.PHONY: clean test help quality localtest .DEFAULT_GOAL := default define PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT import re, sys for line in sys.stdin: match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line) if match: target, help = match.groups() print("%-20s %s" % (target, help)) endef export PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT help: @python -c "$$PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT" < $(MAKEFILE_LIST) default: clean-coverage test coverage clean-typecoverage typecheck typecoverage quality ## run default typechecking, tests and quality typecheck: ## validate types in code and configuration citypecheck: typecheck ## Run type check from CircleCI typecoverage: typecheck ## Run type checking and then ratchet coverage in metrics/ clean-typecoverage: ## Clean out type-related coverage previous results to avoid flaky results citypecoverage: typecoverage ## Run type checking, ratchet coverage, and then complain if ratchet needs to be committed requirements_dev.txt.installed: requirements_dev.txt pip install -q --disable-pip-version-check -r requirements_dev.txt touch requirements_dev.txt.installed pip_install: requirements_dev.txt.installed ## Install Python dependencies # bundle install doesn't get run here so that we can catch it below in # fresh-checkout and fresh-rbenv cases Gemfile.lock: Gemfile # Ensure any Gemfile.lock changes ensure a bundle is installed. Gemfile.lock.installed: Gemfile.lock bundle install touch Gemfile.lock.installed bundle_install: Gemfile.lock.installed ## Install Ruby dependencies clear_metrics: ## remove or reset result artifacts created by tests and quality tools bundle exec rake clear_metrics clean: clear_metrics ## remove all built artifacts citest: test ## Run unit tests from CircleCI overcommit: ## run precommit quality checks bundle exec overcommit --run quality: overcommit ## run precommit quality checks test: ## Run lower-level tests @bundle exec rake test localtest: ## run default local actions @bundle exec rake localtest repl: ## Load up checkoff in pry @bundle exec rake repl clean-coverage: @bundle exec rake clear_metrics coverage: test report-coverage ## check code coverage @bundle exec rake undercover report-coverage: test ## Report summary of coverage to stdout, and generate HTML, XML coverage report cicoverage: coverage ## check code coverage update_from_cookiecutter: ## Bring in changes from template project used to create this repo bundle exec overcommit --uninstall IN_COOKIECUTTER_PROJECT_UPGRADER=1 cookiecutter_project_upgrader || true git checkout cookiecutter-template && git push && git checkout main git checkout main && git pull && git checkout -b update-from-cookiecutter-$$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M) git merge cookiecutter-template || true bundle exec overcommit --install @echo @echo "Please resolve any merge conflicts below and push up a PR with:" @echo @echo ' gh pr create --title "Update from cookiecutter" --body "Automated PR to update from cookiecutter boilerplate"' @echo @echo