# Top Level Module of the the gem. # @author Beat Richartz # @version 0.9 # @since 0.1 module Exchange # @author Beat Richartz # Money Objects instantiated from the money class can be used for basic mathematical operations and currency conversions # @version 0.1 # @since 0.1 # class Money include Comparable # @return [BigDecimal] number The number the money object has been instantiated from # attr_accessor :value # @return [Symbol, String] currency the currency of the money object # attr_accessor :currency # @return [Time] The time at which the conversion has taken place or should take place if the object is involved in operations # attr_accessor :time # @attr_reader # @return [Exchange::Money] The original money object this money object was converted from # attr_reader :from # @attr_reader # @return [Exchange::ExternalAPI] The current api subclass attr_reader :api # Intialize the currency with a number and a currency # @param [Integer, Float] value The number the currency is instantiated from # @param [Symbol] currency_arg The currency the money object is in as a downcased symbol # @param [Hash] opts Optional Parameters for instantiation # @option opts [Time] :at The time at which conversion took place # @option opts [String,Symbol] :from The money object this money object was converted from # @version 0.2 # # @example Instantiate a money object of 40 US Dollars # Exchange::Money.new(40, :usd) # #=> #> # @example Instantiate a money object of 40 US Dollars and convert it to Euro. It shows the conversion date and the original currency # Exchange::Money.new(40, :usd).to_eur(:at => Time.gm(2012,9,1)) # #=> # @from=#> # def initialize value, currency_arg=nil, opts={}, &block @from = opts[:from] @api = Exchange.configuration.api.subclass yield(self) if block_given? self.time = Helper.assure_time(time || opts[:at], :default => :now) self.value = ISO4217.instantiate(value, currency || currency_arg) self.currency = currency || currency_arg end # Method missing is used to handle conversions from one money object to another. It only handles currencies which are available in # the API class set in the configuration. # @example Calls convert_to with 'chf' # Exchange::Money.new(40,:usd).to_chf # @example Calls convert_to with 'sek' and :at => Time.gm(2012,2,2) # Exchange::Money.new(40,:nok).to_sek(:at => Time.gm(2012,2,2)) # def method_missing method, *args, &block value.send method, *args, &block end ISO4217.currencies.each do |c| define_method :"to_#{c}" do |*args| if api_supports_currency?(c) convert_to c, { :at => time }.merge(args.first || {}) else raise_no_rate_error(c) end end end # Converts this instance of currency into another currency # @return [Exchange::Money] An instance of Exchange::Money with the converted number and the converted currency # @param [Symbol, String] other The currency to convert the number to # @param [Hash] opts An options hash # @option [Time] :at The timestamp of the rate the conversion took place in # @example convert to 'chf' # Exchange::Money.new(40,:usd).convert_to('chf') # @example convert to 'sek' at a specific rate # Exchange::Money.new(40,:nok).convert_to('sek', :at => Time.gm(2012,2,2)) # def convert_to other, opts={} opts[:from] = self Money.new(api.new.convert(value, currency, other, opts), other, opts) end class << self private # @private # @macro [attach] install_operations # def install_operation op define_method op do |*precision| Exchange::Money.new(ISO4217.send(op, self.value, self.currency, precision.first), currency, :at => time, :from => self) end end # @private # @macro [attach] base_operations # @method $1(other) # def base_operation op self.class_eval <<-EOV def #{op}(other) test_for_currency_mix_error(other) new_value = value #{op} (other.kind_of?(Money) ? other.convert_to(self.currency, :at => other.time) : BigDecimal.new(other.to_s)) Exchange::Money.new(new_value, currency, :at => time, :from => self) end EOV end end # Round the currency. Since this is a currency, it will round to the standard decimal value. # If you want to round it to another precision, you have to specifically ask for it. # @return [Exchange::Money] The currency you started with with a rounded value # @param [Integer] precision The precision you want the rounding to have. Defaults to the ISO 4217 standard value for the currency # @since 0.1 # @version 0.7.1 # @example Round your currency to the iso standard number of decimals # Exchange::Money.new(40.545, :usd).round # #=> # # @example Round your currency to another number of decimals # Exchange::Money.new(40.545, :usd).round(0) # #=> # # install_operation :round # Ceil the currency. Since this is a currency, it will ceil to the standard decimal value. # If you want to ceil it to another precision, you have to specifically ask for it. # @return [Exchange::Money] The currency you started with with a ceiled value # @param [Integer] precision The precision you want the ceiling to have. Defaults to the ISO 4217 standard value for the currency # @since 0.1 # @version 0.7.1 # @example Ceil your currency to the iso standard number of decimals # Exchange::Money.new(40.544, :usd).ceil # #=> # # @example Ceil your currency to another number of decimals # Exchange::Money.new(40.445, :usd).ceil(0) # #=> # # install_operation :ceil # Floor the currency. Since this is a currency, it will ceil to the standard decimal value. # If you want to ceil it to another precision, you have to specifically ask for it. # @return [Exchange::Money] The currency you started with with a floored value # @param [Integer] precision The precision you want the flooring to have. Defaults to the ISO 4217 standard value for the currency # @since 0.1 # @version 0.7.1 # @example Floor your currency to the iso standard number of decimals # Exchange::Money.new(40.545, :usd).floor # #=> # # @example Floor your currency to another number of decimals # Exchange::Money.new(40.545, :usd).floor(0) # #=> # # install_operation :floor # Add value to the currency # @param [Integer, Float, Exchange::Money] other The value to be added to the currency. If an Exchange::Money, it is converted to the instance's currency and then the converted value is added. # @return [Exchange::Money] The currency with the added value # @raise [CurrencyMixError] If the configuration does not allow mixed operations, this method will raise an error if two different currencies are used in the operation # @example Configuration disallows mixed operations # Exchange.configuration.allow_mixed_operations = false # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) + Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @example Configuration allows mixed operations (default) # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) + Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @since 0.1 # @version 0.7 # base_operation '+' # Subtract a value from the currency # @param [Integer, Float, Exchange::Money] other The value to be subtracted from the currency. If an Exchange::Money, it is converted to the instance's currency and then subtracted from the converted value. # @return [Exchange::Money] The currency with the added value # @raise [CurrencyMixError] If the configuration does not allow mixed operations, this method will raise an error if two different currencies are used in the operation # @example Configuration disallows mixed operations # Exchange.configuration.allow_mixed_operations = false # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) - Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @example Configuration allows mixed operations (default) # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) - Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @since 0.1 # @version 0.7 # base_operation '-' # Multiply a value with the currency # @param [Integer, Float, Exchange::Money] other The value to be multiplied with the currency. If an Exchange::Money, it is converted to the instance's currency and multiplied with the converted value. # @return [Exchange::Money] The currency with the multiplied value # @raise [CurrencyMixError] If the configuration does not allow mixed operations, this method will raise an error if two different currencies are used in the operation # @example Configuration disallows mixed operations # Exchange.configuration.allow_mixed_operations = false # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) * Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @example Configuration allows mixed operations (default) # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) * Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @since 0.1 # @version 0.7 # base_operation '*' # Divide the currency by a value # @param [Integer, Float, Exchange::Money] other The value to be divided by the currency. If an Exchange::Money, it is converted to the instance's currency and divided by the converted value. # @return [Exchange::Money] The currency with the divided value # @raise [CurrencyMixError] If the configuration does not allow mixed operations, this method will raise an error if two different currencies are used in the operation # @example Configuration disallows mixed operations # Exchange.configuration.allow_mixed_operations = false # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) / Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @example Configuration allows mixed operations (default) # Exchange::Money.new(20,:nok) / Exchange::Money.new(20,:sek) # #=> # # @since 0.1 # @version 0.7 # base_operation '/' # Compare a currency with another currency or another value. If the other is not an instance of Exchange::Money, the value # of the currency is compared # @param [Whatever you want to throw at it] other The counterpart to compare # @return [Boolean] true if the other is equal, false if not # @example Compare two currencies # Exchange::Money.new(40, :usd) == Exchange::Money.new(34, :usd) #=> true # @example Compare two different currencies, the other will get converted for comparison # Exchange::Money.new(40, :usd) == Exchange::Money.new(34, :eur) #=> true, will implicitly convert eur to usd at the actual rate # @example Compare a currency with a number, the value of the currency will get compared # Exchange::Money.new(35, :usd) == 35 #=> true # @since 0.1 # @version 0.6 # def == other if is_same_currency?