# FaunaDB [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/fauna/faunadb-ruby/master.svg?maxAge=21600)](https://travis-ci.org/fauna/faunadb-ruby) [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/fauna/faunadb-ruby/master.svg?maxAge=21600)](https://codecov.io/gh/fauna/faunadb-ruby/branch/master) [![Gem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/fauna.svg?maxAge=21600)](https://rubygems.org/gems/fauna) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MPL_2.0-blue.svg?maxAge=2592000)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fauna/faunadb-ruby/master/LICENSE) Ruby driver for [FaunaDB](https://fauna.com). ## Installation The FaunaDB ruby driver is distributed as a gem. Install it via: $ gem install fauna Or if you use Bundler, add it to your application's `Gemfile`: gem 'fauna' And then execute: $ bundle ## Documentation The driver documentation is [hosted on GitHub Pages](https://fauna.github.io/faunadb-ruby/). Please see the [FaunaDB Documentation](https://fauna.com/documentation) for a complete API reference, or look in [`/test`](https://github.com/fauna/faunadb-ruby/tree/master/test) for more examples. ## Compatibility Tested and compatible with the following ruby versions: * MRI 1.9.3 * MRI 2.2.3 * Jruby 1.7.19 ## Basic Usage First, require the gem: ```ruby require 'fauna' ``` ### Creating a Client All API requests pass through a `Fauna::Client`. Creating a client requires either an admin key, server key, client key, or a token. ```ruby server_key = 'ls8AkXLdakAAAALPAJFy3LvQAAGwDRAS_Prjy6O8VQBfQAlZzwAA' ``` Now we can make a database-level client: ```ruby $fauna = Fauna::Client.new(secret: server_key) ``` You can optionally configure an `observer` on the client. To ease debugging, we provide a simple logging observer at `Fauna::ClientLogger.logger`, which you can configure as such: ```ruby require 'logger' logger = Logger.new(STDERR) observer = Fauna::ClientLogger.logger { |log| logger.debug(log) } $fauna = Fauna::Client.new( secret: server_key, observer: observer) ``` ### Using the Client Now that we have a client, we can start performing queries: ```ruby # Create a class $fauna.query { create ref('classes'), name: 'users' } # Create an instance of the class taran = $fauna.query do create ref('classes/users'), data: { email: 'taran@example.com' } end # Update the instance taran = $fauna.query do update taran[:ref], data: { name: 'Taran', profession: 'Pigkeeper' } end # Page through a set pigkeepers = Fauna::Query.expr { match(ref('indexes/users_by_profession'), 'Pigkeeper') } oracles = Fauna::Query.expr { match(ref('indexes/users_by_profession'), 'Oracle') } $fauna.query { paginate(union(pigkeepers, oracles)) } # Delete the user $fauna.query { delete user[:ref] } ``` ## Running Tests You can run tests against FaunaDB Cloud yourself. [Create an admin key](https://fauna.com/account/keys) and set `FAUNA_ROOT_KEY` environment variable to it's secret. Then run `rake spec`: ```bash export FAUNA_ROOT_KEY='kqnPAbijGhkgAAC03-36hjCvcTnWf4Pl8w97UE1HeWo' rake spec ``` To run a single test, use e.g. `ruby test/client_test.rb`. Coverage is automatically run as part of the tests. After running tests, check `coverage/index.html` for the coverage report. If using jruby, use `JRUBY_OPTS="--debug" bundle exec rake spec` to ensure coverage is generated correctly. ## Contributing GitHub pull requests are very welcome. ## LICENSE Copyright 2017 [Fauna, Inc.](https://fauna.com/) Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at [http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/](http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/) Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.