# # Copyright (C) 2011 by moe@busyloop.net # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # require 'powerbar/version' require 'ansi' require 'hashie/mash' # # This is PowerBar - The last progressbar-library you'll ever need. # class PowerBar STRIP_ANSI = Regexp.compile '\e\[(\d+)(;\d+)?(;\d+)?[m|K]', nil def initialize(opts={}) @@exit_hooked = false @state = Hashie::Mash.new( { :time_last_show => Time.at(0), # <- don't mess with us :time_last_update => Time.at(0), # <- unless you know :time_start => nil, # <- what you're doing! :time_now => nil, # <- :msg => 'PowerBar!', :done => 0, :total => :unknown, :settings => { :rate_sample_max_interval => 10, # See PowerBar::Rate :rate_sample_window => 6, # See PowerBar::Rate :force_mode => nil, # set to :tty or :notty to force either mode :kilo => 1024, # Change this to 1000 when measuring network traffic or such. :tty => { # <== Settings when stdout is a tty :finite => { # <== Settings for a finite progress bar (when total != :unknown) # The :output Proc is called to draw on the screen --------------------. :output => Proc.new{ |s| $stderr.print s[0..terminal_width()-1] }, # <-' :interval => 0.1, # Minimum interval between screen refreshes (in seconds) :show_eta => true, # Set to false if you want to hide the ETA without changing the template :template => { # <== template for a finite progress bar on a tty :pre => "\e[1000D\e[?25l", # printed before the progress-bar # # :main is the progressbar template # # The following tokens are available: # msg, bar, rate, percent, elapsed, eta, done, total # # Tokens may be used like so: # ${<foo>} # OR: # ${surrounding <foo> text} # # The surrounding text is only rendered when <foo> # evaluates to something other than nil. :main => '${<msg>}: ${[<bar>] }${<rate>/s }${<percent>% }${<elapsed>}${, ETA: <eta>}', :post => '', # printed after the progressbar :wipe => "\e[0m\e[1000D\e[K", # printed when 'wipe' is called :close => "\e[?25h\n", # printed when 'close' is called :exit => "\e[?25h", # printed if the process exits unexpectedly :barchar => "\u2588", # fill-char for the progress-bar :padchar => "\u2022" # padding-char for the progress-bar }, }, :infinite => { # <== Settings for an infinite progress "bar" (when total is :unknown) :output => Proc.new{ |s| $stderr.print s[0..terminal_width()-1] }, :interval => 0.1, :show_eta => false, :template => { :pre => "\e[1000D\e[?25l", :main => "${<msg>}: ${<done> }${<rate>/s }${<elapsed>}", :post => "\e[K", :wipe => "\e[0m\e[1000D\e[K", :close => "\e[?25h\n", :exit => "\e[?25h", :barchar => "\u2588", :padchar => "\u2022" }, } }, :notty => { # <== Settings when stdout is not a tty :finite => { # You may want to hook in your favorite Logger-Library here. ---. :output => Proc.new{ |s| $stderr.print s }, # <----------------' :interval => 1, :show_eta => true, :line_width => 78, # Maximum output line width :template => { :pre => '', :main => "${<msg>}: ${<done>}/${<total>}, ${<percent>%}${, <rate>/s}${, elapsed: <elapsed>}${, ETA: <eta>}\n", :post => '', :wipe => '', :close => nil, :exit => nil, :barchar => "#", :padchar => "." }, }, :infinite => { :output => Proc.new{ |s| $stderr.print s }, :interval => 1, :show_eta => false, :line_width => 78, :template => { :pre => "", :main => "${<msg>}: ${<done> }${<rate>/s }${<elapsed>}\n", :post => "", :wipe => "", :close => nil, :exit => nil, :barchar => "#", :padchar => "." }, } } } }.merge(opts) ) end # settings-hash def settings @state.settings end # settings under current scope (e.g. tty.infinite) def scope scope_hash = [settings.force_mode,state.total].hash return @state.scope unless @state.scope.nil? or scope_hash != @state.scope_hash state.scope_at = [ settings.force_mode || ($stdout.isatty ? :tty : :notty), :unknown == state.total ? :infinite : :finite ] state.scope = state.settings state.scope_at.each do |s| begin state.scope = state.scope[s] rescue NoMethodError raise StandardError, "Invalid configuration: #{state.scope_at.join('.')} "+ "(Can't resolve: #{state.scope_at[state.scope_at.index(s)-1]})" end end state.scope_hash = scope_hash state.scope end # Hook at_exit to ensure cleanup if we get interrupted def hook_exit return if @@exit_hooked if scope.template.exit at_exit do exit! end end @@exit_hooked = true end # Print the close-template and defuse the exit-hook. # Be a good citizen, always close your PowerBars! def close(fill=false) show( { :done => fill && !state.total.is_a?