 * @license
 * Lo-Dash 2.1.0 (Custom Build) <http://lodash.com/>
 * Build: `lodash -o ./dist/lodash.compat.js`
 * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation <http://dojofoundation.org/>
 * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 <http://underscorejs.org/LICENSE>
 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
 * Available under MIT license <http://lodash.com/license>
;(function() {

  /** Used as a safe reference for `undefined` in pre ES5 environments */
  var undefined;

  /** Used to pool arrays and objects used internally */
  var arrayPool = [],
      objectPool = [];

  /** Used to generate unique IDs */
  var idCounter = 0;

  /** Used internally to indicate various things */
  var indicatorObject = {};

  /** Used to prefix keys to avoid issues with `__proto__` and properties on `Object.prototype` */
  var keyPrefix = +new Date + '';

  /** Used as the size when optimizations are enabled for large arrays */
  var largeArraySize = 75;

  /** Used as the max size of the `arrayPool` and `objectPool` */
  var maxPoolSize = 40;

  /** Used to detect and test whitespace */
  var whitespace = (
    // whitespace
    ' \t\x0B\f\xA0\ufeff' +

    // line terminators
    '\n\r\u2028\u2029' +

    // unicode category "Zs" space separators

  /** Used to match empty string literals in compiled template source */
  var reEmptyStringLeading = /\b__p \+= '';/g,
      reEmptyStringMiddle = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g,
      reEmptyStringTrailing = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g;

   * Used to match ES6 template delimiters
   * http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-7.8.6
  var reEsTemplate = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g;

  /** Used to match regexp flags from their coerced string values */
  var reFlags = /\w*$/;

  /** Used to detected named functions */
  var reFuncName = /^function[ \n\r\t]+\w/;

  /** Used to match "interpolate" template delimiters */
  var reInterpolate = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g;

  /** Used to match leading whitespace and zeros to be removed */
  var reLeadingSpacesAndZeros = RegExp('^[' + whitespace + ']*0+(?=.$)');

  /** Used to ensure capturing order of template delimiters */
  var reNoMatch = /($^)/;

  /** Used to detect functions containing a `this` reference */
  var reThis = /\bthis\b/;

  /** Used to match unescaped characters in compiled string literals */
  var reUnescapedString = /['\n\r\t\u2028\u2029\\]/g;

  /** Used to assign default `context` object properties */
  var contextProps = [
    'Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'Error', 'Function', 'Math', 'Number', 'Object',
    'RegExp', 'String', '_', 'attachEvent', 'clearTimeout', 'isFinite', 'isNaN',
    'parseInt', 'setImmediate', 'setTimeout'

  /** Used to fix the JScript [[DontEnum]] bug */
  var shadowedProps = [
    'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable',
    'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf'

  /** Used to make template sourceURLs easier to identify */
  var templateCounter = 0;

  /** `Object#toString` result shortcuts */
  var argsClass = '[object Arguments]',
      arrayClass = '[object Array]',
      boolClass = '[object Boolean]',
      dateClass = '[object Date]',
      errorClass = '[object Error]',
      funcClass = '[object Function]',
      numberClass = '[object Number]',
      objectClass = '[object Object]',
      regexpClass = '[object RegExp]',
      stringClass = '[object String]';

  /** Used to identify object classifications that `_.clone` supports */
  var cloneableClasses = {};
  cloneableClasses[funcClass] = false;
  cloneableClasses[argsClass] = cloneableClasses[arrayClass] =
  cloneableClasses[boolClass] = cloneableClasses[dateClass] =
  cloneableClasses[numberClass] = cloneableClasses[objectClass] =
  cloneableClasses[regexpClass] = cloneableClasses[stringClass] = true;

  /** Used to determine if values are of the language type Object */
  var objectTypes = {
    'boolean': false,
    'function': true,
    'object': true,
    'number': false,
    'string': false,
    'undefined': false

  /** Used to escape characters for inclusion in compiled string literals */
  var stringEscapes = {
    '\\': '\\',
    "'": "'",
    '\n': 'n',
    '\r': 'r',
    '\t': 't',
    '\u2028': 'u2028',
    '\u2029': 'u2029'

  /** Used as a reference to the global object */
  var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this;

  /** Detect free variable `exports` */
  var freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;

  /** Detect free variable `module` */
  var freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module;

  /** Detect the popular CommonJS extension `module.exports` */
  var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports;

  /** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js or Browserified code and use it as `root` */
  var freeGlobal = objectTypes[typeof global] && global;
  if (freeGlobal && (freeGlobal.global === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal)) {
    root = freeGlobal;


   * The base implementation of `_.indexOf` without support for binary searches
   * or `fromIndex` constraints.
   * @private
   * @param {Array} array The array to search.
   * @param {*} value The value to search for.
   * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.
   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value or `-1`.
  function baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {
    var index = (fromIndex || 0) - 1,
        length = array ? array.length : 0;

    while (++index < length) {
      if (array[index] === value) {
        return index;
    return -1;

   * An implementation of `_.contains` for cache objects that mimics the return
   * signature of `_.indexOf` by returning `0` if the value is found, else `-1`.
   * @private
   * @param {Object} cache The cache object to inspect.
   * @param {*} value The value to search for.
   * @returns {number} Returns `0` if `value` is found, else `-1`.
  function cacheIndexOf(cache, value) {
    var type = typeof value;
    cache = cache.cache;

    if (type == 'boolean' || value == null) {
      return cache[value] ? 0 : -1;
    if (type != 'number' && type != 'string') {
      type = 'object';
    var key = type == 'number' ? value : keyPrefix + value;
    cache = (cache = cache[type]) && cache[key];

    return type == 'object'
      ? (cache && baseIndexOf(cache, value) > -1 ? 0 : -1)
      : (cache ? 0 : -1);

   * Adds a given value to the corresponding cache object.
   * @private
   * @param {*} value The value to add to the cache.
  function cachePush(value) {
    var cache = this.cache,
        type = typeof value;

    if (type == 'boolean' || value == null) {
      cache[value] = true;
    } else {
      if (type != 'number' && type != 'string') {
        type = 'object';
      var key = type == 'number' ? value : keyPrefix + value,
          typeCache = cache[type] || (cache[type] = {});

      if (type == 'object') {
        (typeCache[key] || (typeCache[key] = [])).push(value);
      } else {
        typeCache[key] = true;

   * Used by `_.max` and `_.min` as the default callback when a given
   * collection is a string value.
   * @private
   * @param {string} value The character to inspect.
   * @returns {number} Returns the code unit of given character.
  function charAtCallback(value) {
    return value.charCodeAt(0);

   * Used by `sortBy` to compare transformed `collection` elements, stable sorting
   * them in ascending order.
   * @private
   * @param {Object} a The object to compare to `b`.
   * @param {Object} b The object to compare to `a`.
   * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator of `1` or `-1`.
  function compareAscending(a, b) {
    var ac = a.criteria,
        bc = b.criteria;

    // ensure a stable sort in V8 and other engines
    // http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=90
    if (ac !== bc) {
      if (ac > bc || typeof ac == 'undefined') {
        return 1;
      if (ac < bc || typeof bc == 'undefined') {
        return -1;
    // The JS engine embedded in Adobe applications like InDesign has a buggy
    // `Array#sort` implementation that causes it, under certain circumstances,
    // to return the same value for `a` and `b`.
    // See https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore/pull/1247
    return a.index - b.index;

   * Creates a cache object to optimize linear searches of large arrays.
   * @private
   * @param {Array} [array=[]] The array to search.
   * @returns {null|Object} Returns the cache object or `null` if caching should not be used.
  function createCache(array) {
    var index = -1,
        length = array.length,
        first = array[0],
        mid = array[(length / 2) | 0],
        last = array[length - 1];

    if (first && typeof first == 'object' &&
        mid && typeof mid == 'object' && last && typeof last == 'object') {
      return false;
    var cache = getObject();
    cache['false'] = cache['null'] = cache['true'] = cache['undefined'] = false;

    var result = getObject();
    result.array = array;
    result.cache = cache;
    result.push = cachePush;

    while (++index < length) {
    return result;

   * Used by `template` to escape characters for inclusion in compiled
   * string literals.
   * @private
   * @param {string} match The matched character to escape.
   * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.
  function escapeStringChar(match) {
    return '\\' + stringEscapes[match];

   * Gets an array from the array pool or creates a new one if the pool is empty.
   * @private
   * @returns {Array} The array from the pool.
  function getArray() {
    return arrayPool.pop() || [];

   * Gets an object from the object pool or creates a new one if the pool is empty.
   * @private
   * @returns {Object} The object from the pool.
  function getObject() {
    return objectPool.pop() || {
      'args': '',
      'array': null,
      'bottom': '',
      'cache': null,
      'configurable': false,
      'criteria': null,
      'enumerable': false,
      'false': false,
      'firstArg': '',
      'index': 0,
      'init': '',
      'keys': null,
      'leading': false,
      'loop': '',
      'maxWait': 0,
      'null': false,
      'number': null,
      'object': null,
      'push': null,
      'shadowedProps': null,
      'string': null,
      'top': '',
      'trailing': false,
      'true': false,
      'undefined': false,
      'useHas': false,
      'value': null,
      'writable': false

   * Checks if `value` is a DOM node in IE < 9.
   * @private
   * @param {*} value The value to check.
   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a DOM node, else `false`.
  function isNode(value) {
    // IE < 9 presents DOM nodes as `Object` objects except they have `toString`
    // methods that are `typeof` "string" and still can coerce nodes to strings
    return typeof value.toString != 'function' && typeof (value + '') == 'string';

   * A no-operation function.
   * @private
  function noop() {
    // no operation performed

   * Releases the given array back to the array pool.
   * @private
   * @param {Array} [array] The array to release.
  function releaseArray(array) {
    array.length = 0;
    if (arrayPool.length < maxPoolSize) {

   * Releases the given object back to the object pool.
   * @private
   * @param {Object} [object] The object to release.
  function releaseObject(object) {
    var cache = object.cache;
    if (cache) {
    object.array = object.cache = object.criteria = object.object = object.number = object.string = object.value = null;
    if (objectPool.length < maxPoolSize) {

   * Slices the `collection` from the `start` index up to, but not including,
   * the `end` index.
   * Note: This function is used instead of `Array#slice` to support node lists
   * in IE < 9 and to ensure dense arrays are returned.
   * @private
   * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to slice.
   * @param {number} start The start index.
   * @param {number} end The end index.
   * @returns {Array} Returns the new array.
  function slice(array, start, end) {
    start || (start = 0);
    if (typeof end == 'undefined') {
      end = array ? array.length : 0;
    var index = -1,
        length = end - start || 0,
        result = Array(length < 0 ? 0 : length);

    while (++index < length) {
      result[index] = array[start + index];
    return result;


   * Create a new `lodash` function using the given context object.
   * @static
   * @memberOf _
   * @category Utilities
   * @param {Object} [context=root] The context object.
   * @returns {Function} Returns the `lodash` function.
  function runInContext(context) {
    // Avoid issues with some ES3 environments that attempt to use values, named
    // after built-in constructors like `Object`, for the creation of literals.
    // ES5 clears this up by stating that literals must use built-in constructors.
    // See http://es5.github.io/#x11.1.5.
    context = context ? _.defaults(root.Object(), context, _.pick(root, contextProps)) : root;

    /** Native constructor references */
    var Array = context.Array,
        Boolean = context.Boolean,
        Date = context.Date,
        Error = context.Error,
        Function = context.Function,
        Math = context.Math,
        Number = context.Number,
        Object = context.Object,
        RegExp = context.RegExp,
        String = context.String,
        TypeError = context.TypeError;

     * Used for `Array` method references.
     * Normally `Array.prototype` would suffice, however, using an array literal
     * avoids issues in Narwhal.
    var arrayRef = [];

    /** Used for native method references */
    var errorProto = Error.prototype,
        objectProto = Object.prototype,
        stringProto = String.prototype;

    /** Used to restore the original `_` reference in `noConflict` */
    var oldDash = context._;

    /** Used to detect if a method is native */
    var reNative = RegExp('^' +
        .replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
        .replace(/valueOf|for [^\]]+/g, '.+?') + '$'

    /** Native method shortcuts */
    var ceil = Math.ceil,
        clearTimeout = context.clearTimeout,
        floor = Math.floor,
        fnToString = Function.prototype.toString,
        getPrototypeOf = reNative.test(getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf) && getPrototypeOf,
        hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty,
        push = arrayRef.push,
        propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable,
        setImmediate = context.setImmediate,
        setTimeout = context.setTimeout,
        splice = arrayRef.splice,
        toString = objectProto.toString,
        unshift = arrayRef.unshift;

    var defineProperty = (function() {
      try {
        var o = {},
            func = reNative.test(func = Object.defineProperty) && func,
            result = func(o, o, o) && func;
      } catch(e) { }
      return result;

    /* Native method shortcuts for methods with the same name as other `lodash` methods */
    var nativeBind = reNative.test(nativeBind = toString.bind) && nativeBind,
        nativeCreate = reNative.test(nativeCreate = Object.create) && nativeCreate,
        nativeIsArray = reNative.test(nativeIsArray = Array.isArray) && nativeIsArray,
        nativeIsFinite = context.isFinite,
        nativeIsNaN = context.isNaN,
        nativeKeys = reNative.test(nativeKeys = Object.keys) && nativeKeys,
        nativeMax = Math.max,
        nativeMin = Math.min,
        nativeParseInt = context.parseInt,
        nativeRandom = Math.random,
        nativeSlice = arrayRef.slice;

    /** Detect various environments */
    var isIeOpera = reNative.test(context.attachEvent),
        isV8 = nativeBind && !/\n|true/.test(nativeBind + isIeOpera);

    /** Used to lookup a built-in constructor by [[Class]] */
    var ctorByClass = {};
    ctorByClass[arrayClass] = Array;
    ctorByClass[boolClass] = Boolean;
    ctorByClass[dateClass] = Date;
    ctorByClass[funcClass] = Function;
    ctorByClass[objectClass] = Object;
    ctorByClass[numberClass] = Number;
    ctorByClass[regexpClass] = RegExp;
    ctorByClass[stringClass] = String;

    /** Used to avoid iterating non-enumerable properties in IE < 9 */
    var nonEnumProps = {};
    nonEnumProps[arrayClass] = nonEnumProps[dateClass] = nonEnumProps[numberClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toLocaleString': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true };
    nonEnumProps[boolClass] = nonEnumProps[stringClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true };
    nonEnumProps[errorClass] = nonEnumProps[funcClass] = nonEnumProps[regexpClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true };
    nonEnumProps[objectClass] = { 'constructor': true };

    (function() {
      var length = shadowedProps.length;
      while (length--) {
        var prop = shadowedProps[length];
        for (var className in nonEnumProps) {
          if (hasOwnProperty.call(nonEnumProps, className) && !hasOwnProperty.call(nonEnumProps[className], prop)) {
            nonEnumProps[className][prop] = false;


