require 'spec_helper' require 'exogenesis/passengers/rvm' describe Rvm do let(:rubies) { ['ruby-1.9.3', 'ruby-2.0.0'] } let(:config) { double('Config', rubies: rubies) } let(:executor) { executor_double } let(:rvm_list_output) { "rvm rubies\n\nruby-2.0.0-p353 [ x86_64 ]\n=* ruby-2.1.0 [ x86_64 ]\n\n# => - current\n# # =* - current && default\n# # * - default" } subject {, executor) } describe :up do before do allow(executor).to receive(:command_exists?).and_return(true) allow(executor).to receive(:execute).with(anything, 'rvm list').and_yield(rvm_list_output) end describe 'install RVM if necessary' do context 'when RVM does exist' do before { allow(executor).to receive(:command_exists?).and_return(false) } it 'should execute the RVM setup' do expect(executor).to receive(:execute_interactive).with('Setup', '\\curl -L | bash -s') subject.up end end context 'when RVM does not exist' do it 'should skip the task' do expect(executor).to receive(:skip_task).with('Setup') subject.up end it 'should not execute the RVM setup' do expect(executor).to_not receive(:execute_interactive).with('Setup', '\\curl -L | bash -s') subject.up end end end it 'should update RVM' do expect(executor).to receive(:execute).with('Update', 'rvm get head') subject.up end describe 'install or update rubies' do it 'should install a missing Ruby' do expect(executor).to receive(:execute).with('Installing ruby-1.9.3', 'rvm install ruby-1.9.3 --with-gcc=gcc-4.2') subject.up end it 'should update an installed Ruby' do expect(executor).to receive(:execute).with('Upgrading ruby-2.0.0', 'rvm upgrade ruby-2.0.0-p353 ruby-2.0.0 --force --with-gcc=gcc-4.2') subject.up end it 'should skip the update of an installed Ruby if already installed' do allow(executor).to receive(:execute) .with('Upgrading ruby-2.0.0', 'rvm upgrade ruby-2.0.0-p353 ruby-2.0.0 --force --with-gcc=gcc-4.2') .and_yield(nil, "Source and Destination Ruby are the same (ruby-2.0.0-p353)\nError migrating gems.") expect { subject.up }.to raise_exception(TaskSkipped, 'Already Up to Date') end end it 'should reload RVM' do expect(executor).to receive(:execute).with('Reload', 'rvm reload') subject.up end end describe :down do it 'should implode RVM' do expect(executor).to receive(:execute_interactive).with('Teardown', 'rvm implode') subject.down end end end