Class Query

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Query
extends java.lang.Object

Query encapsulates a request for zero or more Entity objects out of the datastore. It supports querying on zero or more properties, querying by ancestor, and sorting. Entity objects which match the query can be retrieved in a single list, or with an unbounded iterator.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class Query.FilterOperator
          FilterOperator specifies what type of operation you want to apply to your filter.
static class Query.FilterPredicate
          FilterPredicate is a data container that holds a single filter predicate.
static class Query.SortDirection
          SortDirection controls the order of a sort.
static class Query.SortPredicate
          SortPredicate is a data container that holds a single sort predicate.
Constructor Summary
          Create a new kind-less Query that finds Entity objects.
Query(Key ancestor)
          Create a new Query that finds Entity objects with the specified Key as an ancestor.
Query(java.lang.String kind)
          Create a new Query that finds Entity objects with the specified kind.
Query(java.lang.String kind, Key ancestor)
          Create a new Query that finds Entity objects with the specified kind.
Method Summary
 Query addFilter(java.lang.String propertyName, Query.FilterOperator operator, java.lang.Object value)
          Add a filter on the specified property.
 Query addSort(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Specify how the query results should be sorted.
 Query addSort(java.lang.String propertyName, Query.SortDirection direction)
          Specify how the query results should be sorted.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 Key getAncestor()
          Gets the current ancestor for this query, or null if there is no ancestor specified.
 java.util.List<Query.FilterPredicate> getFilterPredicates()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of the current filter predicates.
 java.lang.String getKind()
          Only Entity objects whose kind matches this value will be returned.
 java.util.List<Query.SortPredicate> getSortPredicates()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of the current sort predicates.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isKeysOnly()
          Returns true if this query will fetch and return keys only, false if it will fetch and return full entities.
 Query setAncestor(Key ancestor)
          Sets an ancestor for this query.
 Query setKeysOnly()
          Makes this query fetch and return only keys, not full entities.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Outputs a SQL like string representing the query.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Query()
Create a new kind-less Query that finds Entity objects. Currently the only operations supported on a kind-less query are filter by __key__, ancestor, and order by __key__ ascending.


public Query(java.lang.String kind)
Create a new Query that finds Entity objects with the specified kind.

kind - the kind or null to create a kind-less query


public Query(Key ancestor)
Create a new Query that finds Entity objects with the specified Key as an ancestor.

ancestor - the ancestor key or null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If ancestor is not complete.


public Query(java.lang.String kind,
             Key ancestor)
Create a new Query that finds Entity objects with the specified kind.

kind - the kind or null to create a kind-less query
ancestor - the ancestor key or null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the ancestor is not complete.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getKind()
Only Entity objects whose kind matches this value will be returned.


public Key getAncestor()
Gets the current ancestor for this query, or null if there is no ancestor specified.


public Query setAncestor(Key ancestor)
Sets an ancestor for this query. This restricts the query to only return result entities that are descended from a given entity. In other words, all of the results will have the ancestor as their parent, or parent's parent, or etc. If null is specified, unsets any previously-set ancestor. Passing null as a parameter does not query for entities without ancestors (this type of query is not currently supported).

this (for chaining)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the ancestor key is incomplete, or if you try to unset an ancestor and have not set a kind, or if you try to unset an ancestor and have not previously set an ancestor.


public Query addFilter(java.lang.String propertyName,
                       Query.FilterOperator operator,
                       java.lang.Object value)
Add a filter on the specified property.

propertyName - The name of the property to which the filter applies.
operator - The filter operator.
value - An instance of a supported datastore type. Note that entities with multi-value properties identified by propertyName will match this filter if the multi-value property has at least one value that matches the condition expressed by operator and value. For more information on multi-value property filtering please see the datastore documentation.
this (for chaining)
java.lang.NullPointerException - If propertyName or operator is null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If value is not of a type supported by the datastore. See DataTypeUtils.isSupportedType(Class). Note that unlike Entity.setProperty(String, Object), you cannot provide a Collection containing instances of supported types to this method.


public java.util.List<Query.FilterPredicate> getFilterPredicates()
Returns an unmodifiable list of the current filter predicates.


public Query addSort(java.lang.String propertyName)
Specify how the query results should be sorted. The first call to addSort will register the property that will serve as the primary sort key. A second call to addSort will set a secondary sort key, etc. This method will always sort in ascending order. To control the order of the sort, use addSort(String,SortDirection). Note that entities with multi-value properties identified by propertyName will be sorted by the smallest value in the list. For more information on sorting properties with multiple values please see the datastore documentation.

this (for chaining)
java.lang.NullPointerException - If any argument is null.


public Query addSort(java.lang.String propertyName,
                     Query.SortDirection direction)
Specify how the query results should be sorted. The first call to addSort will register the property that will serve as the primary sort key. A second call to addSort will set a secondary sort key, etc. Note that if direction is Query.SortDirection.ASCENDING, entities with multi-value properties identified by propertyName will be sorted by the smallest value in the list. If direction is Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING, entities with multi-value properties identified by propertyName will be sorted by the largest value in the list. For more information on sorting properties with multiple values please see the datastore documentation.

this (for chaining)
java.lang.NullPointerException - If any argument is null.


public java.util.List<Query.SortPredicate> getSortPredicates()
Returns an unmodifiable list of the current sort predicates.


public Query setKeysOnly()
Makes this query fetch and return only keys, not full entities.

this (for chaining)


public boolean isKeysOnly()
Returns true if this query will fetch and return keys only, false if it will fetch and return full entities.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String toString()
Outputs a SQL like string representing the query.

toString in class java.lang.Object