     * Creates a `lodash` object which wraps the given value to enable method
     * chaining.
     * In addition to Lo-Dash methods, wrappers also have the following `Array` methods:
     * `concat`, `join`, `pop`, `push`, `reverse`, `shift`, `slice`, `sort`, `splice`,
     * and `unshift`
     * Chaining is supported in custom builds as long as the `value` method is
     * implicitly or explicitly included in the build.
     * The chainable wrapper functions are:
     * `after`, `assign`, `bind`, `bindAll`, `bindKey`, `chain`, `compact`,
     * `compose`, `concat`, `countBy`, `createCallback`, `curry`, `debounce`,
     * `defaults`, `defer`, `delay`, `difference`, `filter`, `flatten`, `forEach`,
     * `forEachRight`, `forIn`, `forInRight`, `forOwn`, `forOwnRight`, `functions`,
     * `groupBy`, `indexBy`, `initial`, `intersection`, `invert`, `invoke`, `keys`,
     * `map`, `max`, `memoize`, `merge`, `min`, `object`, `omit`, `once`, `pairs`,
     * `partial`, `partialRight`, `pick`, `pluck`, `pull`, `push`, `range`, `reject`,
     * `remove`, `rest`, `reverse`, `shuffle`, `slice`, `sort`, `sortBy`, `splice`,
     * `tap`, `throttle`, `times`, `toArray`, `transform`, `union`, `uniq`, `unshift`,
     * `unzip`, `values`, `where`, `without`, `wrap`, and `zip`
     * The non-chainable wrapper functions are:
     * `clone`, `cloneDeep`, `contains`, `escape`, `every`, `find`, `findIndex`,
     * `findKey`, `findLast`, `findLastIndex`, `findLastKey`, `has`, `identity`,
     * `indexOf`, `isArguments`, `isArray`, `isBoolean`, `isDate`, `isElement`,
     * `isEmpty`, `isEqual`, `isFinite`, `isFunction`, `isNaN`, `isNull`, `isNumber`,
     * `isObject`, `isPlainObject`, `isRegExp`, `isString`, `isUndefined`, `join`,
     * `lastIndexOf`, `mixin`, `noConflict`, `parseInt`, `pop`, `random`, `reduce`,
     * `reduceRight`, `result`, `shift`, `size`, `some`, `sortedIndex`, `runInContext`,
     * `template`, `unescape`, `uniqueId`, and `value`
     * The wrapper functions `first` and `last` return wrapped values when `n` is
     * provided, otherwise they return unwrapped values.
     * @name _
     * @constructor
     * @category Chaining
     * @param {*} value The value to wrap in a `lodash` instance.
     * @returns {Object} Returns a `lodash` instance.
     * @example
     * var wrapped = _([1, 2, 3]);
     * // returns an unwrapped value
     * wrapped.reduce(function(sum, num) {
     *   return sum + num;
     * });
     * // => 6
     * // returns a wrapped value
     * var squares = wrapped.map(function(num) {
     *   return num * num;
     * });
     * _.isArray(squares);
     * // => false
     * _.isArray(squares.value());
     * // => true
    function lodash(value) {
      // don't wrap if already wrapped, even if wrapped by a different `lodash` constructor
      return (value && typeof value == 'object' && !isArray(value) && hasOwnProperty.call(value, '__wrapped__'))
       ? value
       : new lodashWrapper(value);

     * A fast path for creating `lodash` wrapper objects.
     * @private
     * @param {*} value The value to wrap in a `lodash` instance.
     * @param {boolean} chainAll A flag to enable chaining for all methods
     * @returns {Object} Returns a `lodash` instance.
    function lodashWrapper(value, chainAll) {
      this.__chain__ = !!chainAll;
      this.__wrapped__ = value;
    // ensure `new lodashWrapper` is an instance of `lodash`
    lodashWrapper.prototype = lodash.prototype;

     * An object used to flag environments features.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Object
    var support = lodash.support = {};

    (function() {
      var ctor = function() { this.x = 1; },
          object = { '0': 1, 'length': 1 },
          props = [];

      ctor.prototype = { 'valueOf': 1, 'y': 1 };
      for (var prop in new ctor) { props.push(prop); }
      for (prop in arguments) { }

       * Detect if an `arguments` object's [[Class]] is resolvable (all but Firefox < 4, IE < 9).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.argsClass = toString.call(arguments) == argsClass;

       * Detect if `arguments` objects are `Object` objects (all but Narwhal and Opera < 10.5).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.argsObject = arguments.constructor == Object && !(arguments instanceof Array);

       * Detect if `name` or `message` properties of `Error.prototype` are
       * enumerable by default. (IE < 9, Safari < 5.1)
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.enumErrorProps = propertyIsEnumerable.call(errorProto, 'message') || propertyIsEnumerable.call(errorProto, 'name');

       * Detect if `prototype` properties are enumerable by default.
       * Firefox < 3.6, Opera > 9.50 - Opera < 11.60, and Safari < 5.1
       * (if the prototype or a property on the prototype has been set)
       * incorrectly sets a function's `prototype` property [[Enumerable]]
       * value to `true`.
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.enumPrototypes = propertyIsEnumerable.call(ctor, 'prototype');

       * Detect if `Function#bind` exists and is inferred to be fast (all but V8).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.fastBind = nativeBind && !isV8;

       * Detect if functions can be decompiled by `Function#toString`
       * (all but PS3 and older Opera mobile browsers & avoided in Windows 8 apps).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.funcDecomp = !reNative.test(context.WinRTError) && reThis.test(runInContext);

       * Detect if `Function#name` is supported (all but IE).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.funcNames = typeof Function.name == 'string';

       * Detect if `arguments` object indexes are non-enumerable
       * (Firefox < 4, IE < 9, PhantomJS, Safari < 5.1).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.nonEnumArgs = prop != 0;

       * Detect if properties shadowing those on `Object.prototype` are non-enumerable.
       * In IE < 9 an objects own properties, shadowing non-enumerable ones, are
       * made non-enumerable as well (a.k.a the JScript [[DontEnum]] bug).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.nonEnumShadows = !/valueOf/.test(props);

       * Detect if own properties are iterated after inherited properties (all but IE < 9).
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.ownLast = props[0] != 'x';

       * Detect if `Array#shift` and `Array#splice` augment array-like objects correctly.
       * Firefox < 10, IE compatibility mode, and IE < 9 have buggy Array `shift()`
       * and `splice()` functions that fail to remove the last element, `value[0]`,
       * of array-like objects even though the `length` property is set to `0`.
       * The `shift()` method is buggy in IE 8 compatibility mode, while `splice()`
       * is buggy regardless of mode in IE < 9 and buggy in compatibility mode in IE 9.
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.spliceObjects = (arrayRef.splice.call(object, 0, 1), !object[0]);

       * Detect lack of support for accessing string characters by index.
       * IE < 8 can't access characters by index and IE 8 can only access
       * characters by index on string literals.
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      support.unindexedChars = ('x'[0] + Object('x')[0]) != 'xx';

       * Detect if a DOM node's [[Class]] is resolvable (all but IE < 9)
       * and that the JS engine errors when attempting to coerce an object to
       * a string without a `toString` function.
       * @memberOf _.support
       * @type boolean
      try {
        support.nodeClass = !(toString.call(document) == objectClass && !({ 'toString': 0 } + ''));
      } catch(e) {
        support.nodeClass = true;

     * By default, the template delimiters used by Lo-Dash are similar to those in
     * embedded Ruby (ERB). Change the following template settings to use alternative
     * delimiters.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Object
    lodash.templateSettings = {

       * Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped.
       * @memberOf _.templateSettings
       * @type RegExp
      'escape': /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,

       * Used to detect code to be evaluated.
       * @memberOf _.templateSettings
       * @type RegExp
      'evaluate': /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,

       * Used to detect `data` property values to inject.
       * @memberOf _.templateSettings
       * @type RegExp
      'interpolate': reInterpolate,

       * Used to reference the data object in the template text.
       * @memberOf _.templateSettings
       * @type string
      'variable': '',

       * Used to import variables into the compiled template.
       * @memberOf _.templateSettings
       * @type Object
      'imports': {

         * A reference to the `lodash` function.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports
         * @type Function
        '_': lodash


     * The template used to create iterator functions.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} data The data object used to populate the text.
     * @returns {string} Returns the interpolated text.
    var iteratorTemplate = function(obj) {

      var __p = 'var index, iterable = ' +
      (obj.firstArg) +
      ', result = ' +
      (obj.init) +
      ';\nif (!iterable) return result;\n' +
      (obj.top) +
       if (obj.array) {
      __p += '\nvar length = iterable.length; index = -1;\nif (' +
      (obj.array) +
      ') {  ';
       if (support.unindexedChars) {
      __p += '\n  if (isString(iterable)) {\n    iterable = iterable.split(\'\')\n  }  ';
      __p += '\n  while (++index < length) {\n    ' +
      (obj.loop) +
      ';\n  }\n}\nelse {  ';
       } else if (support.nonEnumArgs) {
      __p += '\n  var length = iterable.length; index = -1;\n  if (length && isArguments(iterable)) {\n    while (++index < length) {\n      index += \'\';\n      ' +
      (obj.loop) +
      ';\n    }\n  } else {  ';

       if (support.enumPrototypes) {
      __p += '\n  var skipProto = typeof iterable == \'function\';\n  ';

       if (support.enumErrorProps) {
      __p += '\n  var skipErrorProps = iterable === errorProto || iterable instanceof Error;\n  ';

          var conditions = [];    if (support.enumPrototypes) { conditions.push('!(skipProto && index == "prototype")'); }    if (support.enumErrorProps)  { conditions.push('!(skipErrorProps && (index == "message" || index == "name"))'); }

       if (obj.useHas && obj.keys) {
      __p += '\n  var ownIndex = -1,\n      ownProps = objectTypes[typeof iterable] && keys(iterable),\n      length = ownProps ? ownProps.length : 0;\n\n  while (++ownIndex < length) {\n    index = ownProps[ownIndex];\n';
          if (conditions.length) {
      __p += '    if (' +
      (conditions.join(' && ')) +
      ') {\n  ';
      __p +=
      (obj.loop) +
      ';    ';
       if (conditions.length) {
      __p += '\n    }';
      __p += '\n  }  ';
       } else {
      __p += '\n  for (index in iterable) {\n';
          if (obj.useHas) { conditions.push("hasOwnProperty.call(iterable, index)"); }    if (conditions.length) {
      __p += '    if (' +
      (conditions.join(' && ')) +
      ') {\n  ';
      __p +=
      (obj.loop) +
      ';    ';
       if (conditions.length) {
      __p += '\n    }';
      __p += '\n  }    ';
       if (support.nonEnumShadows) {
      __p += '\n\n  if (iterable !== objectProto) {\n    var ctor = iterable.constructor,\n        isProto = iterable === (ctor && ctor.prototype),\n        className = iterable === stringProto ? stringClass : iterable === errorProto ? errorClass : toString.call(iterable),\n        nonEnum = nonEnumProps[className];\n      ';
       for (k = 0; k < 7; k++) {
      __p += '\n    index = \'' +
      (obj.shadowedProps[k]) +
      '\';\n    if ((!(isProto && nonEnum[index]) && hasOwnProperty.call(iterable, index))';
              if (!obj.useHas) {
      __p += ' || (!nonEnum[index] && iterable[index] !== objectProto[index])';
      __p += ') {\n      ' +
      (obj.loop) +
      ';\n    }      ';
      __p += '\n  }    ';


       if (obj.array || support.nonEnumArgs) {
      __p += '\n}';
      __p +=
      (obj.bottom) +
      ';\nreturn result';

      return __p


     * The base implementation of `_.clone` without argument juggling or support
     * for `thisArg` binding.
     * @private
     * @param {*} value The value to clone.
     * @param {boolean} [deep=false] Specify a deep clone.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize cloning values.
     * @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed source objects.
     * @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Associates clones with source counterparts.
     * @returns {*} Returns the cloned `value`.
    function baseClone(value, deep, callback, stackA, stackB) {
      var result = value;

      if (callback) {
        result = callback(result);
        if (typeof result != 'undefined') {
          return result;
        result = value;
      // inspect [[Class]]
      var isObj = isObject(result);
      if (isObj) {
        var className = toString.call(result);
        if (!cloneableClasses[className] || (!support.nodeClass && isNode(result))) {
          return result;
        var isArr = isArray(result);
      // shallow clone
      if (!isObj || !deep) {
        return isObj
          ? (isArr ? slice(result) : assign({}, result))
          : result;
      var ctor = ctorByClass[className];
      switch (className) {
        case boolClass:
        case dateClass:
          return new ctor(+result);

        case numberClass:
        case stringClass:
          return new ctor(result);

        case regexpClass:
          return ctor(result.source, reFlags.exec(result));
      // check for circular references and return corresponding clone
      var initedStack = !stackA;
      stackA || (stackA = getArray());
      stackB || (stackB = getArray());

      var length = stackA.length;
      while (length--) {
        if (stackA[length] == value) {
          return stackB[length];
      // init cloned object
      result = isArr ? ctor(result.length) : {};

      // add array properties assigned by `RegExp#exec`
      if (isArr) {
        if (hasOwnProperty.call(value, 'index')) {
          result.index = value.index;
        if (hasOwnProperty.call(value, 'input')) {
          result.input = value.input;
      // add the source value to the stack of traversed objects
      // and associate it with its clone

      // recursively populate clone (susceptible to call stack limits)
      (isArr ? baseEach : forOwn)(value, function(objValue, key) {
        result[key] = baseClone(objValue, deep, callback, stackA, stackB);

      if (initedStack) {
      return result;

     * The base implementation of `_.createCallback` without support for creating
     * "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callbacks.
     * @private
     * @param {*} [func=identity] The value to convert to a callback.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of the created callback.
     * @param {number} [argCount] The number of arguments the callback accepts.
     * @returns {Function} Returns a callback function.
    function baseCreateCallback(func, thisArg, argCount) {
      if (typeof func != 'function') {
        return identity;
      // exit early if there is no `thisArg`
      if (typeof thisArg == 'undefined') {
        return func;
      var bindData = func.__bindData__ || (support.funcNames && !func.name);
      if (typeof bindData == 'undefined') {
        var source = reThis && fnToString.call(func);
        if (!support.funcNames && source && !reFuncName.test(source)) {
          bindData = true;
        if (support.funcNames || !bindData) {
          // checks if `func` references the `this` keyword and stores the result
          bindData = !support.funcDecomp || reThis.test(source);
          setBindData(func, bindData);
      // exit early if there are no `this` references or `func` is bound
      if (bindData !== true && (bindData && bindData[1] & 1)) {
        return func;
      switch (argCount) {
        case 1: return function(value) {
          return func.call(thisArg, value);
        case 2: return function(a, b) {
          return func.call(thisArg, a, b);
        case 3: return function(value, index, collection) {
          return func.call(thisArg, value, index, collection);
        case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) {
          return func.call(thisArg, accumulator, value, index, collection);
      return bind(func, thisArg);

     * The base implementation of `_.flatten` without support for callback
     * shorthands or `thisArg` binding.
     * @private
     * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.
     * @param {boolean} [isShallow=false] A flag to restrict flattening to a single level.
     * @param {boolean} [isArgArrays=false] A flag to restrict flattening to arrays and `arguments` objects.
     * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to start from.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new flattened array.
    function baseFlatten(array, isShallow, isArgArrays, fromIndex) {
      var index = (fromIndex || 0) - 1,
          length = array ? array.length : 0,
          result = [];

      while (++index < length) {
        var value = array[index];

        if (value && typeof value == 'object' && typeof value.length == 'number'
            && (isArray(value) || isArguments(value))) {
          // recursively flatten arrays (susceptible to call stack limits)
          if (!isShallow) {
            value = baseFlatten(value, isShallow, isArgArrays);
          var valIndex = -1,
              valLength = value.length,
              resIndex = result.length;

          result.length += valLength;
          while (++valIndex < valLength) {
            result[resIndex++] = value[valIndex];
        } else if (!isArgArrays) {
      return result;

     * The base implementation of `_.isEqual`, without support for `thisArg` binding,
     * that allows partial "_.where" style comparisons.
     * @private
     * @param {*} a The value to compare.
     * @param {*} b The other value to compare.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize comparing values.
     * @param {Function} [isWhere=false] A flag to indicate performing partial comparisons.
     * @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed `a` objects.
     * @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Tracks traversed `b` objects.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.
    function baseIsEqual(a, b, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB) {
      // used to indicate that when comparing objects, `a` has at least the properties of `b`
      if (callback) {
        var result = callback(a, b);
        if (typeof result != 'undefined') {
          return !!result;
      // exit early for identical values
      if (a === b) {
        // treat `+0` vs. `-0` as not equal
        return a !== 0 || (1 / a == 1 / b);
      var type = typeof a,
          otherType = typeof b;

      // exit early for unlike primitive values
      if (a === a &&
          !(a && objectTypes[type]) &&
          !(b && objectTypes[otherType])) {
        return false;
      // exit early for `null` and `undefined` avoiding ES3's Function#call behavior
      // http://es5.github.io/#x15.3.4.4
      if (a == null || b == null) {
        return a === b;
      // compare [[Class]] names
      var className = toString.call(a),
          otherClass = toString.call(b);

      if (className == argsClass) {
        className = objectClass;
      if (otherClass == argsClass) {
        otherClass = objectClass;
      if (className != otherClass) {
        return false;
      switch (className) {
        case boolClass:
        case dateClass:
          // coerce dates and booleans to numbers, dates to milliseconds and booleans
          // to `1` or `0` treating invalid dates coerced to `NaN` as not equal
          return +a == +b;

        case numberClass:
          // treat `NaN` vs. `NaN` as equal
          return (a != +a)
            ? b != +b
            // but treat `+0` vs. `-0` as not equal
            : (a == 0 ? (1 / a == 1 / b) : a == +b);

        case regexpClass:
        case stringClass:
          // coerce regexes to strings (http://es5.github.io/#x15.10.6.4)
          // treat string primitives and their corresponding object instances as equal
          return a == String(b);
      var isArr = className == arrayClass;
      if (!isArr) {
        // unwrap any `lodash` wrapped values
        if (hasOwnProperty.call(a, '__wrapped__ ') || hasOwnProperty.call(b, '__wrapped__')) {
          return baseIsEqual(a.__wrapped__ || a, b.__wrapped__ || b, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB);
        // exit for functions and DOM nodes
        if (className != objectClass || (!support.nodeClass && (isNode(a) || isNode(b)))) {
          return false;
        // in older versions of Opera, `arguments` objects have `Array` constructors
        var ctorA = !support.argsObject && isArguments(a) ? Object : a.constructor,
            ctorB = !support.argsObject && isArguments(b) ? Object : b.constructor;

