require 'json' require 'pathname' require 'shellwords' require 'xcinvoke' require 'cgi' require 'rexml/document' require 'jazzy/config' require 'jazzy/executable' require 'jazzy/highlighter' require 'jazzy/source_declaration' require 'jazzy/source_mark' require 'jazzy/stats' ELIDED_AUTOLINK_TOKEN = '36f8f5912051ae747ef441d6511ca4cb'.freeze def autolink_regex(middle_regex, after_highlight) start_tag_re, end_tag_re = if after_highlight [//, ''] else ['', ''] end /(#{start_tag_re})[ \t]*(#{middle_regex})[ \t]*(#{end_tag_re})/ end class String def autolink_block(doc_url, middle_regex, after_highlight) gsub(autolink_regex(middle_regex, after_highlight)) do original = Regexp.last_match(0) start_tag, raw_name, end_tag = Regexp.last_match.captures link_target = yield(CGI.unescape_html(raw_name)) if link_target && !link_target.type.extension? && link_target.url && link_target.url != doc_url.split('#').first && # Don't link to parent link_target.url != doc_url # Don't link to self start_tag + "" + raw_name + '' + end_tag else original end end end def unindent(count) gsub(/^#{' ' * count}/, '') end end module Jazzy # This module interacts with the sourcekitten command-line executable module SourceKitten def self.undocumented_abstract @undocumented_abstract ||= Markdown.render( Config.instance.undocumented_text, ).freeze end # Group root-level docs by custom categories (if any) and type def self.group_docs(docs) custom_categories, docs = group_custom_categories(docs) type_categories, uncategorized = group_type_categories( docs, custom_categories.any? ? 'Other ' : '' ) custom_categories + type_categories + uncategorized end def self.group_custom_categories(docs) group = do |category| children = category['children'].flat_map do |name| docs_with_name, docs = docs.partition { |doc| == name } if docs_with_name.empty? STDERR.puts 'WARNING: No documented top-level declarations match ' \ "name \"#{name}\" specified in categories file" end docs_with_name end # Category config overrides alphabetization children.each.with_index { |child, i| child.nav_order = i } make_group(children, category['name'], '') end [group.compact, docs] end def self.group_type_categories(docs, type_category_prefix) group = do |type| children, docs = docs.partition { |doc| doc.type == type } make_group( children, type_category_prefix + type.plural_name, "The following #{type.plural_name.downcase} are available globally.", type_category_prefix + type.plural_url_name, ) end [group.compact, docs] end def self.make_group(group, name, abstract, url_name = nil) group.reject! { |doc| } unless group.empty? do |sd| sd.type = SourceDeclaration::Type.overview = name sd.url_name = url_name sd.abstract = Markdown.render(abstract) sd.children = group end end end def self.sanitize_filename(doc) unsafe_filename = doc.url_name || sanitzation_enabled = Config.instance.use_safe_filenames if sanitzation_enabled && !doc.type.name_controlled_manually? return CGI.escape(unsafe_filename).gsub('_', '%5F').tr('%', '_') else return unsafe_filename end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # Generate doc URL by prepending its parents URLs # @return [Hash] input docs with URLs def self.make_doc_urls(docs) docs.each do |doc| if doc.render_as_page? doc.url = ( subdir_for_doc(doc) + [sanitize_filename(doc) + '.html'] ).map { |path| ERB::Util.url_encode(path) }.join('/') doc.children = make_doc_urls(doc.children) else # Don't create HTML page for this doc if it doesn't have children # Instead, make its link a hash-link on its parent's page if doc.typename == '<>' warn 'A compile error prevented ' + doc.fully_qualified_name + ' from receiving a unique USR. Documentation may be ' \ 'incomplete. Please check for compile errors by running ' \ '`xcodebuild` or `swift build` with arguments ' \ "`#{Config.instance.build_tool_arguments.shelljoin}`." end id = doc.usr unless id id = || 'unknown' warn "`#{id}` has no USR. First make sure all modules used in " \ 'your project have been imported. If all used modules are ' \ 'imported, please report this problem by filing an issue at ' \ ' along with your Xcode ' \ 'project. If this token is declared in an `#if` block, please ' \ 'ignore this message.' end doc.url = doc.parent_in_docs.url + '#/' + id end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # Determine the subdirectory in which a doc should be placed. # Guides in the root for back-compatibility. # Declarations under outer namespace type (Structures, Classes, etc.) def self.subdir_for_doc(doc) return [] if doc.type.markdown? top_level_decl = doc.namespace_path.first if [top_level_decl.type.plural_url_name] + else # Category - in the root [] end end # returns all subdirectories of specified path def self.rec_path(path) path.children.collect do |child| if rec_path(child) + [child] end { |x| x }.flatten(1) end def self.use_spm?(options) options.swift_build_tool == :spm || (!options.swift_build_tool_configured && Dir['*.xcodeproj', '*.xcworkspace'].empty? && !options.build_tool_arguments.include?