/* --- name: Picker.Date description: Creates a DatePicker, can be used for picking years/months/days and time, or all of them authors: Arian Stolwijk requires: [Picker, Picker.Attach, Locale.en-US.DatePicker, More/Locale, More/Date] provides: Picker.Date ... */ (function(){ this.DatePicker = Picker.Date = new Class({ Extends: Picker.Attach, options: {/* onSelect: function(date){}, minDate: new Date('3/4/2010'), // Date object or a string maxDate: new Date('3/4/2011'), // same as minDate availableDates: {}, // invertAvailable: false, format: null,*/ timePicker: false, timePickerOnly: false, // deprecated, use onlyView = 'time' timeWheelStep: 1, // 10,15,20,30 yearPicker: true, yearsPerPage: 20, startDay: 1, // Sunday (0) through Saturday (6) - be aware that this may affect your layout, since the days on the right might have a different margin rtl: false, startView: 'days', // allowed values: {time, days, months, years} openLastView: false, pickOnly: false, // 'years', 'months', 'days', 'time' canAlwaysGoUp: ['months', 'days'], updateAll : false, //whether or not to update all inputs when selecting a date weeknumbers: false, // if you like to use your own translations months_abbr: null, days_abbr: null, years_title: function(date, options){ var year = date.get('year'); return year + '-' + (year + options.yearsPerPage - 1); }, months_title: function(date, options){ return date.get('year'); }, days_title: function(date, options){ return date.format('%b %Y'); }, time_title: function(date, options){ return (options.pickOnly == 'time') ? Locale.get('DatePicker.select_a_time') : date.format('%d %B, %Y'); } }, initialize: function(attachTo, options){ this.parent(attachTo, options); this.setOptions(options); options = this.options; // If we only want to use one picker / backwards compatibility ['year', 'month', 'day', 'time'].some(function(what){ if (options[what + 'PickerOnly']){ options.pickOnly = what; return true; } return false; }); if (options.pickOnly){ options[options.pickOnly + 'Picker'] = true; options.startView = options.pickOnly; } // backward compatibility for startView var newViews = ['days', 'months', 'years']; ['month', 'year', 'decades'].some(function(what, i){ return (options.startView == what) && (options.startView = newViews[i]); }); options.canAlwaysGoUp = options.canAlwaysGoUp ? Array.convert(options.canAlwaysGoUp) : []; // Set the min and max dates as Date objects if (options.minDate){ if (!(options.minDate instanceof Date)) options.minDate = Date.parse(options.minDate); options.minDate.clearTime(); } if (options.maxDate){ if (!(options.maxDate instanceof Date)) options.maxDate = Date.parse(options.maxDate); options.maxDate.clearTime(); } if (!options.format){ options.format = (options.pickOnly != 'time') ? Locale.get('Date.shortDate') : ''; if (options.timePicker) options.format = (options.format) + (options.format ? ' ' : '') + Locale.get('Date.shortTime'); } // Some link or input has fired an event! this.addEvent('attached', function(event, element){ // This is where we store the selected date if (!this.currentView || !options.openLastView) this.currentView = options.startView; this.date = limitDate(new Date(), options.minDate, options.maxDate); var tag = element.get('tag'), input; if (tag == 'input') input = element; else { var index = this.toggles.indexOf(element); if (this.inputs[index]) input = this.inputs[index]; } this.getInputDate(input); this.input = input; this.setColumns(this.originalColumns); }.bind(this), true); }, getInputDate: function(input){ this.date = new Date(); if (!input) return; var date = Date.parse(input.get('value')); if (!date || !date.isValid()){ var storeDate = input.retrieve('datepicker:value'); if (storeDate) date = Date.parse(storeDate); } if (date && date != null && date.isValid()) this.date = date; }, // Control the previous and next elements constructPicker: function(){ this.parent(); if (!this.options.rtl){ this.previous = new Element('div.previous[html=«]').inject(this.header); this.next = new Element('div.next[html=»]').inject(this.header); } else { this.next = new Element('div.previous[html=«]').inject(this.header); this.previous = new Element('div.next[html=»]').inject(this.header); } }, hidePrevious: function(_next, _show){ this[_next ? 'next' : 'previous'].setStyle('display', _show ? 'block' : 'none'); return this; }, showPrevious: function(_next){ return this.hidePrevious(_next, true); }, setPreviousEvent: function(fn, _next){ this[_next ? 'next' : 'previous'].removeEvents('click'); if (fn) this[_next ? 