        // non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal
        if (ctorA != ctorB && !(
              isFunction(ctorA) && ctorA instanceof ctorA &&
              isFunction(ctorB) && ctorB instanceof ctorB
            )) {
          return false;
      // assume cyclic structures are equal
      // the algorithm for detecting cyclic structures is adapted from ES 5.1
      // section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO` (http://es5.github.io/#x15.12.3)
      var initedStack = !stackA;
      stackA || (stackA = getArray());
      stackB || (stackB = getArray());

      var length = stackA.length;
      while (length--) {
        if (stackA[length] == a) {
          return stackB[length] == b;
      var size = 0;
      result = true;

      // add `a` and `b` to the stack of traversed objects

      // recursively compare objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits)
      if (isArr) {
        length = a.length;
        size = b.length;

        // compare lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary
        result = size == a.length;
        if (!result && !isWhere) {
          return result;
        // deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties
        while (size--) {
          var index = length,
              value = b[size];

          if (isWhere) {
            while (index--) {
              if ((result = baseIsEqual(a[index], value, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB))) {
          } else if (!(result = baseIsEqual(a[size], value, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB))) {
        return result;
      // deep compare objects using `forIn`, instead of `forOwn`, to avoid `Object.keys`
      // which, in this case, is more costly
      forIn(b, function(value, key, b) {
        if (hasOwnProperty.call(b, key)) {
          // count the number of properties.
          // deep compare each property value.
          return (result = hasOwnProperty.call(a, key) && baseIsEqual(a[key], value, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB));

      if (result && !isWhere) {
        // ensure both objects have the same number of properties
        forIn(a, function(value, key, a) {
          if (hasOwnProperty.call(a, key)) {
            // `size` will be `-1` if `a` has more properties than `b`
            return (result = --size > -1);
      if (initedStack) {
      return result;

     * The base implementation of `_.merge` without argument juggling or support
     * for `thisArg` binding.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} object The destination object.
     * @param {Object} source The source object.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize merging properties.
     * @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed source objects.
     * @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Associates values with source counterparts.
    function baseMerge(object, source, callback, stackA, stackB) {
      (isArray(source) ? forEach : forOwn)(source, function(source, key) {
        var found,
            result = source,
            value = object[key];

        if (source && ((isArr = isArray(source)) || isPlainObject(source))) {
          // avoid merging previously merged cyclic sources
          var stackLength = stackA.length;
          while (stackLength--) {
            if ((found = stackA[stackLength] == source)) {
              value = stackB[stackLength];
          if (!found) {
            var isShallow;
            if (callback) {
              result = callback(value, source);
              if ((isShallow = typeof result != 'undefined')) {
                value = result;
            if (!isShallow) {
              value = isArr
                ? (isArray(value) ? value : [])
                : (isPlainObject(value) ? value : {});
            // add `source` and associated `value` to the stack of traversed objects

            // recursively merge objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits)
            if (!isShallow) {
              baseMerge(value, source, callback, stackA, stackB);
        else {
          if (callback) {
            result = callback(value, source);
            if (typeof result == 'undefined') {
              result = source;
          if (typeof result != 'undefined') {
            value = result;
        object[key] = value;

     * The base implementation of `_.uniq` without support for callback shorthands
     * or `thisArg` binding.
     * @private
     * @param {Array} array The array to process.
     * @param {boolean} [isSorted=false] A flag to indicate that `array` is sorted.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function called per iteration.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a duplicate-value-free array.
    function baseUniq(array, isSorted, callback) {
      var index = -1,
          indexOf = getIndexOf(),
          length = array ? array.length : 0,
          result = [];

      var isLarge = !isSorted && length >= largeArraySize && indexOf === baseIndexOf,
          seen = (callback || isLarge) ? getArray() : result;

      if (isLarge) {
        var cache = createCache(seen);
        if (cache) {
          indexOf = cacheIndexOf;
          seen = cache;
        } else {
          isLarge = false;
          seen = callback ? seen : (releaseArray(seen), result);
      while (++index < length) {
        var value = array[index],
            computed = callback ? callback(value, index, array) : value;

        if (isSorted
              ? !index || seen[seen.length - 1] !== computed
              : indexOf(seen, computed) < 0
            ) {
          if (callback || isLarge) {
      if (isLarge) {
      } else if (callback) {
      return result;

     * Creates a function that aggregates a collection, creating an object composed
     * of keys generated from the results of running each element of the collection
     * through a callback. The given `setter` function sets the keys and values
     * of the composed object.
     * @private
     * @param {Function} setter The setter function.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new aggregator function.
    function createAggregator(setter) {
      return function(collection, callback, thisArg) {
        var result = {};
        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);

        if (isArray(collection)) {
          var index = -1,
              length = collection.length;

          while (++index < length) {
            var value = collection[index];
            setter(result, value, callback(value, index, collection), collection);
        } else {
          baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {
            setter(result, value, callback(value, key, collection), collection);
        return result;

     * Creates a function that, when called, either curries or invokes `func`
     * with an optional `this` binding and partially applied arguments.
     * @private
     * @param {Function|string} func The function or method name to reference.
     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask of method flags to compose.
     *  The bitmask may be composed of the following flags:
     *  1 - `_.bind`
     *  2 - `_.bindKey`
     *  4 - `_.curry`
     *  8 - `_.curry` (bound)
     *  16 - `_.partial`
     *  32 - `_.partialRight`
     * @param {Array} [partialArgs] An array of arguments to prepend to those
     *  provided to the new function.
     * @param {Array} [partialRightArgs] An array of arguments to append to those
     *  provided to the new function.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.
     * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.
    function createBound(func, bitmask, partialArgs, partialRightArgs, thisArg, arity) {
      var isBind = bitmask & 1,
          isBindKey = bitmask & 2,
          isCurry = bitmask & 4,
          isCurryBound = bitmask & 8,
          isPartial = bitmask & 16,
          isPartialRight = bitmask & 32,
          key = func;

      if (!isBindKey && !isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      if (isPartial && !partialArgs.length) {
        bitmask &= ~16;
        isPartial = partialArgs = false;
      if (isPartialRight && !partialRightArgs.length) {
        bitmask &= ~32;
        isPartialRight = partialRightArgs = false;
      var bindData = func && func.__bindData__;
      if (bindData) {
        if (isBind && !(bindData[1] & 1)) {
          bindData[4] = thisArg;
        if (!isBind && bindData[1] & 1) {
          bitmask |= 8;
        if (isCurry && !(bindData[1] & 4)) {
          bindData[5] = arity;
        if (isPartial) {
          push.apply(bindData[2] || (bindData[2] = []), partialArgs);
        if (isPartialRight) {
          push.apply(bindData[3] || (bindData[3] = []), partialRightArgs);
        bindData[1] |= bitmask;
        return createBound.apply(null, bindData);
      // use `Function#bind` if it exists and is fast
      // (in V8 `Function#bind` is slower except when partially applied)
      if (isBind && !(isBindKey || isCurry || isPartialRight) &&
          (support.fastBind || (nativeBind && isPartial))) {
        if (isPartial) {
          var args = [thisArg];
          push.apply(args, partialArgs);
        var bound = isPartial
          ? nativeBind.apply(func, args)
          : nativeBind.call(func, thisArg);
      else {
        bound = function() {
          // `Function#bind` spec
          // http://es5.github.io/#x15.3.4.5
          var args = arguments,
              thisBinding = isBind ? thisArg : this;

          if (isCurry || isPartial || isPartialRight) {
            args = nativeSlice.call(args);
            if (isPartial) {
              unshift.apply(args, partialArgs);
            if (isPartialRight) {
              push.apply(args, partialRightArgs);
            if (isCurry && args.length < arity) {
              bitmask |= 16 & ~32;
              return createBound(func, (isCurryBound ? bitmask : bitmask & ~3), args, null, thisArg, arity);
          if (isBindKey) {
            func = thisBinding[key];
          if (this instanceof bound) {
            // ensure `new bound` is an instance of `func`
            thisBinding = createObject(func.prototype);

            // mimic the constructor's `return` behavior
            // http://es5.github.io/#x13.2.2
            var result = func.apply(thisBinding, args);
            return isObject(result) ? result : thisBinding;
          return func.apply(thisBinding, args);
      setBindData(bound, nativeSlice.call(arguments));
      return bound;

     * Creates compiled iteration functions.
     * @private
     * @param {...Object} [options] The compile options object(s).
     * @param {string} [options.array] Code to determine if the iterable is an array or array-like.
     * @param {boolean} [options.useHas] Specify using `hasOwnProperty` checks in the object loop.
     * @param {Function} [options.keys] A reference to `_.keys` for use in own property iteration.
     * @param {string} [options.args] A comma separated string of iteration function arguments.
     * @param {string} [options.top] Code to execute before the iteration branches.
     * @param {string} [options.loop] Code to execute in the object loop.
     * @param {string} [options.bottom] Code to execute after the iteration branches.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the compiled function.
    function createIterator() {
      var data = getObject();

      // data properties
      data.shadowedProps = shadowedProps;

      // iterator options
      data.array = data.bottom = data.loop = data.top = '';
      data.init = 'iterable';
      data.useHas = true;

      // merge options into a template data object
      for (var object, index = 0; object = arguments[index]; index++) {
        for (var key in object) {
          data[key] = object[key];
      var args = data.args;
      data.firstArg = /^[^,]+/.exec(args)[0];

      // create the function factory
      var factory = Function(
          'baseCreateCallback, errorClass, errorProto, hasOwnProperty, ' +
          'indicatorObject, isArguments, isArray, isString, keys, objectProto, ' +
          'objectTypes, nonEnumProps, stringClass, stringProto, toString',
        'return function(' + args + ') {\n' + iteratorTemplate(data) + '\n}'


      // return the compiled function
      return factory(
        baseCreateCallback, errorClass, errorProto, hasOwnProperty,
        indicatorObject, isArguments, isArray, isString, data.keys, objectProto,
        objectTypes, nonEnumProps, stringClass, stringProto, toString

     * Creates a new object with the specified `prototype`.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} prototype The prototype object.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.
    function createObject(prototype) {
      return isObject(prototype) ? nativeCreate(prototype) : {};
    // fallback for browsers without `Object.create`
    if (!nativeCreate) {
      createObject = function(prototype) {
        if (isObject(prototype)) {
          noop.prototype = prototype;
          var result = new noop;
          noop.prototype = null;
        return result || {};

     * Used by `escape` to convert characters to HTML entities.
     * @private
     * @param {string} match The matched character to escape.
     * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.
    function escapeHtmlChar(match) {
      return htmlEscapes[match];

     * Gets the appropriate "indexOf" function. If the `_.indexOf` method is
     * customized, this method returns the custom method, otherwise it returns
     * the `baseIndexOf` function.
     * @private
     * @returns {Function} Returns the "indexOf" function.
    function getIndexOf() {
      var result = (result = lodash.indexOf) === indexOf ? baseIndexOf : result;
      return result;

     * Sets `this` binding data on a given function.
     * @private
     * @param {Function} func The function to set data on.
     * @param {*} value The value to set.
    var setBindData = !defineProperty ? noop : function(func, value) {
      var descriptor = getObject();
      descriptor.value = value;
      defineProperty(func, '__bindData__', descriptor);

     * A fallback implementation of `isPlainObject` which checks if a given value
     * is an object created by the `Object` constructor, assuming objects created
     * by the `Object` constructor have no inherited enumerable properties and that
     * there are no `Object.prototype` extensions.
     * @private
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a plain object, else `false`.
    function shimIsPlainObject(value) {
      var ctor,

      // avoid non Object objects, `arguments` objects, and DOM elements
      if (!(value && toString.call(value) == objectClass) ||
          (ctor = value.constructor, isFunction(ctor) && !(ctor instanceof ctor)) ||
          (!support.argsClass && isArguments(value)) ||
          (!support.nodeClass && isNode(value))) {
        return false;
      // IE < 9 iterates inherited properties before own properties. If the first
      // iterated property is an object's own property then there are no inherited
      // enumerable properties.
      if (support.ownLast) {
        forIn(value, function(value, key, object) {
          result = hasOwnProperty.call(object, key);
          return false;
        return result !== false;
      // In most environments an object's own properties are iterated before
      // its inherited properties. If the last iterated property is an object's
      // own property then there are no inherited enumerable properties.
      forIn(value, function(value, key) {
        result = key;
      return typeof result == 'undefined' || hasOwnProperty.call(value, result);

     * Used by `unescape` to convert HTML entities to characters.
     * @private
     * @param {string} match The matched character to unescape.
     * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped character.
    function unescapeHtmlChar(match) {
      return htmlUnescapes[match];


     * Checks if `value` is an `arguments` object.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is an `arguments` object, else `false`.
     * @example
     * (function() { return _.isArguments(arguments); })(1, 2, 3);
     * // => true
     * _.isArguments([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => false
    function isArguments(value) {
      return value && typeof value == 'object' && typeof value.length == 'number' &&
        toString.call(value) == argsClass || false;
    // fallback for browsers that can't detect `arguments` objects by [[Class]]
    if (!support.argsClass) {
      isArguments = function(value) {
        return value && typeof value == 'object' && typeof value.length == 'number' &&
          hasOwnProperty.call(value, 'callee') || false;

     * Checks if `value` is an array.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Function
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is an array, else `false`.
     * @example
     * (function() { return _.isArray(arguments); })();
     * // => false
     * _.isArray([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => true
    var isArray = nativeIsArray || function(value) {
      return value && typeof value == 'object' && typeof value.length == 'number' &&
        toString.call(value) == arrayClass || false;

     * A fallback implementation of `Object.keys` which produces an array of the
     * given object's own enumerable property names.
     * @private
     * @type Function
     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
     * @returns {Array} Returns an array of property names.
    var shimKeys = createIterator({
      'args': 'object',
      'init': '[]',
      'top': 'if (!(objectTypes[typeof object])) return result',
      'loop': 'result.push(index)'

     * Creates an array composed of the own enumerable property names of an object.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
     * @returns {Array} Returns an array of property names.
     * @example
     * _.keys({ 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 });
     * // => ['one', 'two', 'three'] (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
    var keys = !nativeKeys ? shimKeys : function(object) {
      if (!isObject(object)) {
        return [];
      if ((support.enumPrototypes && typeof object == 'function') ||
          (support.nonEnumArgs && object.length && isArguments(object))) {
        return shimKeys(object);
      return nativeKeys(object);

    /** Reusable iterator options shared by `each`, `forIn`, and `forOwn` */
    var eachIteratorOptions = {
      'args': 'collection, callback, thisArg',
      'top': "callback = callback && typeof thisArg == 'undefined' ? callback : baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 3)",
      'array': "typeof length == 'number'",
      'keys': keys,
      'loop': 'if (callback(iterable[index], index, collection) === false) return result'

    /** Reusable iterator options for `assign` and `defaults` */
    var defaultsIteratorOptions = {
      'args': 'object, source, guard',
        'var args = arguments,\n' +
        '    argsIndex = 0,\n' +
        "    argsLength = typeof guard == 'number' ? 2 : args.length;\n" +
        'while (++argsIndex < argsLength) {\n' +
        '  iterable = args[argsIndex];\n' +
        '  if (iterable && objectTypes[typeof iterable]) {',
      'keys': keys,
      'loop': "if (typeof result[index] == 'undefined') result[index] = iterable[index]",
      'bottom': '  }\n}'

