html.css('#AD-2\.2-Position_Geo_Arp td:nth-of-type(3)').text) ).tap do |airport| airport.z = elevation_from(html.css('#AD-2\.2-Altitude_Reference td:nth-of-type(3)').text) airport.declination = declination_from(html.css('#AD-2\.2-Declinaison_Magnetique td:nth-of-type(3)').text) # airport.transition_z = AIXM.z(5000, :qnh) # TODO: default - exceptions may exist airport.timetable = timetable_from!(html.css('#AD-2\.3-Gestionnaire_AD td:nth-of-type(3)').text) end runways_from(html.css('div[id*="-AD-2\.12"] tbody')).each { |r| @airport.add_runway(r) if r } helipads_from(html.css('div[id*="-AD-2\.16"] tbody')).each { |h| @airport.add_helipad(h) if h } text = html.css('#AD-2\.2-Observations td:nth-of-type(3)').text @airport.remarks = ([remarks_from(text)] + @remarks).compact.join("\n\n").blank_to_nil add @airport # Airspaces airspaces_from(html.css('div[id*="-AD-2\.17"] tbody')).each(&method(:add)) # Radio trs = html.css('div[id*="-AD-2\.18"] tbody tr') addresses_from(trs).each { |a| @airport.add_address(a) } units_from(trs).each(&method(:add)) # Landing aids # TODO: LOC/GP/DME as of section 2.19 # Designated points unless NO_VAC.include?(@id) || NO_DESIGNATED_POINTS.include?(@id) pdf = read("VAC-#{@id}") designated_points_from(pdf).tap do |designated_points| fix_designated_point_remarks(designated_points) # debug(designated_points) designated_points.each(&method(:add)) end end rescue => error warn("error parsing airport #{@id}: #{error.message}", pry: error) end end end private def elevation_from(text) value, unit = text.strip.split AIXM.z(AIXM.d(value.to_i, unit).to_ft.dist, :qnh) end def declination_from(text) value, direction = text.strip.split('°') value = value.to_f * (direction == 'W' ? -1 : 1) end def remarks_from(text) text.sub(/NIL|\(\*\)\s+/, '').strip.gsub(/(\s)\s+/, '\1').blank_to_nil end def runways_from(tbody) directions_map = tbody.css('tr[id*="TXT_DESIG"]').map do |tr| [AIXM.a(tr.css('td:first-of-type').text.strip), tr] end.to_h remarks_map = tbody.css('tr[id*="TXT_RMK_NAT"]').map do |tr| [tr.text.strip[/\A\((\d+)\)/, 1].to_i, tr.css('span')] end.to_h directions = directions_map.keys grouped_directions = do |direction| inverted_direction = direction.invert if directions.include? inverted_direction [direction, inverted_direction].map(&:to_s).sort.join('/') else direction.to_s end end.uniq do |runway_name| AIXM.runway(name: runway_name).tap do |runway| %i(forth back).each do |direction_attr| if direction = runway.send(direction_attr) tr = directions_map[] if direction_attr == :forth length, width = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(3)').text.strip.split('x') runway.length = AIXM.d(length.strip.to_i, :m) runway.width = AIXM.d(width.strip.to_i, :m) text = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(5)').text.strip.split(%r<\W+/\W+>).first runway.surface.composition = COMPOSITIONS.fetch(text)[:composition] runway.surface.preparation = COMPOSITIONS.fetch(text)[:preparation] if (text = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(4)').text).match?(AIXM::PCN_RE) runway.surface.pcn = text end end text = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(6)').text.strip direction.xy = (xy_from(text) unless text.match?(/\A(\(.*)?\z/m)) if (text = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(7)').text.strip[/thr:\s+(\d+\s+\w+)/i, 1]).present? direction.z = elevation_from(text) end if (text = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(2)').text.strip.sub(/\A(\d+).*$/m, '\1')).present? direction.geographic_orientation = AIXM.a(text.to_i) end if (text = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(6)').text[/\((.+)\)/m, 1]).present? direction.displaced_threshold = xy_from(text) end if (text = tr.css('td:nth-of-type(10)').text.strip[/\A\((\d+)\)/, 1]).present? direction.remarks = remarks_from(remarks_map.fetch(text.to_i).text) end end end end end end def helipads_from(tbody) text_fr = tbody.css('td:nth-of-type(3)').text.compact text_en = tbody.css('td:nth-of-type(4)').text.compact case text_fr when /NIL/, /\A\W*\z/ [] when /instructions?\s+twr/i @remarks << "HELICOPTER:\nSur instructions TWR.