(Symbol) ? state.total : state.done, :tty => { :finite => { :show_eta => false }, :infinite => { :show_eta => false }, }, :notty => { :finite => { :show_eta => false }, :infinite => { :show_eta => false }, }, }, true) scope.output.call(scope.template.close) unless scope.template.close.nil? state.closed = true end # Remove progress-bar, print a message def print(s) wipe scope.output.call(s) end # Update state (and settings) without printing anything. def update(opts={}) state.merge!(opts) state.time_start ||= Time.now state.time_now = Time.now @rate ||= PowerBar::Rate.new(state.time_now, state.settings.rate_sample_window, state.settings.rate_sample_max_interval) @rate.append(state.time_now, state.done) end # Output the PowerBar. # Returns true if bar was shown, false otherwise. def show(opts={}, force=false) return false if scope.interval > Time.now - state.time_last_show and force == false update(opts) hook_exit state.time_last_show = Time.now state.closed = false scope.output.call(scope.template.pre) scope.output.call(render) scope.output.call(scope.template.post) true end # Render the PowerBar and return as a string. def render(opts={}) update(opts) render_template end # Remove the PowerBar from the screen. def wipe scope.output.call(scope.template.wipe) end # Render the actual bar-portion of the PowerBar. # The length of the bar is determined from the template. # Returns nil if the bar-length would be == 0. def bar return nil if state.total.is_a? Symbol skel = render_template(:main, [:bar]) lwid = state.scope_at[0] == :tty ? terminal_width() : scope.line_width barlen = [lwid - skel.gsub(STRIP_ANSI, '').length, 0].max fill = [0,[(state.done.to_f/state.total*barlen).to_i,barlen].min].max thebar = scope.template.barchar * fill + scope.template.padchar * [barlen - fill,0].max thebar.length == 0 ? nil : thebar end def h_bar bar end def msg state.msg end def h_msg msg end def eta (state.total - state.done) / rate end # returns nil when eta is < 1 second def h_eta return nil unless scope.show_eta 1 < eta ? humanize_interval(eta) : nil end def elapsed (state.time_now - state.time_start).to_f end def h_elapsed humanize_interval(elapsed) end def percent return 0.0 if state.total.is_a? Symbol state.done.to_f/state.total*100 end def h_percent sprintf "%d", percent end def rate @rate.avg end def h_rate humanize_quantity(rate.round(1)) end def total state.total end def h_total humanize_quantity(state.total) end def done state.done end def h_done humanize_quantity(state.done) end def terminal_width ANSI::Terminal.terminal_width - 1 end private def state @state end # Cap'n Hook def exit! return if state.closed scope.output.call(scope.template.exit) unless scope.template.exit.nil? end def render_template(tplid=:main, skip=[]) tpl = scope.template[tplid] skip.each do |s| tpl = tpl.gsub(/\$\{([^<]*)<#{s}>([^}]*)\}/, '\1\2') end tpl.gsub(/\${[^}]+}/) do |var| sub = nil r = var.gsub(/<[^>]+>/) do |t| t = t[1..-2] begin sub = self.send(('h_'+t).to_sym) rescue NoMethodError raise NameError, "Invalid token '#{t}' in template '#{tplid}'" end end[2..-2] sub.nil? ? '' : r end end HQ_UNITS = %w(b k M G T).freeze def humanize_quantity(number, format='%n%u') return nil if number.nil? return nil if number.is_a? Float and (number.nan? or number.infinite?) kilo = settings.kilo return number if number.to_i < kilo max_exp = HQ_UNITS.size - 1 number = Float(number) exponent = (Math.log(number) / Math.log(kilo)).to_i exponent = max_exp if exponent > max_exp number /= kilo ** exponent unit = HQ_UNITS[exponent] return format.gsub(/%n/, number.round(1).to_s).gsub(/%u/, unit) end def humanize_interval(s) return nil if s.nil? or s.infinite? sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", s / 3600, s / 60 % 60, s % 60) end class Rate < Array attr_reader :last_sample_at def initialize(at, window, max_interval=10, interval_step_up=0.1) super([]) @last_sample_at = at @sample_interval = 0 @sample_interval_step_up = interval_step_up @sample_interval_max = max_interval @counter = 0 @window = window end def append(at, v) return if @sample_interval > at - @last_sample_at @sample_interval += @sample_interval_step_up if @sample_interval < @sample_interval_max rate = (v - @counter) / (at - @last_sample_at).to_f return if rate.nan? @last_sample_at = at @counter = v self << rate shift while @window < length self end def sum inject(:+).to_f end def avg sum / size end end end