    /** Reusable iterator options for `forIn` and `forOwn` */
    var forOwnIteratorOptions = {
      'top': 'if (!objectTypes[typeof iterable]) return result;\n' + eachIteratorOptions.top,
      'array': false

     * Used to convert characters to HTML entities:
     * Though the `>` character is escaped for symmetry, characters like `>` and `/`
     * don't require escaping in HTML and have no special meaning unless they're part
     * of a tag or an unquoted attribute value.
     * http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/ambiguous-ampersands (under "semi-related fun fact")
    var htmlEscapes = {
      '&': '&amp;',
      '<': '&lt;',
      '>': '&gt;',
      '"': '&quot;',
      "'": '&#39;'

    /** Used to convert HTML entities to characters */
    var htmlUnescapes = invert(htmlEscapes);

    /** Used to match HTML entities and HTML characters */
    var reEscapedHtml = RegExp('(' + keys(htmlUnescapes).join('|') + ')', 'g'),
        reUnescapedHtml = RegExp('[' + keys(htmlEscapes).join('') + ']', 'g');

     * A function compiled to iterate `arguments` objects, arrays, objects, and
     * strings consistenly across environments, executing the callback for each
     * element in the collection. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked
     * with three arguments; (value, index|key, collection). Callbacks may exit
     * iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.
     * @private
     * @type Function
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.
    var baseEach = createIterator(eachIteratorOptions);


     * Assigns own enumerable properties of source object(s) to the destination
     * object. Subsequent sources will overwrite property assignments of previous
     * sources. If a callback is provided it will be executed to produce the
     * assigned values. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with two
     * arguments; (objectValue, sourceValue).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Function
     * @alias extend
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The destination object.
     * @param {...Object} [source] The source objects.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize assigning values.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the destination object.
     * @example
     * _.assign({ 'name': 'moe' }, { 'age': 40 });
     * // => { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 }
     * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assign, function(a, b) {
     *   return typeof a == 'undefined' ? b : a;
     * });
     * var food = { 'name': 'apple' };
     * defaults(food, { 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' });
     * // => { 'name': 'apple', 'type': 'fruit' }
    var assign = createIterator(defaultsIteratorOptions, {
          ';\n' +
          "if (argsLength > 3 && typeof args[argsLength - 2] == 'function') {\n" +
          '  var callback = baseCreateCallback(args[--argsLength - 1], args[argsLength--], 2);\n' +
          "} else if (argsLength > 2 && typeof args[argsLength - 1] == 'function') {\n" +
          '  callback = args[--argsLength];\n' +
      'loop': 'result[index] = callback ? callback(result[index], iterable[index]) : iterable[index]'

     * Creates a clone of `value`. If `deep` is `true` nested objects will also
     * be cloned, otherwise they will be assigned by reference. If a callback
     * is provided it will be executed to produce the cloned values. If the
     * callback returns `undefined` cloning will be handled by the method instead.
     * The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with one argument; (value).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to clone.
     * @param {boolean} [deep=false] Specify a deep clone.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize cloning values.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the cloned `value`.
     * @example
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * var shallow = _.clone(stooges);
     * shallow[0] === stooges[0];
     * // => true
     * var deep = _.clone(stooges, true);
     * deep[0] === stooges[0];
     * // => false
     * _.mixin({
     *   'clone': _.partialRight(_.clone, function(value) {
     *     return _.isElement(value) ? value.cloneNode(false) : undefined;
     *   })
     * });
     * var clone = _.clone(document.body);
     * clone.childNodes.length;
     * // => 0
    function clone(value, deep, callback, thisArg) {
      // allows working with "Collections" methods without using their `index`
      // and `collection` arguments for `deep` and `callback`
      if (typeof deep != 'boolean' && deep != null) {
        thisArg = callback;
        callback = deep;
        deep = false;
      return baseClone(value, deep, typeof callback == 'function' && baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 1));

     * Creates a deep clone of `value`. If a callback is provided it will be
     * executed to produce the cloned values. If the callback returns `undefined`
     * cloning will be handled by the method instead. The callback is bound to
     * `thisArg` and invoked with one argument; (value).
     * Note: This method is loosely based on the structured clone algorithm. Functions
     * and DOM nodes are **not** cloned. The enumerable properties of `arguments` objects and
     * objects created by constructors other than `Object` are cloned to plain `Object` objects.
     * See http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#internal-structured-cloning-algorithm.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to deep clone.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize cloning values.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the deep cloned `value`.
     * @example
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * var deep = _.cloneDeep(stooges);
     * deep[0] === stooges[0];
     * // => false
     * var view = {
     *   'label': 'docs',
     *   'node': element
     * };
     * var clone = _.cloneDeep(view, function(value) {
     *   return _.isElement(value) ? value.cloneNode(true) : undefined;
     * });
     * clone.node == view.node;
     * // => false
    function cloneDeep(value, callback, thisArg) {
      return baseClone(value, true, typeof callback == 'function' && baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 1));

     * Assigns own enumerable properties of source object(s) to the destination
     * object for all destination properties that resolve to `undefined`. Once a
     * property is set, additional defaults of the same property will be ignored.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Function
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The destination object.
     * @param {...Object} [source] The source objects.
     * @param- {Object} [guard] Allows working with `_.reduce` without using its
     *  `key` and `object` arguments as sources.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the destination object.
     * @example
     * var food = { 'name': 'apple' };
     * _.defaults(food, { 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' });
     * // => { 'name': 'apple', 'type': 'fruit' }
    var defaults = createIterator(defaultsIteratorOptions);

     * This method is like `_.findIndex` except that it returns the key of the
     * first element that passes the callback check, instead of the element itself.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to search.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called per
     *  iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used to
     *  create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the found element, else `undefined`.
     * @example
     * _.findKey({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4 }, function(num) {
     *   return num % 2 == 0;
     * });
     * // => 'b' (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
    function findKey(object, callback, thisArg) {
      var result;
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      forOwn(object, function(value, key, object) {
        if (callback(value, key, object)) {
          result = key;
          return false;
      return result;

     * This method is like `_.findKey` except that it iterates over elements
     * of a `collection` in the opposite order.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to search.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called per
     *  iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used to
     *  create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the found element, else `undefined`.
     * @example
     * _.findLastKey({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4 }, function(num) {
     *   return num % 2 == 1;
     * });
     * // => returns `c`, assuming `_.findKey` returns `a`
    function findLastKey(object, callback, thisArg) {
      var result;
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      forOwnRight(object, function(value, key, object) {
        if (callback(value, key, object)) {
          result = key;
          return false;
      return result;

     * Iterates over own and inherited enumerable properties of an object,
     * executing the callback for each property. The callback is bound to `thisArg`
     * and invoked with three arguments; (value, key, object). Callbacks may exit
     * iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Function
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
     * @example
     * function Dog(name) {
     *   this.name = name;
     * }
     * Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
     *   console.log('Woof, woof!');
     * };
     * _.forIn(new Dog('Dagny'), function(value, key) {
     *   console.log(key);
     * });
     * // => logs 'bark' and 'name' (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
    var forIn = createIterator(eachIteratorOptions, forOwnIteratorOptions, {
      'useHas': false

     * This method is like `_.forIn` except that it iterates over elements
     * of a `collection` in the opposite order.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
     * @example
     * function Dog(name) {
     *   this.name = name;
     * }
     * Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
     *   console.log('Woof, woof!');
     * };
     * _.forInRight(new Dog('Dagny'), function(value, key) {
     *   console.log(key);
     * });
     * // => logs 'name' and 'bark' assuming `_.forIn ` logs 'bark' and 'name'
    function forInRight(object, callback, thisArg) {
      var pairs = [];

      forIn(object, function(value, key) {
        pairs.push(key, value);

      var length = pairs.length;
      callback = baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      while (length--) {
        if (callback(pairs[length--], pairs[length], object) === false) {
      return object;

     * Iterates over own enumerable properties of an object, executing the callback
     * for each property. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three
     * arguments; (value, key, object). Callbacks may exit iteration early by
     * explicitly returning `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Function
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
     * @example
     * _.forOwn({ '0': 'zero', '1': 'one', 'length': 2 }, function(num, key) {
     *   console.log(key);
     * });
     * // => logs '0', '1', and 'length' (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
    var forOwn = createIterator(eachIteratorOptions, forOwnIteratorOptions);

     * This method is like `_.forOwn` except that it iterates over elements
     * of a `collection` in the opposite order.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
     * @example
     * _.forOwnRight({ '0': 'zero', '1': 'one', 'length': 2 }, function(num, key) {
     *   console.log(key);
     * });
     * // => logs 'length', '1', and '0' assuming `_.forOwn` logs '0', '1', and 'length'
    function forOwnRight(object, callback, thisArg) {
      var props = keys(object),
          length = props.length;

      callback = baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      while (length--) {
        var key = props[length];
        if (callback(object[key], key, object) === false) {
      return object;

     * Creates a sorted array of property names of all enumerable properties,
     * own and inherited, of `object` that have function values.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias methods
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
     * @returns {Array} Returns an array of property names that have function values.
     * @example
     * _.functions(_);
     * // => ['all', 'any', 'bind', 'bindAll', 'clone', 'compact', 'compose', ...]
    function functions(object) {
      var result = [];
      forIn(object, function(value, key) {
        if (isFunction(value)) {
      return result.sort();

     * Checks if the specified object `property` exists and is a direct property,
     * instead of an inherited property.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to check.
     * @param {string} property The property to check for.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if key is a direct property, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.has({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, 'b');
     * // => true
    function has(object, property) {
      return object ? hasOwnProperty.call(object, property) : false;

     * Creates an object composed of the inverted keys and values of the given object.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to invert.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the created inverted object.
     * @example
     *  _.invert({ 'first': 'moe', 'second': 'larry' });
     * // => { 'moe': 'first', 'larry': 'second' }
    function invert(object) {
      var index = -1,
          props = keys(object),
          length = props.length,
          result = {};

      while (++index < length) {
        var key = props[index];
        result[object[key]] = key;
      return result;

     * Checks if `value` is a boolean value.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a boolean value, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isBoolean(null);
     * // => false
    function isBoolean(value) {
      return value === true || value === false || toString.call(value) == boolClass;

     * Checks if `value` is a date.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a date, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isDate(new Date);
     * // => true
    function isDate(value) {
      return value ? (typeof value == 'object' && toString.call(value) == dateClass) : false;

     * Checks if `value` is a DOM element.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a DOM element, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isElement(document.body);
     * // => true
    function isElement(value) {
      return value ? value.nodeType === 1 : false;

     * Checks if `value` is empty. Arrays, strings, or `arguments` objects with a
     * length of `0` and objects with no own enumerable properties are considered
     * "empty".
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Array|Object|string} value The value to inspect.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is empty, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => false
     * _.isEmpty({});
     * // => true
     * _.isEmpty('');
     * // => true
    function isEmpty(value) {
      var result = true;
      if (!value) {
        return result;
      var className = toString.call(value),
          length = value.length;

      if ((className == arrayClass || className == stringClass ||
          (support.argsClass ? className == argsClass : isArguments(value))) ||
          (className == objectClass && typeof length == 'number' && isFunction(value.splice))) {
        return !length;
      forOwn(value, function() {
        return (result = false);
      return result;

     * Performs a deep comparison between two values to determine if they are
     * equivalent to each other. If a callback is provided it will be executed
     * to compare values. If the callback returns `undefined` comparisons will
     * be handled by the method instead. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and
     * invoked with two arguments; (a, b).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} a The value to compare.
     * @param {*} b The other value to compare.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize comparing values.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.
     * @example
     * var moe = { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 };
     * var copy = { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 };
     * moe == copy;
     * // => false
     * _.isEqual(moe, copy);
     * // => true
     * var words = ['hello', 'goodbye'];
     * var otherWords = ['hi', 'goodbye'];
     * _.isEqual(words, otherWords, function(a, b) {
     *   var reGreet = /^(?:hello|hi)$/i,
     *       aGreet = _.isString(a) && reGreet.test(a),
     *       bGreet = _.isString(b) && reGreet.test(b);
     *   return (aGreet || bGreet) ? (aGreet == bGreet) : undefined;
     * });
     * // => true
    function isEqual(a, b, callback, thisArg) {
      return baseIsEqual(a, b, typeof callback == 'function' && baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 2));

     * Checks if `value` is, or can be coerced to, a finite number.
     * Note: This is not the same as native `isFinite` which will return true for
     * booleans and empty strings. See http://es5.github.io/#x15.1.2.5.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is finite, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isFinite(-101);
     * // => true
     * _.isFinite('10');
     * // => true
     * _.isFinite(true);
     * // => false
     * _.isFinite('');
     * // => false
     * _.isFinite(Infinity);
     * // => false
    function isFinite(value) {
      return nativeIsFinite(value) && !nativeIsNaN(parseFloat(value));

     * Checks if `value` is a function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a function, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isFunction(_);
     * // => true
    function isFunction(value) {
      return typeof value == 'function';
    // fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari
    if (isFunction(/x/)) {
      isFunction = function(value) {
        return typeof value == 'function' && toString.call(value) == funcClass;

     * Checks if `value` is the language type of Object.
     * (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`)
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is an object, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isObject({});
     * // => true
     * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => true
     * _.isObject(1);
     * // => false
    function isObject(value) {
      // check if the value is the ECMAScript language type of Object
      // http://es5.github.io/#x8
      // and avoid a V8 bug
      // http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2291
      return !!(value && objectTypes[typeof value]);

     * Checks if `value` is `NaN`.
     * Note: This is not the same as native `isNaN` which will return `true` for
     * `undefined` and other non-numeric values. See http://es5.github.io/#x15.1.2.4.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is `NaN`, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isNaN(NaN);
     * // => true
     * _.isNaN(new Number(NaN));
     * // => true
     * isNaN(undefined);
     * // => true
     * _.isNaN(undefined);
     * // => false
    function isNaN(value) {
      // `NaN` as a primitive is the only value that is not equal to itself
      // (perform the [[Class]] check first to avoid errors with some host objects in IE)
      return isNumber(value) && value != +value;

     * Checks if `value` is `null`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is `null`, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isNull(null);
     * // => true
     * _.isNull(undefined);
     * // => false
    function isNull(value) {
      return value === null;

     * Checks if `value` is a number.
     * Note: `NaN` is considered a number. See http://es5.github.io/#x8.5.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a number, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isNumber(8.4 * 5);
     * // => true
    function isNumber(value) {
      return typeof value == 'number' || toString.call(value) == numberClass;

     * Checks if `value` is an object created by the `Object` constructor.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a plain object, else `false`.
     * @example
     * function Stooge(name, age) {
     *   this.name = name;
     *   this.age = age;
     * }
     * _.isPlainObject(new Stooge('moe', 40));
     * // => false
     * _.isPlainObject([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => false
     * _.isPlainObject({ 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 });
     * // => true
    var isPlainObject = !getPrototypeOf ? shimIsPlainObject : function(value) {
      if (!(value && toString.call(value) == objectClass) || (!support.argsClass && isArguments(value))) {
        return false;
      var valueOf = value.valueOf,
          objProto = typeof valueOf == 'function' && (objProto = getPrototypeOf(valueOf)) && getPrototypeOf(objProto);

      return objProto
        ? (value == objProto || getPrototypeOf(value) == objProto)
        : shimIsPlainObject(value);

     * Checks if `value` is a regular expression.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a regular expression, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isRegExp(/moe/);
     * // => true
    function isRegExp(value) {
      return (value && objectTypes[typeof value]) ? toString.call(value) == regexpClass : false;

     * Checks if `value` is a string.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a string, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isString('moe');
     * // => true
    function isString(value) {
      return typeof value == 'string' || toString.call(value) == stringClass;

     * Checks if `value` is `undefined`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {*} value The value to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is `undefined`, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.isUndefined(void 0);
     * // => true
    function isUndefined(value) {
      return typeof value == 'undefined';