(other) other.round.value == self.round.value elsif is_currency?(other) other.convert_to(currency, :at => other.time).round.value == self.round.value else value == other end end # Sortcompare a currency with another currency. If the other is not an instance of Exchange::Money, the value # of the currency is compared. Different currencies will be converted to the comparing instances currency # @param [Whatever you want to throw at it] other The counterpart to compare # @return [Fixed] a number which can be used for sorting # @since 0.3 # @version 0.6 # @todo which historic conversion should be used when two are present? # @example Compare two currencies in terms of value # Exchange::Money.new(40, :usd) <=> Exchange::Money.new(28, :usd) #=> -1 # @example Compare two different currencies, the other will get converted for comparison # Exchange::Money.new(40, :usd) <=> Exchange::Money.new(28, :eur) #=> -1 # @example Sort multiple currencies in an array # [1.usd, 1.eur, 1.chf].sort.map(&:currency) #=> [:usd, :chf, :eur] # def <=> other if is_same_currency?(other) value <=> other.value elsif is_other_currency?(other) value <=> other.convert_to(currency, :at => other.time).value else value <=> other end end # Converts the currency to a string in ISO 4217 standardized format, either with or without the currency. This leaves you # with no worries how to display the currency. # @since 0.3 # @version 0.3 # @param [Symbol] format :currency (default) if you want a string with currency, :amount if you want just the amount. # @return [String] The formatted string # @example Convert a currency to a string # Exchange::Money.new(49.567, :usd).to_s #=> "USD 49.57" # @example Convert a currency without minor to a string # Exchange::Money.new(45, :jpy).to_s #=> "JPY 45" # @example Convert a currency with a three decimal minor to a string # Exchange::Money.new(34.34, :omr).to_s #=> "OMR 34.340" # @example Convert a currency to a string without the currency # Exchange::ISO4217.stringif(34.34, :omr).to_s(:iso) #=> "34.340" # def to_s format=:currency [ format == :currency && ISO4217.stringify(value, currency), format == :amount && ISO4217.stringify(value, currency, :amount_only => true) ].detect{|l| l.is_a?(String) } end private # determine if another given object is an instance of Exchange::Money # @param [Object] other The object to be tested against # @return [Boolean] true if the other is an instance of Exchange::Money, false if not # @since 0.6 # @version 0.6 # def is_currency? other other.is_a?(Exchange::Money) end # determine if another given object is an instance of Exchange::Money and the same currency # @param [Object] other The object to be tested against # @return [Boolean] true if the other is an instance of Exchange::Money and has the same currency as self, false if not # @since 0.6 # @version 0.6 # def is_same_currency? other is_currency?(other) && other.currency == currency end # determine if another given object is an instance of Exchange::Money and has another currency # @param [Object] other The object to be tested against # @return [Boolean] true if the other is an instance of Exchange::Money and has another currency as self, false if not # @since 0.6 # @version 0.6 # def is_other_currency? other is_currency?(other) && other.currency != currency end # determine wether the chosen api supports converting the given currency # @param [String] currency The currency to test the api for # @return [Boolean] True if the api supports the given currency, false if not # def api_supports_currency? currency api::CURRENCIES.include?(currency) end # Test if another currency is used in an operation, and if so, if the operation is allowed # @param [Numeric, Exchange::Money] other The counterpart in the operation # @raise [CurrencyMixError] an error if mixing currencies is not allowed and currencies where mixed # @since 0.6 # @version 0.6 # def test_for_currency_mix_error other raise CurrencyMixError.new("You\'re trying to mix up #{currency} with #{other.currency}. You denied mixing currencies in the configuration, allow it or convert the currencies before mixing") if !Exchange.configuration.allow_mixed_operations && other.kind_of?(Money) && other.currency != currency end # Helper method to raise a no rate error for a given currency if no rate is given # @param [String] other a possible currency # @raise [NoRateError] an error indicating that the given string is a currency, but no rate is present # @since 0.7.2 # @version 0.7.2 # def raise_no_rate_error other raise NoRateError.new("Cannot convert to #{other} because the defined api does not provide a rate") end end # The error that will get thrown when currencies get mixed up in base operations # CurrencyMixError = Class.new(ArgumentError) end