{ "uri": "/v3/releases/puppetlabs-apache-0.1.1", "module": { "uri": "/v3/modules/puppetlabs-apache", "name": "apache", "owner": { "uri": "/v3/users/puppetlabs", "username": "puppetlabs", "gravatar_id": "fdd009b7c1ec96e088b389f773e87aec" } }, "version": "0.1.1", "metadata": { "project_page": "https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache", "summary": "Puppet module for Apache", "description": "Module for Apache configuration", "checksums": { "tests/dev.pp": "4cf15c1fecea3ca86009f182b402c7ab", "spec/unit/provider/a2mod/gentoo_spec.rb": "1be4e8d809ed8369de44a022254bfb7b", "spec/spec_helper.rb": "980111cecb2c99b91ac846d7b0862578", "manifests/vhost/redirect.pp": "8fdef0e0e8da73e9fb30f819de2a4464", "manifests/vhost/proxy.pp": "39a7983c5be0db66dde1d2f47f883321", "manifests/proxy.pp": "03db2be400cc08939b3566063bc58789", "manifests/php.pp": "203071fafab369cacc8b7bec80eec481", "CHANGELOG": "3705f6d39cde99023ee6de89f40910a1", "templates/vhost-redirect.conf.erb": "f12c8165c2e9a688402ec8484ef6c59c", "manifests/ssl.pp": "af7b58dbaf198b74f4b3785ceacb44c1", "files/httpd": "295f5e924afe6f752d29327e73fe6d0a", "spec/classes/params_spec.rb": "384b7b99be6d2bcd684f2ecf54d2df3e", "lib/puppet/type/a2mod.rb": "8b3005913ca51cb51e94d568f249880e", "spec/classes/mod/wsgi_spec.rb": "8e34c9ab7fc445d13d9ed318d0a34cdf", "manifests/params.pp": "c1a03be37c7e2bcd0030442553488589", "templates/vhost-default.conf.erb": "707b9b87fb97fa8c99ce3b1743f732cb", "spec/classes/mod/auth_kerb_spec.rb": "f8431c93f2a863b2664cadcb13c71e86", "Rakefile": "65bc94e790a918bcfd07686c2d51e043", "manifests/python.pp": "5f00d0b2f5fc916fdabff20d35e11846", "LICENSE": "b3f8a01d8699078d82e8c3c992307517", "spec/defines/vhost_spec.rb": "66140938dc89df1bf2458663d9663fbd", "spec/classes/dev_spec.rb": "e0392f699206ca40a5c66c51b2349ff7", "Modulefile": "458789fa5a3035e3e094c128f53c4624", "lib/puppet/provider/a2mod/modfix.rb": "b689a1c83c9ccd8590399c67f3e588e5", "lib/puppet/provider/a2mod/a2mod.rb": "0acf42d3d670a9915c5a3f46ae7335f1", "tests/init.pp": "4eac4a7ef68499854c54a78879e25535", "README.md": "9576bc9c836ef349cc62f78c635db815", "manifests/vhost.pp": "56daed888b554900d5694625da74b012", "manifests/mod/auth_kerb.pp": "a7e4d1789f23528c7a19690340387a85", "manifests/init.pp": "cb62a3aba1af2eebb7a08e45ee399065", "tests/ssl.pp": "191912535199531fd631f911c6329e56", "spec/classes/ssl_spec.rb": "f5d8c8a22a3b08647c1d7b5bdaea5fdd", "spec/classes/python_spec.rb": "af7d22879b16d3ce4a5ed70d4d880903", "manifests/mod/wsgi.pp": "90ef340ac19106fe801656091d3f9a4b", "tests/vhost.pp": "4a97d258da130cad784249a6097fd0ac", "tests/apache.pp": "4eac4a7ef68499854c54a78879e25535", "templates/vhost-proxy.conf.erb": "3f6e23159809c4aa5a20b441d12a09ad", "spec/classes/mod/python_spec.rb": "26a3d76a16abf7f2c7c9f7767196ecd1", "lib/puppet/provider/a2mod/gentoo.rb": "2492d446adbb68f678e86a75eb7ff3bd", "spec/defines/vhost/redirect_spec.rb": "337fb5c89ab5fc790ecb76f8b169a7e6", "spec/defines/vhost/proxy_spec.rb": "7c992871919bff127c45ea1d41f4a3fe", "manifests/mod/python.pp": "d68627ba8c02bcd2cf910e02e45321ee", "tests/php.pp": "ce7bb9eef69d32b42a32ce32d9653625", "templates/test.vhost.erb": "31eb6a591acc699fe4e67a7cf367d0ab", "spec/classes/php_spec.rb": "aa98098c3404325c941ad1aa71295640", "spec/classes/apache_spec.rb": "e4aff27ddc0ff9d53f2a701efde12ac0", "manifests/dev.pp": "aecfbf399723a86b00681b03a1cd13d9" }, "author": "puppetlabs", "source": "git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache.git", "types": [ { "doc": "Manage Apache 2 modules on Debian and Ubuntu", "properties": [ { "doc": "The basic property that the resource should be in. Valid values are `present`, `absent`.", "name": "ensure" } ], "providers": [ { "doc": "Manage Apache 2 modules on Debian and Ubuntu\n\nRequired binaries: `a2enmod`, `a2dismod`. Default for `operatingsystem` == `debian, ubuntu`.", "name": "a2mod" }, { "doc": "Manage Apache 2 modules on Gentoo\n\nDefault for `operatingsystem` == `gentoo`.", "name": "gentoo" }, { "doc": "Dummy provider for A2mod.\n\n Fake nil resources when there is no crontab binary available. Allows\n puppetd to run on a bootstrapped machine before a Cron package has been\n installed. Workaround for: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2384\n ", "name": "modfix" } ], "name": "a2mod", "parameters": [ { "doc": "The name of the module to be managed", "name": "name" } ] } ], "version": "0.1.1", "license": "Apache 2.0", "name": "puppetlabs-apache", "dependencies": [ { "version_requirement": ">= 0.0.4", "name": "puppetlabs/firewall" }, { "version_requirement": ">= 2.2.1", "name": "puppetlabs/stdlib" } ] }, "tags": [ "apache", "web", "virtualhost", "httpd", "centos", "rhel", "debian", "ubuntu", "apache2", "ssl", "passenger", "wsgi", "proxy", "virtual_host" ], "file_uri": "/v3/files/puppetlabs-apache-0.1.1.tar.gz", "file_size": 13280, "file_md5": "b00db93a5ee05c20207bbadcf85af2d6", "downloads": 308, "readme": "