     * Recursively merges own enumerable properties of the source object(s), that
     * don't resolve to `undefined` into the destination object. Subsequent sources
     * will overwrite property assignments of previous sources. If a callback is
     * provided it will be executed to produce the merged values of the destination
     * and source properties. If the callback returns `undefined` merging will
     * be handled by the method instead. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and
     * invoked with two arguments; (objectValue, sourceValue).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The destination object.
     * @param {...Object} [source] The source objects.
     * @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize merging properties.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the destination object.
     * @example
     * var names = {
     *   'stooges': [
     *     { 'name': 'moe' },
     *     { 'name': 'larry' }
     *   ]
     * };
     * var ages = {
     *   'stooges': [
     *     { 'age': 40 },
     *     { 'age': 50 }
     *   ]
     * };
     * _.merge(names, ages);
     * // => { 'stooges': [{ 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 }, { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }] }
     * var food = {
     *   'fruits': ['apple'],
     *   'vegetables': ['beet']
     * };
     * var otherFood = {
     *   'fruits': ['banana'],
     *   'vegetables': ['carrot']
     * };
     * _.merge(food, otherFood, function(a, b) {
     *   return _.isArray(a) ? a.concat(b) : undefined;
     * });
     * // => { 'fruits': ['apple', 'banana'], 'vegetables': ['beet', 'carrot] }
    function merge(object) {
      var args = arguments,
          length = 2;

      if (!isObject(object)) {
        return object;
      // allows working with `_.reduce` and `_.reduceRight` without using
      // their `index` and `collection` arguments
      if (typeof args[2] != 'number') {
        length = args.length;
      if (length > 3 && typeof args[length - 2] == 'function') {
        var callback = baseCreateCallback(args[--length - 1], args[length--], 2);
      } else if (length > 2 && typeof args[length - 1] == 'function') {
        callback = args[--length];
      var sources = nativeSlice.call(arguments, 1, length),
          index = -1,
          stackA = getArray(),
          stackB = getArray();

      while (++index < length) {
        baseMerge(object, sources[index], callback, stackA, stackB);
      return object;

     * Creates a shallow clone of `object` excluding the specified properties.
     * Property names may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays of
     * property names. If a callback is provided it will be executed for each
     * property of `object` omitting the properties the callback returns truey
     * for. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments;
     * (value, key, object).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The source object.
     * @param {Function|...string|string[]} [callback] The properties to omit or the
     *  function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns an object without the omitted properties.
     * @example
     * _.omit({ 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 }, 'age');
     * // => { 'name': 'moe' }
     * _.omit({ 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 }, function(value) {
     *   return typeof value == 'number';
     * });
     * // => { 'name': 'moe' }
    function omit(object, callback, thisArg) {
      var indexOf = getIndexOf(),
          isFunc = typeof callback == 'function',
          result = {};

      if (isFunc) {
        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      } else {
        var props = baseFlatten(arguments, true, false, 1);
      forIn(object, function(value, key, object) {
        if (isFunc
              ? !callback(value, key, object)
              : indexOf(props, key) < 0
            ) {
          result[key] = value;
      return result;

     * Creates a two dimensional array of an object's key-value pairs,
     * i.e. `[[key1, value1], [key2, value2]]`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
     * @returns {Array} Returns new array of key-value pairs.
     * @example
     * _.pairs({ 'moe': 30, 'larry': 40 });
     * // => [['moe', 30], ['larry', 40]] (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
    function pairs(object) {
      var index = -1,
          props = keys(object),
          length = props.length,
          result = Array(length);

      while (++index < length) {
        var key = props[index];
        result[index] = [key, object[key]];
      return result;

     * Creates a shallow clone of `object` composed of the specified properties.
     * Property names may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays of
     * property names. If a callback is provided it will be executed for each
     * property of `object` picking the properties the callback returns truey
     * for. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments;
     * (value, key, object).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The source object.
     * @param {Function|...string|string[]} [callback] The function called per
     *  iteration or property names to pick, specified as individual property
     *  names or arrays of property names.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns an object composed of the picked properties.
     * @example
     * _.pick({ 'name': 'moe', '_userid': 'moe1' }, 'name');
     * // => { 'name': 'moe' }
     * _.pick({ 'name': 'moe', '_userid': 'moe1' }, function(value, key) {
     *   return key.charAt(0) != '_';
     * });
     * // => { 'name': 'moe' }
    function pick(object, callback, thisArg) {
      var result = {};
      if (typeof callback != 'function') {
        var index = -1,
            props = baseFlatten(arguments, true, false, 1),
            length = isObject(object) ? props.length : 0;

        while (++index < length) {
          var key = props[index];
          if (key in object) {
            result[key] = object[key];
      } else {
        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
        forIn(object, function(value, key, object) {
          if (callback(value, key, object)) {
            result[key] = value;
      return result;

     * An alternative to `_.reduce` this method transforms `object` to a new
     * `accumulator` object which is the result of running each of its elements
     * through a callback, with each callback execution potentially mutating
     * the `accumulator` object. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked
     * with four arguments; (accumulator, value, key, object). Callbacks may exit
     * iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [accumulator] The custom accumulator value.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.
     * @example
     * var squares = _.transform([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], function(result, num) {
     *   num *= num;
     *   if (num % 2) {
     *     return result.push(num) < 3;
     *   }
     * });
     * // => [1, 9, 25]
     * var mapped = _.transform({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, function(result, num, key) {
     *   result[key] = num * 3;
     * });
     * // => { 'a': 3, 'b': 6, 'c': 9 }
    function transform(object, callback, accumulator, thisArg) {
      var isArr = isArray(object);
      callback = baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 4);

      if (accumulator == null) {
        if (isArr) {
          accumulator = [];
        } else {
          var ctor = object && object.constructor,
              proto = ctor && ctor.prototype;

          accumulator = createObject(proto);
      (isArr ? baseEach : forOwn)(object, function(value, index, object) {
        return callback(accumulator, value, index, object);
      return accumulator;

     * Creates an array composed of the own enumerable property values of `object`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Objects
     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
     * @returns {Array} Returns an array of property values.
     * @example
     * _.values({ 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 });
     * // => [1, 2, 3] (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
    function values(object) {
      var index = -1,
          props = keys(object),
          length = props.length,
          result = Array(length);

      while (++index < length) {
        result[index] = object[props[index]];
      return result;


     * Creates an array of elements from the specified indexes, or keys, of the
     * `collection`. Indexes may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays
     * of indexes.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {...(number|number[]|string|string[])} [index] The indexes of `collection`
     *   to retrieve, specified as individual indexes or arrays of indexes.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of elements corresponding to the
     *  provided indexes.
     * @example
     * _.at(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], [0, 2, 4]);
     * // => ['a', 'c', 'e']
     * _.at(['moe', 'larry', 'curly'], 0, 2);
     * // => ['moe', 'curly']
    function at(collection) {
      var args = arguments,
          index = -1,
          props = baseFlatten(args, true, false, 1),
          length = (args[2] && args[2][args[1]] === collection) ? 1 : props.length,
          result = Array(length);

      if (support.unindexedChars && isString(collection)) {
        collection = collection.split('');
      while(++index < length) {
        result[index] = collection[props[index]];
      return result;

     * Checks if a given value is present in a collection using strict equality
     * for comparisons, i.e. `===`. If `fromIndex` is negative, it is used as the
     * offset from the end of the collection.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias include
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {*} target The value to check for.
     * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `target` element is found, else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.contains([1, 2, 3], 1);
     * // => true
     * _.contains([1, 2, 3], 1, 2);
     * // => false
     * _.contains({ 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 }, 'moe');
     * // => true
     * _.contains('curly', 'ur');
     * // => true
    function contains(collection, target, fromIndex) {
      var index = -1,
          indexOf = getIndexOf(),
          length = collection ? collection.length : 0,
          result = false;

      fromIndex = (fromIndex < 0 ? nativeMax(0, length + fromIndex) : fromIndex) || 0;
      if (isArray(collection)) {
        result = indexOf(collection, target, fromIndex) > -1;
      } else if (typeof length == 'number') {
        result = (isString(collection) ? collection.indexOf(target, fromIndex) : indexOf(collection, target, fromIndex)) > -1;
      } else {
        baseEach(collection, function(value) {
          if (++index >= fromIndex) {
            return !(result = value === target);
      return result;

     * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running
     * each element of `collection` through the callback. The corresponding value
     * of each key is the number of times the key was returned by the callback.
     * The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments;
     * (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.
     * @example
     * _.countBy([4.3, 6.1, 6.4], function(num) { return Math.floor(num); });
     * // => { '4': 1, '6': 2 }
     * _.countBy([4.3, 6.1, 6.4], function(num) { return this.floor(num); }, Math);
     * // => { '4': 1, '6': 2 }
     * _.countBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length');
     * // => { '3': 2, '5': 1 }
    var countBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {
      (hasOwnProperty.call(result, key) ? result[key]++ : result[key] = 1);

     * Checks if the given callback returns truey value for **all** elements of
     * a collection. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three
     * arguments; (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias all
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements passed the callback check,
     *  else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.every([true, 1, null, 'yes'], Boolean);
     * // => false
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.every(stooges, 'age');
     * // => true
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.every(stooges, { 'age': 50 });
     * // => false
    function every(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var result = true;
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);

      if (isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        while (++index < length) {
          if (!(result = !!callback(collection[index], index, collection))) {
      } else {
        baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
          return (result = !!callback(value, index, collection));
      return result;

     * Iterates over elements of a collection, returning an array of all elements
     * the callback returns truey for. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and
     * invoked with three arguments; (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias select
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of elements that passed the callback check.
     * @example
     * var evens = _.filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], function(num) { return num % 2 == 0; });
     * // => [2, 4, 6]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'apple',  'organic': false, 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true,  'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.filter(food, 'organic');
     * // => [{ 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true, 'type': 'vegetable' }]
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.filter(food, { 'type': 'fruit' });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'apple', 'organic': false, 'type': 'fruit' }]
    function filter(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var result = [];
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);

      if (isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        while (++index < length) {
          var value = collection[index];
          if (callback(value, index, collection)) {
      } else {
        baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
          if (callback(value, index, collection)) {
      return result;

     * Iterates over elements of a collection, returning the first element that
     * the callback returns truey for. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and
     * invoked with three arguments; (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias detect, findWhere
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the found element, else `undefined`.
     * @example
     * _.find([1, 2, 3, 4], function(num) {
     *   return num % 2 == 0;
     * });
     * // => 2
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'apple',  'organic': false, 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'banana', 'organic': true,  'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'organic': false, 'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.find(food, { 'type': 'vegetable' });
     * // => { 'name': 'beet', 'organic': false, 'type': 'vegetable' }
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.find(food, 'organic');
     * // => { 'name': 'banana', 'organic': true, 'type': 'fruit' }
    function find(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);

      if (isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        while (++index < length) {
          var value = collection[index];
          if (callback(value, index, collection)) {
            return value;
      } else {
        var result;
        baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
          if (callback(value, index, collection)) {
            result = value;
            return false;
        return result;

     * This method is like `_.find` except that it iterates over elements
     * of a `collection` from right to left.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the found element, else `undefined`.
     * @example
     * _.findLast([1, 2, 3, 4], function(num) {
     *   return num % 2 == 1;
     * });
     * // => 3
    function findLast(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var result;
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      forEachRight(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
        if (callback(value, index, collection)) {
          result = value;
          return false;
      return result;

     * Iterates over elements of a collection, executing the callback for each
     * element. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments;
     * (value, index|key, collection). Callbacks may exit iteration early by
     * explicitly returning `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias each
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.
     * @example
     * _([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function(num) { console.log(num); }).join(',');
     * // => logs each number and returns '1,2,3'
     * _.forEach({ 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 }, function(num) { console.log(num); });
     * // => logs each number and returns the object (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
    function forEach(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      if (callback && typeof thisArg == 'undefined' && isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        while (++index < length) {
          if (callback(collection[index], index, collection) === false) {
      } else {
        baseEach(collection, callback, thisArg);
      return collection;

     * This method is like `_.forEach` except that it iterates over elements
     * of a `collection` from right to left.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias eachRight
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.
     * @example
     * _([1, 2, 3]).forEachRight(function(num) { console.log(num); }).join(',');
     * // => logs each number from right to left and returns '3,2,1'
    function forEachRight(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var iterable = collection,
          length = collection ? collection.length : 0;

      callback = callback && typeof thisArg == 'undefined' ? callback : baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      if (isArray(collection)) {
        while (length--) {
          if (callback(collection[length], length, collection) === false) {
      } else {
        if (typeof length != 'number') {
          var props = keys(collection);
          length = props.length;
        } else if (support.unindexedChars && isString(collection)) {
          iterable = collection.split('');
        baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {
          key = props ? props[--length] : --length;
          return callback(iterable[key], key, collection);
      return collection;

     * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running
     * each element of a collection through the callback. The corresponding value
     * of each key is an array of the elements responsible for generating the key.
     * The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments;
     * (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.
     * @example
     * _.groupBy([4.2, 6.1, 6.4], function(num) { return Math.floor(num); });
     * // => { '4': [4.2], '6': [6.1, 6.4] }
     * _.groupBy([4.2, 6.1, 6.4], function(num) { return this.floor(num); }, Math);
     * // => { '4': [4.2], '6': [6.1, 6.4] }
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length');
     * // => { '3': ['one', 'two'], '5': ['three'] }
    var groupBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {
      (hasOwnProperty.call(result, key) ? result[key] : result[key] = []).push(value);

     * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running
     * each element of the collection through the given callback. The corresponding
     * value of each key is the last element responsible for generating the key.
     * The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments;
     * (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.
     * @example
     * var keys = [
     *   { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 },
     *   { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 }
     * ];
     * _.indexBy(keys, 'dir');
     * // => { 'left': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'right': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }
     * _.indexBy(keys, function(key) { return String.fromCharCode(key.code); });
     * // => { 'a': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'd': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }
     * _.indexBy(stooges, function(key) { this.fromCharCode(key.code); }, String);
     * // => { 'a': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'd': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }
    var indexBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {
      result[key] = value;

     * Invokes the method named by `methodName` on each element in the `collection`
     * returning an array of the results of each invoked method. Additional arguments
     * will be provided to each invoked method. If `methodName` is a function it
     * will be invoked for, and `this` bound to, each element in the `collection`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|string} methodName The name of the method to invoke or
     *  the function invoked per iteration.
     * @param {...*} [arg] Arguments to invoke the method with.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of the results of each invoked method.
     * @example
     * _.invoke([[5, 1, 7], [3, 2, 1]], 'sort');
     * // => [[1, 5, 7], [1, 2, 3]]
     * _.invoke([123, 456], String.prototype.split, '');
     * // => [['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']]
    function invoke(collection, methodName) {
      var args = nativeSlice.call(arguments, 2),
          index = -1,
          isFunc = typeof methodName == 'function',
          length = collection ? collection.length : 0,
          result = Array(typeof length == 'number' ? length : 0);

      forEach(collection, function(value) {
        result[++index] = (isFunc ? methodName : value[methodName]).apply(value, args);
      return result;

     * Creates an array of values by running each element in the collection
     * through the callback. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with
     * three arguments; (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias collect
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of the results of each `callback` execution.
     * @example
     * _.map([1, 2, 3], function(num) { return num * 3; });
     * // => [3, 6, 9]
     * _.map({ 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 }, function(num) { return num * 3; });
     * // => [3, 6, 9] (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.map(stooges, 'name');
     * // => ['moe', 'larry']
    function map(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var index = -1,
          length = collection ? collection.length : 0,
          result = Array(typeof length == 'number' ? length : 0);

      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      if (isArray(collection)) {
        while (++index < length) {
          result[index] = callback(collection[index], index, collection);
      } else {
        baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {
          result[++index] = callback(value, key, collection);
      return result;

     * Retrieves the maximum value of a collection. If the collection is empty or
     * falsey `-Infinity` is returned. If a callback is provided it will be executed
     * for each value in the collection to generate the criterion by which the value
     * is ranked. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three
     * arguments; (value, index, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value.
     * @example
     * _.max([4, 2, 8, 6]);
     * // => 8
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * _.max(stooges, function(stooge) { return stooge.age; });
     * // => { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 };
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.max(stooges, 'age');
     * // => { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 };
    function max(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var computed = -Infinity,
          result = computed;

      if (!callback && isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        while (++index < length) {
          var value = collection[index];
          if (value > result) {
            result = value;
      } else {
        callback = (!callback && isString(collection))
          ? charAtCallback
          : lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);

        baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
          var current = callback(value, index, collection);
          if (current > computed) {
            computed = current;
            result = value;
      return result;

