== Trellis examples: simplest ======== see http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tutorial1/first.html The simplest possible application to prove that Trellis is generating dynamic HTML. The date and time in the middle of the page changes with every page refresh proving that this is a live application. hilo ==== see http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tutorial1/hilo.html In the game, the computer selects a number between 1 and 10. You try and guess the number, clicking links. At the end, the computer tells you how many guesses you required. hangman ======= see http://rifers.org/examples#D.10 Hangman is a simple word game in which the system selects a secret target word; the player attempts to guess the word and is only allow 5 incorrect guesses. The game is over when the word is guessed or the user has exhausted the maximum number of incorrect guesses. guest_book ========== see http://wicket.apache.org/exampleguestbook.html This application show the basic form handling and page persistent fields. The GuestBook application allows users to enter a comment. On submission the page gets re-rendered showing the list of comments entered so far. The list of comments is kept in the session. flickr ====== This application uses a custom stateless component that connects to the flickr image service api and retrieves several interesting pictures. Refresh the page to get more images stateful_counters ================= see http://www.seaside.st/about/examples/multicounter see http://rifers.org/examples#D.9 Example of a custom stateful component (a simple counter) and how you can build and embed multiple components in a page crud_components =============== Shows the work in progress on a simple pageable/sortable data grid and an object editor routing ======= Shows examples of custom page routing in Trellis