#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'cryptum' # Initialize Driver Name & Parse cryptum Flags driver_name = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) option_choice = Cryptum::Option::Parser.get(driver_name: driver_name) # Initialize the Respective Environment / API Authentication Artifacts env = Cryptum::Option::Environment.get(option_choice: option_choice) # Dump out supported products if --list-products flag is passed and exit if option_choice.list_products Cryptum::API::Products.list_and_exit( option_choice: option_choice, env: env ) end # Instantiate Our Status Indicators & History Objects indicator_status = Cryptum::OrderBook::Indicator.new # Generate an Order Book for Session Tracking # Load previous order_book_justification from # Order Book File (if it exists) event_history = Cryptum::OrderBook::Generate.new( option_choice: option_choice, env: env ) # Initialize Curses UI terminal_win = Cryptum::UI.init(event_history: event_history) terminal_win.key_press_event.key_w = true if option_choice.reset_session_countdown # Automatically Create Bot Confs if they don't # Exist and Initialize Automated Trading Parameters bot_conf = Cryptum::BotConf.read( option_choice: option_choice, event_history: event_history ) # Connect to WebSocket # Trigger Events as Event Data # Generated via Coinbase Pro # Web Socket HTTP Responses # Refresh UI with Event Data # Update "Status Indicators" # Leverage "Status Indicators" to Initiate Actions Cryptum::WebSock::EventMachine.run( option_choice: option_choice, env: env, terminal_win: terminal_win, event_history: event_history, indicator_status: indicator_status, bot_conf: bot_conf )