'next' : 'previous'].addEvent('click', fn); return this; }, hideNext: function(){ return this.hidePrevious(true); }, showNext: function(){ return this.showPrevious(true); }, setNextEvent: function(fn){ return this.setPreviousEvent(fn, true); }, setColumns: function(columns, view, date, viewFx){ var ret = this.parent(columns), method; if ((view || this.currentView) && (method = 'render' + (view || this.currentView).capitalize()) && this[method] ) this[method](date || this.date.clone(), viewFx); return ret; }, // Render the Pickers renderYears: function(date, fx){ var options = this.options, pages = options.columns, perPage = options.yearsPerPage, _columns = [], _dates = []; this.dateElements = []; // start neatly at interval (eg. 1980 instead of 1987) date = date.clone().decrement('year', date.get('year') % perPage); var iterateDate = date.clone().decrement('year', Math.floor((pages - 1) / 2) * perPage); for (var i = pages; i--;){ var _date = iterateDate.clone(); _dates.push(_date); _columns.push(renderers.years( timesSelectors.years(options, _date.clone()), options, this.date.clone(), this.dateElements, function(date){ if (options.pickOnly == 'years') this.select(date); else this.renderMonths(date, 'fade'); this.date = date; }.bind(this) )); iterateDate.increment('year', perPage); } this.setColumnsContent(_columns, fx); this.setTitle(_dates, options.years_title); // Set limits var limitLeft = (options.minDate && date.get('year') <= options.minDate.get('year')), limitRight = (options.maxDate && (date.get('year') + options.yearsPerPage) >= options.maxDate.get('year')); this[(limitLeft ? 'hide' : 'show') + 'Previous'](); this[(limitRight ? 'hide' : 'show') + 'Next'](); this.setPreviousEvent(function(){ this.renderYears(date.decrement('year', perPage), 'left'); }.bind(this)); this.setNextEvent(function(){ this.renderYears(date.increment('year', perPage), 'right'); }.bind(this)); // We can't go up! this.setTitleEvent(null); this.currentView = 'years'; }, renderMonths: function(date, fx){ var options = this.options, years = options.columns, _columns = [], _dates = [], iterateDate = date.clone().decrement('year', Math.floor((years - 1) / 2)); this.dateElements = []; for (var i = years; i--;){ var _date = iterateDate.clone(); _dates.push(_date); _columns.push(renderers.months( timesSelectors.months(options, _date.clone()), options, this.date.clone(), this.dateElements, function(date){ if (options.pickOnly == 'months') this.select(date); else this.renderDays(date, 'fade'); this.date = date; }.bind(this) )); iterateDate.increment('year', 1); } this.setColumnsContent(_columns, fx); this.setTitle(_dates, options.months_title); // Set limits var year = date.get('year'), limitLeft = (options.minDate && year <= options.minDate.get('year')), limitRight = (options.maxDate && year >= options.maxDate.get('year')); this[(limitLeft ? 'hide' : 'show') + 'Previous'](); this[(limitRight ? 'hide' : 'show') + 'Next'](); this.setPreviousEvent(function(){ this.renderMonths(date.decrement('year', years), 'left'); }.bind(this)); this.setNextEvent(function(){ this.renderMonths(date.increment('year', years), 'right'); }.bind(this)); var canGoUp = options.yearPicker && (options.pickOnly != 'months' || options.canAlwaysGoUp.contains('months')); var titleEvent = (canGoUp) ? function(){ this.renderYears(date, 'fade'); }.bind(this) : null; this.setTitleEvent(titleEvent); this.currentView = 'months'; }, renderDays: function(date, fx){ var options = this.options, months = options.columns, _columns = [], _dates = [], iterateDate = date.clone().decrement('month', Math.floor((months - 1) / 2)); this.dateElements = []; for (var i = months; i--;){ _date = iterateDate.clone(); _dates.push(_date); _columns.push(renderers.days( timesSelectors.days(options, _date.clone()), options, this.date.clone(), this.dateElements, function(date){ if (options.pickOnly == 'days' || !options.timePicker) this.select(date) else this.renderTime(date, 'fade'); this.date = date; }.bind(this) )); iterateDate.increment('month', 1); } this.setColumnsContent(_columns, fx); this.setTitle(_dates, options.days_title); var yearmonth = date.format('%Y%m').toInt(), limitLeft = (options.minDate && yearmonth <= options.minDate.format('%Y%m')), limitRight = (options.maxDate && yearmonth >= options.maxDate.format('%Y%m')); this[(limitLeft ? 'hide' : 'show') + 'Previous'](); this[(limitRight ? 