module SpanManager # The [SpanManager::ManagedSpan] inherits all of the OpenTracing funcionality and layers on # in-process propagation capabilities. class ManagedSpan < OpenTracing::Span extend Forwardable def_delegators :@span, :context, :operation_name=, :set_tag, :set_baggage_item, :get_baggage_item, :log, :finish # Initializes a new active span. It's ManagedSpanSource responsibility to activate the span. # # @param span [OpenTracing::Span] the span to wrap # @param deactivate [Proc] the current span deactivation supplier. The block must return instance of [SpanManager::ManagedSpan] def initialize(span, deactivate) @span = span @deactivate = deactivate.respond_to?(:call) ? deactivate : nil @active = true end # @return [OpenTracing::Span] the wrapped span def wrapped @span end # @return [Boolean] whether the span is active or not def active? @active end # Mark the end of active period for the current span in this asynchronus executor and/or thread. # It's safe to call the method multiple times. def deactivate if @active && @deactivate deactivated_span = warn "ActiveSpan::SpanSource inconsistency found during deactivation" unless deactivated_span == self @active = false end end # Finishes the current span, and if not yet deactivated marks the end of the active period for the span. # @param end_time [Time] custom end time, if not now def finish(end_time: deactivate @span.finish(end_time: end_time) end end end