     * Retrieves the minimum value of a collection. If the collection is empty or
     * falsey `Infinity` is returned. If a callback is provided it will be executed
     * for each value in the collection to generate the criterion by which the value
     * is ranked. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three
     * arguments; (value, index, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value.
     * @example
     * _.min([4, 2, 8, 6]);
     * // => 2
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * _.min(stooges, function(stooge) { return stooge.age; });
     * // => { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 };
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.min(stooges, 'age');
     * // => { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 };
    function min(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var computed = Infinity,
          result = computed;

      if (!callback && isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        while (++index < length) {
          var value = collection[index];
          if (value < result) {
            result = value;
      } else {
        callback = (!callback && isString(collection))
          ? charAtCallback
          : lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);

        baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
          var current = callback(value, index, collection);
          if (current < computed) {
            computed = current;
            result = value;
      return result;

     * Retrieves the value of a specified property from all elements in the `collection`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Function
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {string} property The property to pluck.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of property values.
     * @example
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * _.pluck(stooges, 'name');
     * // => ['moe', 'larry']
    var pluck = map;

     * Reduces a collection to a value which is the accumulated result of running
     * each element in the collection through the callback, where each successive
     * callback execution consumes the return value of the previous execution. If
     * `accumulator` is not provided the first element of the collection will be
     * used as the initial `accumulator` value. The callback is bound to `thisArg`
     * and invoked with four arguments; (accumulator, value, index|key, collection).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias foldl, inject
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [accumulator] Initial value of the accumulator.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.
     * @example
     * var sum = _.reduce([1, 2, 3], function(sum, num) {
     *   return sum + num;
     * });
     * // => 6
     * var mapped = _.reduce({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, function(result, num, key) {
     *   result[key] = num * 3;
     *   return result;
     * }, {});
     * // => { 'a': 3, 'b': 6, 'c': 9 }
    function reduce(collection, callback, accumulator, thisArg) {
      var noaccum = arguments.length < 3;
      callback = baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 4);

      if (isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        if (noaccum) {
          accumulator = collection[++index];
        while (++index < length) {
          accumulator = callback(accumulator, collection[index], index, collection);
      } else {
        baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
          accumulator = noaccum
            ? (noaccum = false, value)
            : callback(accumulator, value, index, collection)
      return accumulator;

     * This method is like `_.reduce` except that it iterates over elements
     * of a `collection` from right to left.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias foldr
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [accumulator] Initial value of the accumulator.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.
     * @example
     * var list = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]];
     * var flat = _.reduceRight(list, function(a, b) { return a.concat(b); }, []);
     * // => [4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1]
    function reduceRight(collection, callback, accumulator, thisArg) {
      var noaccum = arguments.length < 3;
      callback = baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 4);
      forEachRight(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
        accumulator = noaccum
          ? (noaccum = false, value)
          : callback(accumulator, value, index, collection);
      return accumulator;

     * The opposite of `_.filter` this method returns the elements of a
     * collection that the callback does **not** return truey for.
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of elements that failed the callback check.
     * @example
     * var odds = _.reject([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], function(num) { return num % 2 == 0; });
     * // => [1, 3, 5]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'apple',  'organic': false, 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true,  'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.reject(food, 'organic');
     * // => [{ 'name': 'apple', 'organic': false, 'type': 'fruit' }]
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.reject(food, { 'type': 'fruit' });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true, 'type': 'vegetable' }]
    function reject(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      return filter(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
        return !callback(value, index, collection);

     * Retrieves a random element or `n` random elements from a collection.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to sample.
     * @param {number} [n] The number of elements to sample.
     * @param- {Object} [guard] Allows working with functions, like `_.map`,
     *  without using their `key` and `object` arguments as sources.
     * @returns {Array} Returns the random sample(s) of `collection`.
     * @example
     * _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4]);
     * // => 2
     * _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4], 2);
     * // => [3, 1]
    function sample(collection, n, guard) {
      var length = collection ? collection.length : 0;
      if (typeof length != 'number') {
        collection = values(collection);
      } else if (support.unindexedChars && isString(collection)) {
        collection = collection.split('');
      if (n == null || guard) {
        return collection ? collection[random(length - 1)] : undefined;
      var result = shuffle(collection);
      result.length = nativeMin(nativeMax(0, n), result.length);
      return result;

     * Creates an array of shuffled values, using a version of the Fisher-Yates
     * shuffle. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher-Yates_shuffle.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to shuffle.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new shuffled collection.
     * @example
     * _.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
     * // => [4, 1, 6, 3, 5, 2]
    function shuffle(collection) {
      var index = -1,
          length = collection ? collection.length : 0,
          result = Array(typeof length == 'number' ? length : 0);

      forEach(collection, function(value) {
        var rand = random(++index);
        result[index] = result[rand];
        result[rand] = value;
      return result;

     * Gets the size of the `collection` by returning `collection.length` for arrays
     * and array-like objects or the number of own enumerable properties for objects.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to inspect.
     * @returns {number} Returns `collection.length` or number of own enumerable properties.
     * @example
     * _.size([1, 2]);
     * // => 2
     * _.size({ 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 });
     * // => 3
     * _.size('curly');
     * // => 5
    function size(collection) {
      var length = collection ? collection.length : 0;
      return typeof length == 'number' ? length : keys(collection).length;

     * Checks if the callback returns a truey value for **any** element of a
     * collection. The function returns as soon as it finds a passing value and
     * does not iterate over the entire collection. The callback is bound to
     * `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments; (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias any
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passed the callback check,
     *  else `false`.
     * @example
     * _.some([null, 0, 'yes', false], Boolean);
     * // => true
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'apple',  'organic': false, 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true,  'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.some(food, 'organic');
     * // => true
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.some(food, { 'type': 'meat' });
     * // => false
    function some(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var result;
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);

      if (isArray(collection)) {
        var index = -1,
            length = collection.length;

        while (++index < length) {
          if ((result = callback(collection[index], index, collection))) {
      } else {
        baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {
          return !(result = callback(value, index, collection));
      return !!result;

     * Creates an array of elements, sorted in ascending order by the results of
     * running each element in a collection through the callback. This method
     * performs a stable sort, that is, it will preserve the original sort order
     * of equal elements. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with
     * three arguments; (value, index|key, collection).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of sorted elements.
     * @example
     * _.sortBy([1, 2, 3], function(num) { return Math.sin(num); });
     * // => [3, 1, 2]
     * _.sortBy([1, 2, 3], function(num) { return this.sin(num); }, Math);
     * // => [3, 1, 2]
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.sortBy(['banana', 'strawberry', 'apple'], 'length');
     * // => ['apple', 'banana', 'strawberry']
    function sortBy(collection, callback, thisArg) {
      var index = -1,
          length = collection ? collection.length : 0,
          result = Array(typeof length == 'number' ? length : 0);

      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      forEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {
        var object = result[++index] = getObject();
        object.criteria = callback(value, key, collection);
        object.index = index;
        object.value = value;

      length = result.length;
      while (length--) {
        var object = result[length];
        result[length] = object.value;
      return result;

     * Converts the `collection` to an array.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to convert.
     * @returns {Array} Returns the new converted array.
     * @example
     * (function() { return _.toArray(arguments).slice(1); })(1, 2, 3, 4);
     * // => [2, 3, 4]
    function toArray(collection) {
      if (collection && typeof collection.length == 'number') {
        return (support.unindexedChars && isString(collection))
          ? collection.split('')
          : slice(collection);
      return values(collection);

     * Performs a deep comparison of each element in a `collection` to the given
     * `properties` object, returning an array of all elements that have equivalent
     * property values.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type Function
     * @category Collections
     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
     * @param {Object} properties The object of property values to filter by.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of elements that have the given properties.
     * @example
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'curly', 'age': 30, 'quotes': ['Oh, a wise guy, eh?', 'Poifect!'] },
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40, 'quotes': ['Spread out!', 'You knucklehead!'] }
     * ];
     * _.where(stooges, { 'age': 40 });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40, 'quotes': ['Spread out!', 'You knucklehead!'] }]
     * _.where(stooges, { 'quotes': ['Poifect!'] });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'curly', 'age': 30, 'quotes': ['Oh, a wise guy, eh?', 'Poifect!'] }]
    var where = filter;


     * Creates an array with all falsey values removed. The values `false`, `null`,
     * `0`, `""`, `undefined`, and `NaN` are all falsey.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to compact.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of filtered values.
     * @example
     * _.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]);
     * // => [1, 2, 3]
    function compact(array) {
      var index = -1,
          length = array ? array.length : 0,
          result = [];

      while (++index < length) {
        var value = array[index];
        if (value) {
      return result;

     * Creates an array excluding all values of the provided arrays using strict
     * equality for comparisons, i.e. `===`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to process.
     * @param {...Array} [array] The arrays of values to exclude.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of filtered values.
     * @example
     * _.difference([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 2, 10]);
     * // => [1, 3, 4]
    function difference(array) {
      var index = -1,
          indexOf = getIndexOf(),
          length = array ? array.length : 0,
          seen = baseFlatten(arguments, true, true, 1),
          result = [];

      var isLarge = length >= largeArraySize && indexOf === baseIndexOf;

      if (isLarge) {
        var cache = createCache(seen);
        if (cache) {
          indexOf = cacheIndexOf;
          seen = cache;
        } else {
          isLarge = false;
      while (++index < length) {
        var value = array[index];
        if (indexOf(seen, value) < 0) {
      if (isLarge) {
      return result;

     * This method is like `_.find` except that it returns the index of the first
     * element that passes the callback check, instead of the element itself.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to search.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`.
     * @example
     * _.findIndex(['apple', 'banana', 'beet'], function(food) {
     *   return /^b/.test(food);
     * });
     * // => 1
    function findIndex(array, callback, thisArg) {
      var index = -1,
          length = array ? array.length : 0;

      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      while (++index < length) {
        if (callback(array[index], index, array)) {
          return index;
      return -1;

     * This method is like `_.findIndex` except that it iterates over elements
     * of a `collection` from right to left.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to search.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`.
     * @example
     * _.findLastIndex(['apple', 'banana', 'beet'], function(food) {
     *   return /^b/.test(food);
     * });
     * // => 2
    function findLastIndex(array, callback, thisArg) {
      var length = array ? array.length : 0;
      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      while (length--) {
        if (callback(array[length], length, array)) {
          return length;
      return -1;

     * Gets the first element or first `n` elements of an array. If a callback
     * is provided elements at the beginning of the array are returned as long
     * as the callback returns truey. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and
     * invoked with three arguments; (value, index, array).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias head, take
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to query.
     * @param {Function|Object|number|string} [callback] The function called
     *  per element or the number of elements to return. If a property name or
     *  object is provided it will be used to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where"
     *  style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the first element(s) of `array`.
     * @example
     * _.first([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => 1
     * _.first([1, 2, 3], 2);
     * // => [1, 2]
     * _.first([1, 2, 3], function(num) {
     *   return num < 3;
     * });
     * // => [1, 2]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'banana', 'organic': true },
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'organic': false },
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.first(food, 'organic');
     * // => [{ 'name': 'banana', 'organic': true }]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'apple',  'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.first(food, { 'type': 'fruit' });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'apple', 'type': 'fruit' }, { 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' }]
    function first(array, callback, thisArg) {
      var n = 0,
          length = array ? array.length : 0;

      if (typeof callback != 'number' && callback != null) {
        var index = -1;
        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
        while (++index < length && callback(array[index], index, array)) {
      } else {
        n = callback;
        if (n == null || thisArg) {
          return array ? array[0] : undefined;
      return slice(array, 0, nativeMin(nativeMax(0, n), length));

     * Flattens a nested array (the nesting can be to any depth). If `isShallow`
     * is truey, the array will only be flattened a single level. If a callback
     * is provided each element of the array is passed through the callback before
     * flattening. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three
     * arguments; (value, index, array).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.
     * @param {boolean} [isShallow=false] A flag to restrict flattening to a single level.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new flattened array.
     * @example
     * _.flatten([1, [2], [3, [[4]]]]);
     * // => [1, 2, 3, 4];
     * _.flatten([1, [2], [3, [[4]]]], true);
     * // => [1, 2, 3, [[4]]];
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'curly', 'quotes': ['Oh, a wise guy, eh?', 'Poifect!'] },
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'quotes': ['Spread out!', 'You knucklehead!'] }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.flatten(stooges, 'quotes');
     * // => ['Oh, a wise guy, eh?', 'Poifect!', 'Spread out!', 'You knucklehead!']
    function flatten(array, isShallow, callback, thisArg) {
      // juggle arguments
      if (typeof isShallow != 'boolean' && isShallow != null) {
        thisArg = callback;
        callback = !(thisArg && thisArg[isShallow] === array) ? isShallow : null;
        isShallow = false;
      if (callback != null) {
        array = map(array, callback, thisArg);
      return baseFlatten(array, isShallow);

     * Gets the index at which the first occurrence of `value` is found using
     * strict equality for comparisons, i.e. `===`. If the array is already sorted
     * providing `true` for `fromIndex` will run a faster binary search.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to search.
     * @param {*} value The value to search for.
     * @param {boolean|number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from or `true`
     *  to perform a binary search on a sorted array.
     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value or `-1`.
     * @example
     * _.indexOf([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2);
     * // => 1
     * _.indexOf([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3);
     * // => 4
     * _.indexOf([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], 2, true);
     * // => 2
    function indexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {
      if (typeof fromIndex == 'number') {
        var length = array ? array.length : 0;
        fromIndex = (fromIndex < 0 ? nativeMax(0, length + fromIndex) : fromIndex || 0);
      } else if (fromIndex) {
        var index = sortedIndex(array, value);
        return array[index] === value ? index : -1;
      return baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex);

     * Gets all but the last element or last `n` elements of an array. If a
     * callback is provided elements at the end of the array are excluded from
     * the result as long as the callback returns truey. The callback is bound
     * to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments; (value, index, array).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to query.
     * @param {Function|Object|number|string} [callback=1] The function called
     *  per element or the number of elements to exclude. If a property name or
     *  object is provided it will be used to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where"
     *  style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a slice of `array`.
     * @example
     * _.initial([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => [1, 2]
     * _.initial([1, 2, 3], 2);
     * // => [1]
     * _.initial([1, 2, 3], function(num) {
     *   return num > 1;
     * });
     * // => [1]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'organic': false },
     *   { 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.initial(food, 'organic');
     * // => [{ 'name': 'beet',   'organic': false }]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'type': 'vegetable' },
     *   { 'name': 'carrot', 'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.initial(food, { 'type': 'vegetable' });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' }]
    function initial(array, callback, thisArg) {
      var n = 0,
          length = array ? array.length : 0;

      if (typeof callback != 'number' && callback != null) {
        var index = length;
        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
        while (index-- && callback(array[index], index, array)) {
      } else {
        n = (callback == null || thisArg) ? 1 : callback || n;
      return slice(array, 0, nativeMin(nativeMax(0, length - n), length));

     * Creates an array of unique values present in all provided arrays using
     * strict equality for comparisons, i.e. `===`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {...Array} [array] The arrays to inspect.
     * @returns {Array} Returns an array of composite values.
     * @example
     * _.intersection([1, 2, 3], [101, 2, 1, 10], [2, 1]);
     * // => [1, 2]
    function intersection(array) {
      var args = arguments,
          argsLength = args.length,
          argsIndex = -1,
          caches = getArray(),
          index = -1,
          indexOf = getIndexOf(),
          length = array ? array.length : 0,
          result = [],
          seen = getArray();

      while (++argsIndex < argsLength) {
        var value = args[argsIndex];
        caches[argsIndex] = indexOf === baseIndexOf &&
          (value ? value.length : 0) >= largeArraySize &&
          createCache(argsIndex ? args[argsIndex] : seen);
      while (++index < length) {
        var cache = caches[0];
        value = array[index];

        if ((cache ? cacheIndexOf(cache, value) : indexOf(seen, value)) < 0) {
          argsIndex = argsLength;
          (cache || seen).push(value);
          while (--argsIndex) {
            cache = caches[argsIndex];
            if ((cache ? cacheIndexOf(cache, value) : indexOf(args[argsIndex], value)) < 0) {
              continue outer;
      while (argsLength--) {
        cache = caches[argsLength];
        if (cache) {
      return result;