'hide' : 'show') + 'Next'](); this.setPreviousEvent(function(){ this.renderDays(date.decrement('month', months), 'left'); }.bind(this)); this.setNextEvent(function(){ this.renderDays(date.increment('month', months), 'right'); }.bind(this)); var canGoUp = options.pickOnly != 'days' || options.canAlwaysGoUp.contains('days'); var titleEvent = (canGoUp) ? function(){ this.renderMonths(date, 'fade'); }.bind(this) : null; this.setTitleEvent(titleEvent); this.currentView = 'days'; }, renderTime: function(date, fx){ var options = this.options; this.setTitle(date, options.time_title); var originalColumns = this.originalColumns = options.columns; this.currentView = null; // otherwise you'd get crazy recursion if (originalColumns != 1) this.setColumns(1); this.setContent(renderers.time( options, date.clone(), function(date){ this.select(date); }.bind(this) ), fx); // Hide « and » buttons this.hidePrevious() .hideNext() .setPreviousEvent(null) .setNextEvent(null); var canGoUp = options.pickOnly != 'time' || options.canAlwaysGoUp.contains('time'); var titleEvent = (canGoUp) ? function(){ this.setColumns(originalColumns, 'days', date, 'fade'); }.bind(this) : null; this.setTitleEvent(titleEvent); this.currentView = 'time'; }, select: function(date, all){ this.date = date; var formatted = date.format(this.options.format), time = date.strftime(), inputs = (!this.options.updateAll && !all && this.input) ? [this.input] : this.inputs; inputs.each(function(input){ input.set('value', formatted).store('datepicker:value', time).fireEvent('change'); }, this); this.fireEvent('select', [date].concat(inputs)); this.close(); return this; } }); // Renderers only output elements and calculate the limits! var timesSelectors = { years: function(options, date){ var times = []; for (var i = 0; i < options.yearsPerPage; i++){ times.push(+date); date.increment('year', 1); } return times; }, months: function(options, date){ var times = []; date.set('month', 0); for (var i = 0; i <= 11; i++){ times.push(+date); date.increment('month', 1); } return times; }, days: function(options, date){ var times = []; date.set('date', 1); while (date.get('day') != options.startDay) date.set('date', date.get('date') - 1); for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++){ times.push(+date); date.increment('day', 1); } return times; } }; var renderers = { years: function(years, options, currentDate, dateElements, fn){ var container = new Element('div.years'), today = new Date(), element, classes; years.each(function(_year, i){ var date = new Date(_year), year = date.get('year'); classes = '.year.year' + i; if (year == today.get('year')) classes += '.today'; if (year == currentDate.get('year')) classes += '.selected'; element = new Element('div' + classes, {text: year}).inject(container); dateElements.push({element: element, time: _year}); if (isUnavailable('year', date, options)) element.addClass('unavailable'); else element.addEvent('click', fn.pass(date)); }); return container; }, months: function(months, options, currentDate, dateElements, fn){ var today = new Date(), month = today.get('month'), thisyear = today.get('year'), selectedyear = currentDate.get('year'), container = new Element('div.months'), monthsAbbr = options.months_abbr || Locale.get('Date.months_abbr'), element, classes; months.each(function(_month, i){ var date = new Date(_month), year = date.get('year'); classes = '.month.month' + (i + 1); if (i == month && year == thisyear) classes += '.today'; if (i == currentDate.get('month') && year == selectedyear) classes += '.selected'; element = new Element('div' + classes, {text: monthsAbbr[i]}).inject(container); dateElements.push({element: element, time: _month}); if (isUnavailable('month', date, options)) element.addClass('unavailable'); else element.addEvent('click', fn.pass(date)); }); return container; }, days: function(days, options, currentDate, dateElements, fn){ var month = new Date(days[14]).get('month'), todayString = new Date().toDateString(), currentString = currentDate.toDateString(), weeknumbers = options.weeknumbers, container = new Element('table.days' + (weeknumbers ? '.weeknumbers' : ''), { role: 'grid', 'aria-labelledby': this.titleID }), header = new Element('thead').inject(container), body = new Element('tbody').inject(container), titles = new Element('tr.titles').inject(header), localeDaysShort = options.days_abbr || Locale.get('Date.days_abbr'), day, classes, element, weekcontainer, dateString, where = options.rtl ? 