('-project') && !options.build_tool_arguments.include?('-workspace')) end # Builds SourceKitten arguments based on Jazzy options def self.arguments_from_options(options) arguments = ['doc'] if options.objc_mode arguments += objc_arguments_from_options(options) else arguments += ['--spm'] if use_spm?(options) unless options.module_name.empty? arguments += ['--module-name', options.module_name] end arguments += ['--'] end arguments + options.build_tool_arguments end def self.objc_arguments_from_options(options) arguments = [] if options.build_tool_arguments.empty? arguments += ['--objc', options.umbrella_header.to_s, '--', '-x', 'objective-c', '-isysroot', `xcrun --show-sdk-path --sdk #{options.sdk}`.chomp, '-I', options.framework_root.to_s, '-fmodules'] end # add additional -I arguments for each subdirectory of framework_root unless options.framework_root.nil? rec_path( do |child| if arguments += ['-I', child.to_s] end end end arguments end # Run sourcekitten with given arguments and return STDOUT def self.run_sourcekitten(arguments) if swift_version = Config.instance.swift_version unless xcode = XCInvoke::Xcode.find_swift_version(swift_version) raise "Unable to find an Xcode with swift version #{swift_version}." end env = xcode.as_env else env = ENV end bin_path = Pathname(__FILE__) + '../../../bin/sourcekitten' output, = Executable.execute_command(bin_path, arguments, true, env: env) output end def self.make_default_doc_info(declaration) # @todo: Fix these declaration.line = nil declaration.column = nil declaration.abstract = '' declaration.parameters = [] declaration.children = [] end def self.availability_attribute?(doc) return false unless doc['key.attributes'] !doc['key.attributes'].select do |attribute| attribute.values.first == 'source.decl.attribute.available' end.empty? end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def self.should_document?(doc) return false if doc['key.doc.comment'].to_s.include?(':nodoc:') # Always document Objective-C declarations. return true if Config.instance.objc_mode # Don't document @available declarations with no USR, since it means # they're unavailable. if availability_attribute?(doc) && !doc['key.usr'] return false end # Document extensions & enum elements, since we can't tell their ACL. type =['key.kind']) return true if type.swift_enum_element? if type.swift_extension? return Array(doc['key.substructure']).any? do |subdoc| subtype =['key.kind']) !subtype.mark? && should_document?(subdoc) end end acl_ok = SourceDeclaration::AccessControlLevel.from_doc(doc) >= @min_acl acl_ok.tap { @stats.add_acl_skipped unless acl_ok } end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def self.should_mark_undocumented(filepath) source_directory = Config.instance.source_directory.to_s (filepath || '').start_with?(source_directory) end def self.process_undocumented_token(doc, declaration) make_default_doc_info(declaration) filepath = doc['key.filepath'] objc = Config.instance.objc_mode if objc || should_mark_undocumented(filepath) @stats.add_undocumented(declaration) return nil if @skip_undocumented declaration.abstract = undocumented_abstract else declaration.abstract = Markdown.render(doc['key.doc.comment'] || '', Highlighter.default_language) end declaration end def self.parameters(doc, discovered) (doc['key.doc.parameters'] || []).map do |p| name = p['name'] { name: name, discussion: discovered[name], } end.reject { |param| param[:discussion].nil? } end def self.make_doc_info(doc, declaration) return unless should_document?(doc) if Config.instance.objc_mode declaration.declaration = Highlighter.highlight(doc['key.parsed_declaration']) declaration.other_language_declaration = Highlighter.highlight(doc['key.swift_declaration'], 'swift') else declaration.declaration = Highlighter.highlight(make_swift_declaration(doc, declaration)) end make_deprecation_info(doc, declaration) unless doc['key.doc.full_as_xml'] return process_undocumented_token(doc, declaration) end declaration.abstract = Markdown.render(doc['key.doc.comment'] || '', Highlighter.default_language) declaration.discussion = '' declaration.return = Markdown.rendered_returns declaration.parameters = parameters(doc, Markdown.rendered_parameters) @stats.add_documented end def self.make_deprecation_info(doc, declaration) if declaration.deprecated declaration.deprecation_message = Markdown.render(doc['key.deprecation_message'] || '') end if declaration.unavailable declaration.unavailable_message = Markdown.render(doc['key.unavailable_message'] || '') end end # Strip tags and convert entities def self.xml_to_text(xml) document = REXML::XPath.match(document.root, '//text()').map(&:value).join rescue '' end # Regexp to match an @attribute. Complex to handle @available(). def self.attribute_regexp(name) qstring = /"(?:[^"\\]*|\\.)*"/ %r{@#{name} # @attr name (?:\s*\( # optionally followed by spaces + parens, (?: # containing any number of either.. [^")]*| # normal characters or... #{qstring} # quoted strings. )* # (end parens content) \))? # (end optional parens) }x end # Get all attributes of some name def self.extract_attributes(declaration, name = '\w+') attrs = declaration.scan(attribute_regexp(name)) # Rouge #806 workaround, use unicode lookalike for ')' inside attributes. { |str| str.gsub(/\)(?!