#-- # Copyright (c) 2007 Jeremy Hinegardner # All rights reserved. See LICENSE and/or COPYING for details. #++ begin USING_BONES_VERSION = '3.7.0' require 'bones' rescue LoadError load 'tasks/contribute.rake' Rake.application.invoke_task( :help ) end task :default => 'test:run' task 'gem:release' => 'test:run' $:.unshift( "lib" ) require 'launchy/version' Bones { name "launchy" authors "Jeremy Hinegardner" email "jeremy@copiousfreetime.org" url 'http://www.copiousfreetime.org/projects/launchy' version Launchy::VERSION ruby_opts %w[ -W0 -rubygems ] readme_file 'README' ignore_file '.gitignore' history_file 'HISTORY' rdoc.include << "README" << "HISTORY" << "LICENSE" summary 'Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget manner.' description <<_ Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget manner. There are application concepts (browser, email client, etc) that are common across all platforms, and they may be launched differently on each platform. Launchy is here to make a common approach to launching external application from within ruby programs. _ if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" then depend_on "spoon" , "~> 0.0.1" depend_on 'ffi' , "~> 1.0.9" gem.extras = { :platform => Gem::Platform.new( "java" ) } end depend_on "addressable", "~> 2.2.6" depend_on "rake" , "~> 0.9.2", :development => true depend_on "minitest" , "~> 2.3.1", :development => true depend_on 'bones' , "~> #{USING_BONES_VERSION}", :development => true depend_on 'bones-rcov', "~> 1.0.1", :development => true depend_on 'rcov' , "~> 0.9.9", :development => true depend_on "spoon" , "~> 0.0.1", :development => true depend_on 'ffi' , "~> 1.0.9", :development => true test.files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] test.opts << "-w -Ilib:spec" rcov.opts << "--exclude gems" } # Sorry Tim, I need to manage my own bones version ::Bones.config.gem._spec.dependencies.delete_if do |d| d.name == 'bones' and d.requirement.to_s =~ /^>=/ end