     * Gets the last element or last `n` elements of an array. If a callback is
     * provided elements at the end of the array are returned as long as the
     * callback returns truey. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked
     * with three arguments; (value, index, array).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to query.
     * @param {Function|Object|number|string} [callback] The function called
     *  per element or the number of elements to return. If a property name or
     *  object is provided it will be used to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where"
     *  style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {*} Returns the last element(s) of `array`.
     * @example
     * _.last([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => 3
     * _.last([1, 2, 3], 2);
     * // => [2, 3]
     * _.last([1, 2, 3], function(num) {
     *   return num > 1;
     * });
     * // => [2, 3]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'organic': false },
     *   { 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true }
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.last(food, 'organic');
     * // => [{ 'name': 'carrot', 'organic': true }]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'type': 'vegetable' },
     *   { 'name': 'carrot', 'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.last(food, { 'type': 'vegetable' });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'beet', 'type': 'vegetable' }, { 'name': 'carrot', 'type': 'vegetable' }]
    function last(array, callback, thisArg) {
      var n = 0,
          length = array ? array.length : 0;

      if (typeof callback != 'number' && callback != null) {
        var index = length;
        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
        while (index-- && callback(array[index], index, array)) {
      } else {
        n = callback;
        if (n == null || thisArg) {
          return array ? array[length - 1] : undefined;
      return slice(array, nativeMax(0, length - n));

     * Gets the index at which the last occurrence of `value` is found using strict
     * equality for comparisons, i.e. `===`. If `fromIndex` is negative, it is used
     * as the offset from the end of the collection.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to search.
     * @param {*} value The value to search for.
     * @param {number} [fromIndex=array.length-1] The index to search from.
     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value or `-1`.
     * @example
     * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2);
     * // => 4
     * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3);
     * // => 1
    function lastIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {
      var index = array ? array.length : 0;
      if (typeof fromIndex == 'number') {
        index = (fromIndex < 0 ? nativeMax(0, index + fromIndex) : nativeMin(fromIndex, index - 1)) + 1;
      while (index--) {
        if (array[index] === value) {
          return index;
      return -1;

     * Removes all provided values from the given array using strict equality for
     * comparisons, i.e. `===`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.
     * @param {...*} [value] The values to remove.
     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.
     * @example
     * var array = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3];
     * _.pull(array, 2, 3);
     * console.log(array);
     * // => [1, 1]
    function pull(array) {
      var args = arguments,
          argsIndex = 0,
          argsLength = args.length,
          length = array ? array.length : 0;

      while (++argsIndex < argsLength) {
        var index = -1,
            value = args[argsIndex];
        while (++index < length) {
          if (array[index] === value) {
            splice.call(array, index--, 1);
      return array;

     * Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from
     * `start` up to but not including `end`. If `start` is less than `stop` a
     * zero-length range is created unless a negative `step` is specified.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range.
     * @param {number} end The end of the range.
     * @param {number} [step=1] The value to increment or decrement by.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new range array.
     * @example
     * _.range(10);
     * // => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
     * _.range(1, 11);
     * // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
     * _.range(0, 30, 5);
     * // => [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
     * _.range(0, -10, -1);
     * // => [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9]
     * _.range(1, 4, 0);
     * // => [1, 1, 1]
     * _.range(0);
     * // => []
    function range(start, end, step) {
      start = +start || 0;
      step = typeof step == 'number' ? step : (+step || 1);

      if (end == null) {
        end = start;
        start = 0;
      // use `Array(length)` so engines, like Chakra and V8, avoid slower modes
      // http://youtu.be/XAqIpGU8ZZk#t=17m25s
      var index = -1,
          length = nativeMax(0, ceil((end - start) / (step || 1))),
          result = Array(length);

      while (++index < length) {
        result[index] = start;
        start += step;
      return result;

     * Removes all elements from an array that the callback returns truey for
     * and returns an array of removed elements. The callback is bound to `thisArg`
     * and invoked with three arguments; (value, index, array).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of removed elements.
     * @example
     * var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
     * var evens = _.remove(array, function(num) { return num % 2 == 0; });
     * console.log(array);
     * // => [1, 3, 5]
     * console.log(evens);
     * // => [2, 4, 6]
    function remove(array, callback, thisArg) {
      var index = -1,
          length = array ? array.length : 0,
          result = [];

      callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      while (++index < length) {
        var value = array[index];
        if (callback(value, index, array)) {
          splice.call(array, index--, 1);
      return result;

     * The opposite of `_.initial` this method gets all but the first element or
     * first `n` elements of an array. If a callback function is provided elements
     * at the beginning of the array are excluded from the result as long as the
     * callback returns truey. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked
     * with three arguments; (value, index, array).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias drop, tail
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to query.
     * @param {Function|Object|number|string} [callback=1] The function called
     *  per element or the number of elements to exclude. If a property name or
     *  object is provided it will be used to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where"
     *  style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a slice of `array`.
     * @example
     * _.rest([1, 2, 3]);
     * // => [2, 3]
     * _.rest([1, 2, 3], 2);
     * // => [3]
     * _.rest([1, 2, 3], function(num) {
     *   return num < 3;
     * });
     * // => [3]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'banana', 'organic': true },
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'organic': false },
     * ];
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.rest(food, 'organic');
     * // => [{ 'name': 'beet', 'organic': false }]
     * var food = [
     *   { 'name': 'apple',  'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'banana', 'type': 'fruit' },
     *   { 'name': 'beet',   'type': 'vegetable' }
     * ];
     * // using "_.where" callback shorthand
     * _.rest(food, { 'type': 'fruit' });
     * // => [{ 'name': 'beet', 'type': 'vegetable' }]
    function rest(array, callback, thisArg) {
      if (typeof callback != 'number' && callback != null) {
        var n = 0,
            index = -1,
            length = array ? array.length : 0;

        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
        while (++index < length && callback(array[index], index, array)) {
      } else {
        n = (callback == null || thisArg) ? 1 : nativeMax(0, callback);
      return slice(array, n);

     * Uses a binary search to determine the smallest index at which a value
     * should be inserted into a given sorted array in order to maintain the sort
     * order of the array. If a callback is provided it will be executed for
     * `value` and each element of `array` to compute their sort ranking. The
     * callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with one argument; (value).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.
     * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted
     *  into `array`.
     * @example
     * _.sortedIndex([20, 30, 50], 40);
     * // => 2
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.sortedIndex([{ 'x': 20 }, { 'x': 30 }, { 'x': 50 }], { 'x': 40 }, 'x');
     * // => 2
     * var dict = {
     *   'wordToNumber': { 'twenty': 20, 'thirty': 30, 'fourty': 40, 'fifty': 50 }
     * };
     * _.sortedIndex(['twenty', 'thirty', 'fifty'], 'fourty', function(word) {
     *   return dict.wordToNumber[word];
     * });
     * // => 2
     * _.sortedIndex(['twenty', 'thirty', 'fifty'], 'fourty', function(word) {
     *   return this.wordToNumber[word];
     * }, dict);
     * // => 2
    function sortedIndex(array, value, callback, thisArg) {
      var low = 0,
          high = array ? array.length : low;

      // explicitly reference `identity` for better inlining in Firefox
      callback = callback ? lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 1) : identity;
      value = callback(value);

      while (low < high) {
        var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
        (callback(array[mid]) < value)
          ? low = mid + 1
          : high = mid;
      return low;

     * Creates an array of unique values, in order, of the provided arrays using
     * strict equality for comparisons, i.e. `===`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {...Array} [array] The arrays to inspect.
     * @returns {Array} Returns an array of composite values.
     * @example
     * _.union([1, 2, 3], [101, 2, 1, 10], [2, 1]);
     * // => [1, 2, 3, 101, 10]
    function union(array) {
      return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arguments, true, true));

     * Creates a duplicate-value-free version of an array using strict equality
     * for comparisons, i.e. `===`. If the array is sorted, providing
     * `true` for `isSorted` will use a faster algorithm. If a callback is provided
     * each element of `array` is passed through the callback before uniqueness
     * is computed. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three
     * arguments; (value, index, array).
     * If a property name is provided for `callback` the created "_.pluck" style
     * callback will return the property value of the given element.
     * If an object is provided for `callback` the created "_.where" style callback
     * will return `true` for elements that have the properties of the given object,
     * else `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias unique
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to process.
     * @param {boolean} [isSorted=false] A flag to indicate that `array` is sorted.
     * @param {Function|Object|string} [callback=identity] The function called
     *  per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it will be used
     *  to create a "_.pluck" or "_.where" style callback, respectively.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a duplicate-value-free array.
     * @example
     * _.uniq([1, 2, 1, 3, 1]);
     * // => [1, 2, 3]
     * _.uniq([1, 1, 2, 2, 3], true);
     * // => [1, 2, 3]
     * _.uniq(['A', 'b', 'C', 'a', 'B', 'c'], function(letter) { return letter.toLowerCase(); });
     * // => ['A', 'b', 'C']
     * _.uniq([1, 2.5, 3, 1.5, 2, 3.5], function(num) { return this.floor(num); }, Math);
     * // => [1, 2.5, 3]
     * // using "_.pluck" callback shorthand
     * _.uniq([{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');
     * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }]
    function uniq(array, isSorted, callback, thisArg) {
      // juggle arguments
      if (typeof isSorted != 'boolean' && isSorted != null) {
        thisArg = callback;
        callback = !(thisArg && thisArg[isSorted] === array) ? isSorted : null;
        isSorted = false;
      if (callback != null) {
        callback = lodash.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
      return baseUniq(array, isSorted, callback);

     * Creates an array excluding all provided values using strict equality for
     * comparisons, i.e. `===`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} array The array to filter.
     * @param {...*} [value] The values to exclude.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of filtered values.
     * @example
     * _.without([1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 1, 4], 0, 1);
     * // => [2, 3, 4]
    function without(array) {
      return difference(array, nativeSlice.call(arguments, 1));

     * Creates an array of grouped elements, the first of which contains the first
     * elements of the given arrays, the second of which contains the second
     * elements of the given arrays, and so on.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias unzip
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {...Array} [array] Arrays to process.
     * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of grouped elements.
     * @example
     * _.zip(['moe', 'larry'], [30, 40], [true, false]);
     * // => [['moe', 30, true], ['larry', 40, false]]
    function zip() {
      var array = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments : arguments[0],
          index = -1,
          length = array ? max(pluck(array, 'length')) : 0,
          result = Array(length < 0 ? 0 : length);

      while (++index < length) {
        result[index] = pluck(array, index);
      return result;

     * Creates an object composed from arrays of `keys` and `values`. Provide
     * either a single two dimensional array, i.e. `[[key1, value1], [key2, value2]]`
     * or two arrays, one of `keys` and one of corresponding `values`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias object
     * @category Arrays
     * @param {Array} keys The array of keys.
     * @param {Array} [values=[]] The array of values.
     * @returns {Object} Returns an object composed of the given keys and
     *  corresponding values.
     * @example
     * _.zipObject(['moe', 'larry'], [30, 40]);
     * // => { 'moe': 30, 'larry': 40 }
    function zipObject(keys, values) {
      var index = -1,
          length = keys ? keys.length : 0,
          result = {};

      while (++index < length) {
        var key = keys[index];
        if (values) {
          result[key] = values[index];
        } else if (key) {
          result[key[0]] = key[1];
      return result;


     * Creates a function that executes `func`, with  the `this` binding and
     * arguments of the created function, only after being called `n` times.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {number} n The number of times the function must be called before
     *  `func` is executed.
     * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.
     * @example
     * var saves = ['profile', 'settings'];
     * var done = _.after(saves.length, function() {
     *   console.log('Done saving!');
     * });
     * _.forEach(saves, function(type) {
     *   asyncSave({ 'type': type, 'complete': done });
     * });
     * // => logs 'Done saving!', after all saves have completed
    function after(n, func) {
      if (!isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      return function() {
        if (--n < 1) {
          return func.apply(this, arguments);

     * Creates a function that, when called, invokes `func` with the `this`
     * binding of `thisArg` and prepends any additional `bind` arguments to those
     * provided to the bound function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to bind.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.
     * @param {...*} [arg] Arguments to be partially applied.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.
     * @example
     * var func = function(greeting) {
     *   return greeting + ' ' + this.name;
     * };
     * func = _.bind(func, { 'name': 'moe' }, 'hi');
     * func();
     * // => 'hi moe'
    function bind(func, thisArg) {
      return arguments.length > 2
        ? createBound(func, 17, nativeSlice.call(arguments, 2), null, thisArg)
        : createBound(func, 1, null, null, thisArg);

     * Binds methods of an object to the object itself, overwriting the existing
     * method. Method names may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays
     * of method names. If no method names are provided all the function properties
     * of `object` will be bound.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Object} object The object to bind and assign the bound methods to.
     * @param {...string} [methodName] The object method names to
     *  bind, specified as individual method names or arrays of method names.
     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.
     * @example
     * var view = {
     *  'label': 'docs',
     *  'onClick': function() { console.log('clicked ' + this.label); }
     * };
     * _.bindAll(view);
     * jQuery('#docs').on('click', view.onClick);
     * // => logs 'clicked docs', when the button is clicked
    function bindAll(object) {
      var funcs = arguments.length > 1 ? baseFlatten(arguments, true, false, 1) : functions(object),
          index = -1,
          length = funcs.length;

      while (++index < length) {
        var key = funcs[index];
        object[key] = createBound(object[key], 1, null, null, object);
      return object;

     * Creates a function that, when called, invokes the method at `object[key]`
     * and prepends any additional `bindKey` arguments to those provided to the bound
     * function. This method differs from `_.bind` by allowing bound functions to
     * reference methods that will be redefined or don't yet exist.
     * See http://michaux.ca/articles/lazy-function-definition-pattern.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Object} object The object the method belongs to.
     * @param {string} key The key of the method.
     * @param {...*} [arg] Arguments to be partially applied.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.
     * @example
     * var object = {
     *   'name': 'moe',
     *   'greet': function(greeting) {
     *     return greeting + ' ' + this.name;
     *   }
     * };
     * var func = _.bindKey(object, 'greet', 'hi');
     * func();
     * // => 'hi moe'
     * object.greet = function(greeting) {
     *   return greeting + ', ' + this.name + '!';
     * };
     * func();
     * // => 'hi, moe!'
    function bindKey(object, key) {
      return arguments.length > 2
        ? createBound(key, 19, nativeSlice.call(arguments, 2), null, object)
        : createBound(key, 3, null, null, object);

     * Creates a function that is the composition of the provided functions,
     * where each function consumes the return value of the function that follows.
     * For example, composing the functions `f()`, `g()`, and `h()` produces `f(g(h()))`.
     * Each function is executed with the `this` binding of the composed function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {...Function} [func] Functions to compose.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new composed function.
     * @example
     * var realNameMap = {
     *   'curly': 'jerome'
     * };
     * var format = function(name) {
     *   name = realNameMap[name.toLowerCase()] || name;
     *   return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1).toLowerCase();
     * };
     * var greet = function(formatted) {
     *   return 'Hiya ' + formatted + '!';
     * };
     * var welcome = _.compose(greet, format);
     * welcome('curly');
     * // => 'Hiya Jerome!'
    function compose() {
      var funcs = arguments,
          length = funcs.length;

      while (length--) {
        if (!isFunction(funcs[length])) {
          throw new TypeError;
      return function() {
        var args = arguments,
            length = funcs.length;

        while (length--) {
          args = [funcs[length].apply(this, args)];
        return args[0];

     * Produces a callback bound to an optional `thisArg`. If `func` is a property
     * name the created callback will return the property value for a given element.
     * If `func` is an object the created callback will return `true` for elements
     * that contain the equivalent object properties, otherwise it will return `false`.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {*} [func=identity] The value to convert to a callback.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of the created callback.
     * @param {number} [argCount] The number of arguments the callback accepts.
     * @returns {Function} Returns a callback function.
     * @example
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }
     * ];
     * // wrap to create custom callback shorthands
     * _.createCallback = _.wrap(_.createCallback, function(func, callback, thisArg) {
     *   var match = /^(.+?)__([gl]t)(.+)$/.exec(callback);
     *   return !match ? func(callback, thisArg) : function(object) {
     *     return match[2] == 'gt' ? object[match[1]] > match[3] : object[match[1]] < match[3];
     *   };
     * });
     * _.filter(stooges, 'age__gt45');
     * // => [{ 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 }]
    function createCallback(func, thisArg, argCount) {
      var type = typeof func;
      if (func == null || type == 'function') {
        return baseCreateCallback(func, thisArg, argCount);
      // handle "_.pluck" style callback shorthands
      if (type != 'object') {
        return function(object) {
          return object[func];
      var props = keys(func),
          key = props[0],
          a = func[key];

