require 'fragment/version' class Fragment attr_accessor :to_s def self.create(&block);; end # create_here is kept for backward compatibility def self.create_here(&block);; end def initialize outer_scope=false, &block # outer_scope argument is kept for backward compatibility # but it is not used # checking is simpler with arity instead @to_s = "" return self unless block_given? if block.arity==0 instance_eval(&block) else end self end def method_missing(meth, args={}, &block); tag(meth, args, &block); end def tag name, attributes={} @to_s << "<#{name}" if attributes.kind_of?(String) @to_s << ' ' << attributes else @to_s << attributes.delete_if{|k,v| v.nil? or v==false }.map{|(k,v)| " #{k}='#{_fragment_escape_html(v)}'" }.join end if block_given? @to_s << ">" text = yield @to_s << text.to_str if text != @to_s and text.respond_to?(:to_str) @to_s << "" else @to_s << ' />' end end # Override Kernel methods def p(args={}, &block); tag(:p, args, &block); end def select(args={}, &block); tag(:select, args, &block); end # Helpers def write(s=''); @to_s << s; end def doctype; write "\n"; end def comment(s=''); write "\n\n"; end def _fragment_escape_html(s) s.to_s.gsub(/&/, '&').gsub(/"/, '"').gsub(/'/, ''').gsub(//, '>') end end