'top' : 'bottom'; if (weeknumbers) new Element('th.title.day.weeknumber', { text: Locale.get('DatePicker.week') }).inject(titles); for (day = options.startDay; day < (options.startDay + 7); day++){ new Element('th.title.day.day' + (day % 7), { text: localeDaysShort[(day % 7)], role: 'columnheader' }).inject(titles, where); } days.each(function(_date, i){ var date = new Date(_date); if (i % 7 == 0){ weekcontainer = new Element('tr.week.week' + (Math.floor(i / 7))).set('role', 'row').inject(body); if (weeknumbers) new Element('th.day.weeknumber', {text: date.get('week'), scope: 'row', role: 'rowheader'}).inject(weekcontainer); } dateString = date.toDateString(); classes = '.day.day' + date.get('day'); if (dateString == todayString) classes += '.today'; if (date.get('month') != month) classes += '.otherMonth'; element = new Element('td' + classes, {text: date.getDate(), role: 'gridcell'}).inject(weekcontainer, where); if (dateString == currentString) element.addClass('selected').set('aria-selected', 'true'); else element.set('aria-selected', 'false'); dateElements.push({element: element, time: _date}); if (isUnavailable('date', date, options)) element.addClass('unavailable'); else element.addEvent('click', fn.pass(date.clone())); }); return container; }, time: function(options, date, fn){ var container = new Element('div.time'), // make sure that the minutes are timeWheelStep * k initMinutes = (date.get('minutes') / options.timeWheelStep).round() * options.timeWheelStep if (initMinutes >= 60) initMinutes = 0; date.set('minutes', initMinutes); var hoursInput = new Element('input.hour[type=text]', { title: Locale.get('DatePicker.use_mouse_wheel'), value: date.format('%H'), events: { click: function(event){ event.target.focus(); event.stop(); }, mousewheel: function(event){ event.stop(); hoursInput.focus(); var value = hoursInput.get('value').toInt(); value = (event.wheel > 0) ? ((value < 23) ? value + 1 : 0) : ((value > 0) ? value - 1 : 23) date.set('hours', value); hoursInput.set('value', date.format('%H')); }.bind(this) }, maxlength: 2 }).inject(container); var minutesInput = new Element('input.minutes[type=text]', { title: Locale.get('DatePicker.use_mouse_wheel'), value: date.format('%M'), events: { click: function(event){ event.target.focus(); event.stop(); }, mousewheel: function(event){ event.stop(); minutesInput.focus(); var value = minutesInput.get('value').toInt(); value = (event.wheel > 0) ? ((value < 59) ? (value + options.timeWheelStep) : 0) : ((value > 0) ? (value - options.timeWheelStep) : (60 - options.timeWheelStep)); if (value >= 60) value = 0; date.set('minutes', value); minutesInput.set('value', date.format('%M')); }.bind(this) }, maxlength: 2 }).inject(container); new Element('div.separator[text=:]').inject(container); new Element('input.ok[type=submit]', { value: Locale.get('DatePicker.time_confirm_button'), events: {click: function(event){ event.stop(); date.set({ hours: hoursInput.get('value').toInt(), minutes: minutesInput.get('value').toInt() }); fn(date.clone()); }} }).inject(container); return container; } }; Picker.Date.defineRenderer = function(name, fn){ renderers[name] = fn; return this; }; var limitDate = function(date, min, max){ if (min && date < min) return min; if (max && date > max) return max; return date; }; var isUnavailable = function(type, date, options){ var minDate = options.minDate, maxDate = options.maxDate, availableDates = options.availableDates, year, month, day, ms; if (!minDate && !maxDate && !availableDates) return false; date.clearTime(); if (type == 'year'){ year = date.get('year'); return ( (minDate && year < minDate.get('year')) || (maxDate && year > maxDate.get('year')) || ( (availableDates != null && !options.invertAvailable) && ( availableDates[year] == null || Object.getLength(availableDates[year]) == 0 || Object.getLength( Object.filter(availableDates[year], function(days){ return (days.length > 0); }) ) == 0 ) ) ); } if (type == 'month'){ year = date.get('year'); month = date.get('month') + 1; ms = date.format('%Y%m').toInt(); return ( (minDate && ms < minDate.format('%Y%m').toInt()) || (maxDate && ms > maxDate.format('%Y%m').toInt()) || ( (availableDates != null && !options.invertAvailable) && ( availableDates[year] == null || availableDates[year][month] == null || availableDates[year][month].length == 0 ) ) ); } // type == 'date' year = date.get('year'); month = date.get('month') + 1; day = date.get('date'); var dateAllow = (minDate && date < minDate) || (maxDate && date > maxDate); if (availableDates != null){ dateAllow = dateAllow || availableDates[year] == null || availableDates[year][month] == null || !availableDates[year][month].contains(day); if (options.invertAvailable) dateAllow = !dateAllow; } return dateAllow; }; })();