\s*$)/, "\ufe5a") } end def self.extract_availability(declaration) extract_attributes(declaration, 'available') end # Split leading attributes from a decl, returning both parts. def self.split_decl_attributes(declaration) declaration =~ /^((?:#{attribute_regexp('\w+')}\s*)*)(.*)$/m Regexp.last_match.captures end def self.prefer_parsed_decl?(parsed, annotated) annotated.empty? || parsed && (annotated.include?(' = default') || # SR-2608 parsed.match('@autoclosure|@escaping') || # SR-6321 parsed.include?("\n") || parsed.include?('extension ')) end # Replace the fully qualified name of a type with its base name def self.unqualify_name(annotated_decl, declaration) annotated_decl.gsub(declaration.fully_qualified_name_regexp, end # Find the best Swift declaration def self.make_swift_declaration(doc, declaration) # From compiler 'quick help' style annotated_decl_xml = doc['key.annotated_decl'] return nil unless annotated_decl_xml annotated_decl_attrs, annotated_decl_body = split_decl_attributes(xml_to_text(annotated_decl_xml)) # From source code parsed_decl = doc['key.parsed_declaration'] decl = if prefer_parsed_decl?(parsed_decl, annotated_decl_body) # Strip any attrs captured by parsed version inline_attrs, parsed_decl_body = split_decl_attributes(parsed_decl) parsed_decl_body.unindent(inline_attrs.length) else # Strip ugly references to decl type name unqualified = unqualify_name(annotated_decl_body, declaration) # Workaround for SR-9816 unqualified.gsub(" {\n get\n }", '') end # @available attrs only in compiler 'interface' style available_attrs = extract_availability(doc['key.doc.declaration'] || '') available_attrs.concat(extract_attributes(annotated_decl_attrs)) .push(decl) .join("\n") end def self.make_substructure(doc, declaration) declaration.children = if doc['key.substructure'] make_source_declarations( doc['key.substructure'], declaration, ) else [] end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def self.make_source_declarations(docs, parent = nil, mark = declarations = [] current_mark = mark Array(docs).each do |doc| if doc.key?('key.diagnostic_stage') declarations += make_source_declarations( doc['key.substructure'], parent ) next end declaration = declaration.parent_in_code = parent declaration.type =['key.kind']) declaration.typename = doc['key.typename'] declaration.objc_name = doc[''] documented_name = if Config.instance.hide_declarations == 'objc' && doc['key.swift_name'] doc['key.swift_name'] else declaration.objc_name end if declaration.type.task_mark?(documented_name) current_mark = end if declaration.type.swift_enum_case? # Enum "cases" are thin wrappers around enum "elements". declarations += make_source_declarations( doc['key.substructure'], parent, current_mark ) next end next unless declaration.type.should_document? unless raise 'Please file an issue at ' \ ' about adding support ' \ "for `#{declaration.type.kind}`." end declaration.file = Pathname(doc['key.filepath']) if doc['key.filepath'] declaration.usr = doc['key.usr'] declaration.modulename = doc['key.modulename'] = documented_name declaration.mark = current_mark declaration.access_control_level = SourceDeclaration::AccessControlLevel.from_doc(doc) declaration.line = doc['key.doc.line'] declaration.column = doc['key.doc.column'] declaration.start_line = doc['key.parsed_scope.start'] declaration.end_line = doc['key.parsed_scope.end'] declaration.deprecated = doc['key.always_deprecated'] declaration.unavailable = doc['key.always_unavailable'] next unless make_doc_info(doc, declaration) make_substructure(doc, declaration) next if declaration.type.extension? && declaration.children.empty? declarations << declaration end declarations end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # Expands extensions of nested types declared at the top level into # a tree so they can be deduplicated properly def self.expand_extensions(decls) do |decl| next decl unless decl.type.extension? &&'.') name_parts ='.') = name_parts.pop expand_extension(decl, name_parts, decls) end end def self.expand_extension(extension, name_parts, decls) return extension if name_parts.empty? name = name_parts.shift candidates = { |decl| == name } do |decl| make_default_doc_info(decl) = name decl.type = extension.type decl.mark = extension.mark decl.usr = candidates.first.usr unless candidates.empty? child = expand_extension(extension, name_parts, candidates.flat_map(&:children).uniq) child.parent_in_code = decl decl.children = [child] end end # Merges multiple extensions of the same entity into a single document. # # Merges extensions into the protocol/class/struct/enum they extend, if it # occurs in the same project. # # Merges redundant declarations when documenting podspecs. def self.deduplicate_declarations(declarations) duplicate_groups = declarations .group_by { |d| deduplication_key(d, declarations) } .values do |group| # Put extended type (if present) before extensions merge_declarations(group) end end # Returns true if an Objective-C declaration is mergeable. def self.mergeable_objc?