\nOn TWR clearance." [] when AIXM::DMS_RE text_fr.scan(AIXM::DMS_RE).each_slice(2).with_index(1).map do |(lat, long), index| AIXM.helipad(name: "H#{index}").tap do |helipad| helipad.xy = AIXM.xy(lat: lat.first, long: long.first) end end else @remarks << ['HELICOPTER:', text_fr.blank_to_nil, text_en.blank_to_nil].compact.join("\n") [] end end def airspaces_from(tbody) return [] if tbody.text.blank? airspace = nil tbody.css('tr').to_enum.with_object([]) do |tr, array| if tr.attr(:class) =~ /keep-with-next-row/ airspace = airspace_from tr else tds = tr.css('td') airspace.geometry = geometry_from tds[0].text fail("geometry is not closed") unless airspace.geometry.closed? airspace.layers << layer_from(tds[2].text, tds[1].text.strip) airspace.layers.first.timetable = timetable_from! tds[4].text airspace.layers.first.remarks = remarks_from(tds[4].text) array << airspace end end end def airspace_from(tr) spans = tr.css(:span) source_type = spans[1].text.blank_to_nil fail "unknown type `#{source_type}'" unless SOURCE_TYPES.has_key? source_type AIXM.airspace( name: [spans[2].text, anglicise(name: spans[3]&.text)].compact.join(' '), type: SOURCE_TYPES.dig(source_type, :type), local_type: SOURCE_TYPES.dig(source_type, :local_type) ).tap do |airspace| airspace.source = source(position: tr.line) end end def designated_points_from(pdf, recursive=false) from = (pdf.text =~ /^(.*?coordinates.*?names?)/i) return [] if recursive && !from warn("no designated points section begin found for #{@id}", pry: binding) unless from from += $1.length to = from + (pdf.text.from(from) =~ /\n\s*\n\s*\n|^.*(?:ifr|vfr|ad\s*equipment|special\s*activities|training\s*flights|mto\s*minima)/i) warn("no designated points section end found for #{@id}", pry: binding) unless to from, to = from + pdf.range.min, to + pdf.range.min # offset when recursive buffer = {} pdf.from(from).to(to).each_line.with_object([]) do |(line, page, last), designated_points| line.remove!(/\u2190/) # remove arrow symbols has_id = $1 if line.sub!(/^\s{,20}([A-Z][A-Z\d ]{1,3})(?=\W)/, '') has_xy = line.match?(AIXM::DMS_RE) designated_points << designated_point_from(buffer, pdf) if has_id || has_xy if has_xy 2.times { (buffer[:xy] ||= []) << $1 if line.sub!(AIXM::DMS_RE, '') } buffer[:xy]&.compact! line.remove!(/\d{3,4}\D.+?MTG/) # remove extra columns (e.g. LFML) line.remove!(/[\s#{AIXM::MIN}#{AIXM::SEC}]*[-\u2013]/) # remove dash between coordinates end buffer[:page] = page buffer[:id] = has_id if has_id buffer[:remarks] = [buffer[:remarks], line].join("\n") designated_points << designated_point_from(buffer, pdf) if last end.compact + designated_points_from(pdf.from(to).to(:end), true) end def designated_point_from(buffer, pdf) if buffer[:id] && buffer[:xy]&.size == 2 buffer[:remarks].gsub!(/ {20}/, "\n") # recognize empty column space buffer[:remarks].remove!(/\(\d+\)/) # remove footnotes buffer[:remarks] = buffer[:remarks].unglue # separate glued words AIXM.designated_point( source: source(position: buffer[:page], aip_file: pdf.file.basename('.*').to_s), type: :vfr_mandatory_reporting_point, id: buffer[:id].remove(/\W/), xy: AIXM.xy(lat: buffer[:xy].first, long: buffer[:xy].last) ).tap do |designated_point| designated_point.airport = @airport designated_point.remarks = buffer[:remarks].compact.blank_to_nil buffer.clear end end end # Assign scattered similar remarks to one and the same designated point def fix_designated_point_remarks(designated_points) one = nil do |two| if one one_lines, two_lines = one.remarks&.lines, two.remarks&.lines if one_lines && two_lines if one_lines.count > 1 && (line = one_lines.last) !~ %r(\s/\s) # Move up if line.correlate(remainder = one_lines[0..-2].join, SYNONYMS) < line.correlate(two.remarks) two.remarks = [line, two.remarks].join("\n").compact one.remarks = remainder.compact end elsif two_lines.count > 1 && (line = two_lines.first) !~ %r(\s/\s) # Move down line = two_lines.first if line.correlate(remainder = two_lines[1..-1].join, SYNONYMS) < line.correlate(one.remarks) one.remarks = [one.remarks, line].join("\n").compact two.remarks = remainder.compact end end end end one = two do |designated_point| designated_point.remarks = designated_point.remarks&.cleanup.blank_to_nil end end # def debug(dp) # f = "/Users/sschwyn/Desktop/okay/#{@id}.txt" # result = "\n--- #{@id} ---\n\n".red # dp.each do |d| # result += + "\t#{} - #{d.xy.long}\n" # result += "#{d.remarks}\n\n".blue # end # result += "#{dp.count} point(s) for #{@id}".red # unless File.exist?(f) && result == # puts result # gets # puts "\e[H\e[2J" # end # File.write(f, result) # end patch AIXM::Component::Runway::Direction, :xy do |parser, object, value| throw :abort unless value.nil? @fixtures ||= YAML.load_file(Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.join('AD-2.yml')) airport_id = parser.instance_variable_get(:@airport).id direction_name = throw :abort if (xy = @fixtures.dig('runways', airport_id, direction_name, 'xy')).nil? lat, long = xy.split(/\s+/) AIXM.xy(lat: lat, long: long) end patch AIXM::Feature::NavigationalAid, :remarks do |parser, object, value| @fixtures ||= YAML.load_file(Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.join('AD-2.yml')) airport_id, designated_point_id =, @fixtures.dig('designated_points', airport_id, designated_point_id, 'remarks') || throw(:abort) end end end end