#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ####################################################################### # # A simple example of how to use the WriteXLSX gem to # scale shapes in an Excel xlsx file. # # reverse('c'), May 2012, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org # converted to Ruby by Hideo NAKAMURA, cxn03651@msj.biglobe.ne.jp # require 'rubygems' require 'write_xlsx' workbook = WriteXLSX.new('shape3.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet normal = workbook.add_shape( :name => 'chip', :type => 'diamond', :text => 'Normal', :width => 100, :height => 100 ) worksheet.insert_shape('A1', normal, 50, 50) normal[:text] = 'Scaled 3w x 2h' normal[:name] = 'Hope' worksheet.insert_shape('A1', normal, 250, 50, 3, 2) workbook.close