(decl, root_decls) decl.type.objc_class? \ || (decl.type.objc_category? \ && name_match(decl.objc_category_name[0], root_decls)) end # Two declarations get merged if they have the same deduplication key. def self.deduplication_key(decl, root_decls) if decl.type.swift_extensible? || decl.type.swift_extension? [decl.usr,] elsif mergeable_objc?(decl, root_decls) name, _ = decl.objc_category_name || [name, :objc_class_and_categories] else [decl.usr,, decl.type.kind] end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # Merges all of the given types and extensions into a single document. def self.merge_declarations(decls) extensions, typedecls = decls.partition { |d| d.type.extension? } if typedecls.size > 1 warn 'Found conflicting type declarations with the same name, which ' \ 'may indicate a build issue or a bug in Jazzy: ' + { |t| "#{} #{}" } .join(', ') end typedecl = typedecls.first if typedecl if typedecl.type.swift_protocol? merge_default_implementations_into_protocol(typedecl, extensions) mark_members_from_protocol_extension(extensions) extensions.reject! { |ext| ext.children.empty? } end merge_declaration_marks(typedecl, extensions) end decls = typedecls + extensions decls.first.tap do |merged| merged.children = deduplicate_declarations( decls.flat_map(&:children).uniq, ) merged.children.each do |child| child.parent_in_code = merged end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # If any of the extensions provide default implementations for methods in # the given protocol, merge those members into the protocol doc instead of # keeping them on the extension. These get a “Default implementation” # annotation in the generated docs. def self.merge_default_implementations_into_protocol(protocol, extensions) protocol.children.each do |proto_method| extensions.each do |ext| defaults, ext.children = ext.children.partition do |ext_member| == end unless defaults.empty? proto_method.default_impl_abstract = defaults.flat_map { |d| [d.abstract, d.discussion] }.join end end end end # Protocol methods provided only in an extension and not in the protocol # itself are a special beast: they do not use dynamic dispatch. These get an # “Extension method” annotation in the generated docs. def self.mark_members_from_protocol_extension(extensions) extensions.each do |ext| ext.children.each do |ext_member| ext_member.from_protocol_extension = true end end end # Customize marks associated with to-be-merged declarations def self.merge_declaration_marks(typedecl, extensions) if typedecl.type.objc_class? # Mark children merged from categories with the name of category # (unless they already have a mark) extensions.each do |ext| _, category_name = ext.objc_category_name ext.children.each { |c| ||= category_name } end else # If the Swift extension has a mark and the first child doesn't # then copy the mark contents down so it still shows up. extensions.each do |ext| child = ext.children.first if child && child.mark.empty? child.mark.copy(ext.mark) end end end end # Apply filtering based on the "included" and "excluded" flags. def self.filter_files(json) json = filter_included_files(json) if Config.instance.included_files.any? json = filter_excluded_files(json) if Config.instance.excluded_files.any? do |doc| key = doc.keys.first doc[key] end.compact end # Filter based on the "included" flag. def self.filter_included_files(json) included_files = Config.instance.included_files do |doc| key = doc.keys.first doc if included_files.detect do |include| File.fnmatch?(include, key) end end.compact end # Filter based on the "excluded" flag. def self.filter_excluded_files(json) excluded_files = Config.instance.excluded_files do |doc| key = doc.keys.first doc unless excluded_files.detect do |exclude| File.fnmatch?(exclude, key) end end.compact end def self.name_match(name_part, docs) return nil unless name_part wildcard_expansion = Regexp.escape(name_part) .gsub('\.\.\.', '[^)]*') .gsub(/<.*>/, '') whole_name_pat = /\A#{wildcard_expansion}\Z/ docs.find do |doc| whole_name_pat =~ end end # Find the first ancestor of doc whose name matches name_part. def self.ancestor_name_match(name_part, doc) doc.namespace_ancestors.reverse_each do |ancestor| if match = name_match(name_part, ancestor.children) return match end end nil end def self.name_traversal(name_parts, doc) while doc && !name_parts.empty? next_part = name_parts.shift doc = name_match(next_part, doc.children) end doc end # Links recognized top-level declarations within # - inlined code within docs # - method signatures after they've been processed by the highlighter # # The `after_highlight` flag is used to differentiate between the two modes. def self.autolink_text(text, doc, root_decls, after_highlight = false) text.autolink_block(doc.url, '[^\s]+', after_highlight) do |raw_name| parts = raw_name .split(/(?