Puppetlabs module for Apache


Apache is widely-used web server and this module will allow to configure\nvarious modules and setup virtual hosts with minimal effort.


Basic usage


To install Apache

class {'apache':  }\n

To install the Apache PHP module

class {'apache::php': }\n

Configure a virtual host


You can easily configure many parameters of a virtual host. A minimal\nexample is:

apache::vhost { 'www.example.com':\n    priority        => '10',\n    vhost_name      => '',\n    port            => '80',\n}\n

A slightly more complicated example, which moves the docroot and\nlogfile to an alternate location, might be:

apache::vhost { 'www.example.com':\n    priority        => '10',\n    vhost_name      => '',\n    port            => '80',\n    docroot         => '/home/www.example.com/docroot/',\n    logroot         => '/srv/www.example.com/logroot/',\n    serveradmin     => 'webmaster@example.com',\n    serveraliases   => ['example.com',],\n}\n



Since Puppet cannot ensure that all parent directories exist you need to\nmanage these yourself. In the more advanced example above, you need to ensure \nthat /home/www.example.com and /srv/www.example.com directories exist.




Copyright and License


Copyright (C) 2012 Puppet Labs Inc


Puppet Labs can be contacted at: info@puppetlabs.com


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at




Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.

", "changelog": "
2012-05-08 Puppet Labs <info@puppetlabs.com> - 0.0.4\ne62e362 Fix broken tests for ssl, vhost, vhost::*\n42c6363 Changes to match style guide and pass puppet-lint without error\n42bc8ba changed name => path for file resources in order to name namevar by it's name\n72e13de One end too much\n0739641 style guide fixes: 'true' <> true, $operatingsystem needs to be $::operatingsystem, etc.\n273f94d fix tests\na35ede5 (#13860) Make a2enmod/a2dismo commands optional\n98d774e (#13860) Autorequire Package['httpd']\n05fcec5 (#13073) Add missing puppet spec tests\n541afda (#6899) Remove virtual a2mod definition\n976cb69 (#13072) Move mod python and wsgi package names to params\n323915a (#13060) Add .gitignore to repo\nfdf40af (#13060) Remove pkg directory from source tree\nfd90015 Add LICENSE file and update the ModuleFile\nd3d0d23 Re-enable local php class\nd7516c7 Make management of firewalls configurable for vhosts\n60f83ba Explicitly lookup scope of apache_name in templates.\nf4d287f (#12581) Add explicit ordering for vdir directory\n88a2ac6 (#11706) puppetlabs-apache depends on puppetlabs-firewall\na776a8b (#11071) Fix to work with latest firewall module\n2b79e8b (#11070) Add support for Scientific Linux\n405b3e9 Fix for a2mod\n57b9048 Commit apache::vhost::redirect Manifest\n8862d01 Commit apache::vhost::proxy Manifest\nd5c1fd0 Commit apache::mod::wsgi Manifest\na825ac7 Commit apache::mod::python Manifest\nb77062f Commit Templates\n9a51b4a Vhost File Declarations\n6cf7312 Defaults for Parameters\n6a5b11a Ensure installed\nf672e46 a2mod fix\n8a56ee9 add pthon support to apache\n
", "license": "
Copyright (C) 2012 Puppet Labs Inc\n\nPuppet Labs can be contacted at: info@puppetlabs.com\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n
", "created_at": "2012-08-08 00:23:44 -0700", "updated_at": "2012-08-08 00:23:44 -0700", "deleted_at": null }