.effective-order-actions - if order.persisted? = link_to 'Print', '#', class: 'btn btn-primary print-button', data: { role: 'print-button' }, onClick: 'window.print(); false;' - if order.purchased? = link_to 'E-mail Receipt', effective_orders.send_buyer_receipt_order_path(order), class: 'btn btn-secondary', data: { method: :post, confirm: "Send receipt to #{order.emails_send_to}?" } - if controller_path.include?('admin/') && (EffectiveResources.authorized?(controller, :admin, :effective_orders) rescue false) - if order.persisted? && order.in_progress? - if params[:action] == 'show' = link_to('Edit', effective_orders.edit_admin_order_path(order), class: 'btn btn-primary') - if params[:action] == 'edit' = link_to('Show', effective_orders.admin_order_path(order), class: 'btn btn-primary') = link_to 'Email request for payment to buyer', effective_orders.send_payment_request_admin_order_path(order), class: 'btn btn-secondary', data: { method: :post, confirm: "Send request for payment to #{order.emails_send_to}?" } = link_to 'Delete', effective_orders.admin_order_path(order), class: 'btn btn-danger', data: { method: :delete, confirm: "Really delete #{order}?" }