      // handle "_.where" style callback shorthands
      if (props.length == 1 && a === a && !isObject(a)) {
        // fast path the common case of providing an object with a single
        // property containing a primitive value
        return function(object) {
          var b = object[key];
          return a === b && (a !== 0 || (1 / a == 1 / b));
      return function(object) {
        var length = props.length,
            result = false;

        while (length--) {
          if (!(result = baseIsEqual(object[props[length]], func[props[length]], null, true))) {
        return result;

     * Creates a function which accepts one or more arguments of `func` that when
     * invoked either executes `func` returning its result, if all `func` arguments
     * have been provided, or returns a function that accepts one or more of the
     * remaining `func` arguments, and so on. The arity of `func` can be specified
     * if `func.length` is not sufficient.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to curry.
     * @param {number} [arity=func.length] The arity of `func`.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new curried function.
     * @example
     * var curried = _.curry(function(a, b, c) {
     *   console.log(a + b + c);
     * });
     * curried(1)(2)(3);
     * // => 6
     * curried(1, 2)(3);
     * // => 6
     * curried(1, 2, 3);
     * // => 6
    function curry(func, arity) {
      arity = typeof arity == 'number' ? arity : (+arity || func.length);
      return createBound(func, 4, null, null, null, arity);

     * Creates a function that will delay the execution of `func` until after
     * `wait` milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.
     * Provide an options object to indicate that `func` should be invoked on
     * the leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` timeout. Subsequent calls
     * to the debounced function will return the result of the last `func` call.
     * Note: If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true` `func` will be called
     * on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the the debounced function is
     * invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to debounce.
     * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay.
     * @param {Object} [options] The options object.
     * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false] Specify execution on the leading edge of the timeout.
     * @param {number} [options.maxWait] The maximum time `func` is allowed to be delayed before it's called.
     * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] Specify execution on the trailing edge of the timeout.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new debounced function.
     * @example
     * // avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux
     * var lazyLayout = _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150);
     * jQuery(window).on('resize', lazyLayout);
     * // execute `sendMail` when the click event is fired, debouncing subsequent calls
     * jQuery('#postbox').on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, {
     *   'leading': true,
     *   'trailing': false
     * });
     * // ensure `batchLog` is executed once after 1 second of debounced calls
     * var source = new EventSource('/stream');
     * source.addEventListener('message', _.debounce(batchLog, 250, {
     *   'maxWait': 1000
     * }, false);
    function debounce(func, wait, options) {
      var args,
          lastCalled = 0,
          maxWait = false,
          trailing = true;

      if (!isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      wait = nativeMax(0, wait) || 0;
      if (options === true) {
        var leading = true;
        trailing = false;
      } else if (isObject(options)) {
        leading = options.leading;
        maxWait = 'maxWait' in options && (nativeMax(wait, options.maxWait) || 0);
        trailing = 'trailing' in options ? options.trailing : trailing;
      var delayed = function() {
        var remaining = wait - (new Date - stamp);
        if (remaining <= 0) {
          if (maxTimeoutId) {
          var isCalled = trailingCall;
          maxTimeoutId = timeoutId = trailingCall = undefined;
          if (isCalled) {
            lastCalled = +new Date;
            result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
        } else {
          timeoutId = setTimeout(delayed, remaining);

      var maxDelayed = function() {
        if (timeoutId) {
        maxTimeoutId = timeoutId = trailingCall = undefined;
        if (trailing || (maxWait !== wait)) {
          lastCalled = +new Date;
          result = func.apply(thisArg, args);

      return function() {
        args = arguments;
        stamp = +new Date;
        thisArg = this;
        trailingCall = trailing && (timeoutId || !leading);

        if (maxWait === false) {
          var leadingCall = leading && !timeoutId;
        } else {
          if (!maxTimeoutId && !leading) {
            lastCalled = stamp;
          var remaining = maxWait - (stamp - lastCalled);
          if (remaining <= 0) {
            if (maxTimeoutId) {
              maxTimeoutId = clearTimeout(maxTimeoutId);
            lastCalled = stamp;
            result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
          else if (!maxTimeoutId) {
            maxTimeoutId = setTimeout(maxDelayed, remaining);
        if (!timeoutId && wait !== maxWait) {
          timeoutId = setTimeout(delayed, wait);
        if (leadingCall) {
          result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
        return result;

     * Defers executing the `func` function until the current call stack has cleared.
     * Additional arguments will be provided to `func` when it is invoked.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to defer.
     * @param {...*} [arg] Arguments to invoke the function with.
     * @returns {number} Returns the timer id.
     * @example
     * _.defer(function() { console.log('deferred'); });
     * // returns from the function before 'deferred' is logged
    function defer(func) {
      if (!isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      var args = nativeSlice.call(arguments, 1);
      return setTimeout(function() { func.apply(undefined, args); }, 1);
    // use `setImmediate` if available in Node.js
    if (isV8 && moduleExports && typeof setImmediate == 'function') {
      defer = function(func) {
        if (!isFunction(func)) {
          throw new TypeError;
        return setImmediate.apply(context, arguments);

     * Executes the `func` function after `wait` milliseconds. Additional arguments
     * will be provided to `func` when it is invoked.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to delay.
     * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay execution.
     * @param {...*} [arg] Arguments to invoke the function with.
     * @returns {number} Returns the timer id.
     * @example
     * var log = _.bind(console.log, console);
     * _.delay(log, 1000, 'logged later');
     * // => 'logged later' (Appears after one second.)
    function delay(func, wait) {
      if (!isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      var args = nativeSlice.call(arguments, 2);
      return setTimeout(function() { func.apply(undefined, args); }, wait);

     * Creates a function that memoizes the result of `func`. If `resolver` is
     * provided it will be used to determine the cache key for storing the result
     * based on the arguments provided to the memoized function. By default, the
     * first argument provided to the memoized function is used as the cache key.
     * The `func` is executed with the `this` binding of the memoized function.
     * The result cache is exposed as the `cache` property on the memoized function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to have its output memoized.
     * @param {Function} [resolver] A function used to resolve the cache key.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new memoizing function.
     * @example
     * var fibonacci = _.memoize(function(n) {
     *   return n < 2 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
     * });
     * var data = {
     *   'moe': { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   'curly': { 'name': 'curly', 'age': 60 }
     * };
     * // modifying the result cache
     * var stooge = _.memoize(function(name) { return data[name]; }, _.identity);
     * stooge('curly');
     * // => { 'name': 'curly', 'age': 60 }
     * stooge.cache.curly.name = 'jerome';
     * stooge('curly');
     * // => { 'name': 'jerome', 'age': 60 }
    function memoize(func, resolver) {
      if (!isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      var memoized = function() {
        var cache = memoized.cache,
            key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, arguments) : keyPrefix + arguments[0];

        return hasOwnProperty.call(cache, key)
          ? cache[key]
          : (cache[key] = func.apply(this, arguments));
      memoized.cache = {};
      return memoized;

     * Creates a function that is restricted to execute `func` once. Repeat calls to
     * the function will return the value of the first call. The `func` is executed
     * with the `this` binding of the created function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.
     * @example
     * var initialize = _.once(createApplication);
     * initialize();
     * initialize();
     * // `initialize` executes `createApplication` once
    function once(func) {
      var ran,

      if (!isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      return function() {
        if (ran) {
          return result;
        ran = true;
        result = func.apply(this, arguments);

        // clear the `func` variable so the function may be garbage collected
        func = null;
        return result;

     * Creates a function that, when called, invokes `func` with any additional
     * `partial` arguments prepended to those provided to the new function. This
     * method is similar to `_.bind` except it does **not** alter the `this` binding.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to.
     * @param {...*} [arg] Arguments to be partially applied.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function.
     * @example
     * var greet = function(greeting, name) { return greeting + ' ' + name; };
     * var hi = _.partial(greet, 'hi');
     * hi('moe');
     * // => 'hi moe'
    function partial(func) {
      return createBound(func, 16, nativeSlice.call(arguments, 1));

     * This method is like `_.partial` except that `partial` arguments are
     * appended to those provided to the new function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to.
     * @param {...*} [arg] Arguments to be partially applied.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function.
     * @example
     * var defaultsDeep = _.partialRight(_.merge, _.defaults);
     * var options = {
     *   'variable': 'data',
     *   'imports': { 'jq': $ }
     * };
     * defaultsDeep(options, _.templateSettings);
     * options.variable
     * // => 'data'
     * options.imports
     * // => { '_': _, 'jq': $ }
    function partialRight(func) {
      return createBound(func, 32, null, nativeSlice.call(arguments, 1));

     * Creates a function that, when executed, will only call the `func` function
     * at most once per every `wait` milliseconds. Provide an options object to
     * indicate that `func` should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge
     * of the `wait` timeout. Subsequent calls to the throttled function will
     * return the result of the last `func` call.
     * Note: If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true` `func` will be called
     * on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the the throttled function is
     * invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {Function} func The function to throttle.
     * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to throttle executions to.
     * @param {Object} [options] The options object.
     * @param {boolean} [options.leading=true] Specify execution on the leading edge of the timeout.
     * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] Specify execution on the trailing edge of the timeout.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new throttled function.
     * @example
     * // avoid excessively updating the position while scrolling
     * var throttled = _.throttle(updatePosition, 100);
     * jQuery(window).on('scroll', throttled);
     * // execute `renewToken` when the click event is fired, but not more than once every 5 minutes
     * jQuery('.interactive').on('click', _.throttle(renewToken, 300000, {
     *   'trailing': false
     * }));
    function throttle(func, wait, options) {
      var leading = true,
          trailing = true;

      if (!isFunction(func)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      if (options === false) {
        leading = false;
      } else if (isObject(options)) {
        leading = 'leading' in options ? options.leading : leading;
        trailing = 'trailing' in options ? options.trailing : trailing;
      options = getObject();
      options.leading = leading;
      options.maxWait = wait;
      options.trailing = trailing;

      var result = debounce(func, wait, options);
      return result;

     * Creates a function that provides `value` to the wrapper function as its
     * first argument. Additional arguments provided to the function are appended
     * to those provided to the wrapper function. The wrapper is executed with
     * the `this` binding of the created function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Functions
     * @param {*} value The value to wrap.
     * @param {Function} wrapper The wrapper function.
     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
     * @example
     * var hello = function(name) { return 'hello ' + name; };
     * hello = _.wrap(hello, function(func) {
     *   return 'before, ' + func('moe') + ', after';
     * });
     * hello();
     * // => 'before, hello moe, after'
    function wrap(value, wrapper) {
      if (!isFunction(wrapper)) {
        throw new TypeError;
      return function() {
        var args = [value];
        push.apply(args, arguments);
        return wrapper.apply(this, args);


     * Converts the characters `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'` in `string` to their
     * corresponding HTML entities.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {string} string The string to escape.
     * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.
     * @example
     * _.escape('Moe, Larry & Curly');
     * // => 'Moe, Larry &amp; Curly'
    function escape(string) {
      return string == null ? '' : String(string).replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar);

     * This method returns the first argument provided to it.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {*} value Any value.
     * @returns {*} Returns `value`.
     * @example
     * var moe = { 'name': 'moe' };
     * moe === _.identity(moe);
     * // => true
    function identity(value) {
      return value;

     * Adds function properties of a source object to the `lodash` function and
     * chainable wrapper.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {Object} object The object of function properties to add to `lodash`.
     * @param {Object} object The object of function properties to add to `lodash`.
     * @example
     * _.mixin({
     *   'capitalize': function(string) {
     *     return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1).toLowerCase();
     *   }
     * });
     * _.capitalize('moe');
     * // => 'Moe'
     * _('moe').capitalize();
     * // => 'Moe'
    function mixin(object, source) {
      var ctor = object,
          isFunc = !source || isFunction(ctor);

      if (!source) {
        ctor = lodashWrapper;
        source = object;
        object = lodash;
      forEach(functions(source), function(methodName) {
        var func = object[methodName] = source[methodName];
        if (isFunc) {
          ctor.prototype[methodName] = function() {
            var value = this.__wrapped__,
                args = [value];

            push.apply(args, arguments);
            var result = func.apply(object, args);
            return (value && typeof value == 'object' && value === result)
              ? this
              : new ctor(result);

     * Reverts the '_' variable to its previous value and returns a reference to
     * the `lodash` function.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @returns {Function} Returns the `lodash` function.
     * @example
     * var lodash = _.noConflict();
    function noConflict() {
      context._ = oldDash;
      return this;

     * Converts the given value into an integer of the specified radix.
     * If `radix` is `undefined` or `0` a `radix` of `10` is used unless the
     * `value` is a hexadecimal, in which case a `radix` of `16` is used.
     * Note: This method avoids differences in native ES3 and ES5 `parseInt`
     * implementations. See http://es5.github.io/#E.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {string} value The value to parse.
     * @param {number} [radix] The radix used to interpret the value to parse.
     * @returns {number} Returns the new integer value.
     * @example
     * _.parseInt('08');
     * // => 8
    var parseInt = nativeParseInt(whitespace + '08') == 8 ? nativeParseInt : function(value, radix) {
      // Firefox and Opera still follow the ES3 specified implementation of `parseInt`
      return nativeParseInt(isString(value) ? value.replace(reLeadingSpacesAndZeros, '') : value, radix || 0);

     * Produces a random number between `min` and `max` (inclusive). If only one
     * argument is provided a number between `0` and the given number will be
     * returned. If `floating` is truey or either `min` or `max` are floats a
     * floating-point number will be returned instead of an integer.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {number} [min=0] The minimum possible value.
     * @param {number} [max=1] The maximum possible value.
     * @param {boolean} [floating=false] Specify returning a floating-point number.
     * @returns {number} Returns a random number.
     * @example
     * _.random(0, 5);
     * // => an integer between 0 and 5
     * _.random(5);
     * // => also an integer between 0 and 5
     * _.random(5, true);
     * // => a floating-point number between 0 and 5
     * _.random(1.2, 5.2);
     * // => a floating-point number between 1.2 and 5.2
    function random(min, max, floating) {
      var noMin = min == null,
          noMax = max == null;

      if (floating == null) {
        if (typeof min == 'boolean' && noMax) {
          floating = min;
          min = 1;
        else if (!noMax && typeof max == 'boolean') {
          floating = max;
          noMax = true;
      if (noMin && noMax) {
        max = 1;
      min = +min || 0;
      if (noMax) {
        max = min;
        min = 0;
      } else {
        max = +max || 0;
      var rand = nativeRandom();
      return (floating || min % 1 || max % 1)
        ? min + nativeMin(rand * (max - min + parseFloat('1e-' + ((rand +'').length - 1))), max)
        : min + floor(rand * (max - min + 1));

     * Resolves the value of `property` on `object`. If `property` is a function
     * it will be invoked with the `this` binding of `object` and its result returned,
     * else the property value is returned. If `object` is falsey then `undefined`
     * is returned.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.
     * @param {string} property The property to get the value of.
     * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.
     * @example
     * var object = {
     *   'cheese': 'crumpets',
     *   'stuff': function() {
     *     return 'nonsense';
     *   }
     * };
     * _.result(object, 'cheese');
     * // => 'crumpets'
     * _.result(object, 'stuff');
     * // => 'nonsense'
    function result(object, property) {
      if (object) {
        var value = object[property];
        return isFunction(value) ? object[property]() : value;

     * A micro-templating method that handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves
     * whitespace, and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
     * Note: In the development build, `_.template` utilizes sourceURLs for easier
     * debugging. See http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/#toc-sourceurl
     * For more information on precompiling templates see:
     * http://lodash.com/#custom-builds
     * For more information on Chrome extension sandboxes see:
     * http://developer.chrome.com/stable/extensions/sandboxingEval.html
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {string} text The template text.
     * @param {Object} data The data object used to populate the text.
     * @param {Object} [options] The options object.
     * @param {RegExp} [options.escape] The "escape" delimiter.
     * @param {RegExp} [options.evaluate] The "evaluate" delimiter.
     * @param {Object} [options.imports] An object to import into the template as local variables.
     * @param {RegExp} [options.interpolate] The "interpolate" delimiter.
     * @param {string} [sourceURL] The sourceURL of the template's compiled source.
     * @param {string} [variable] The data object variable name.
     * @returns {Function|string} Returns a compiled function when no `data` object
     *  is given, else it returns the interpolated text.
     * @example
     * // using the "interpolate" delimiter to create a compiled template
     * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= name %>');
     * compiled({ 'name': 'moe' });
     * // => 'hello moe'
     * // using the "escape" delimiter to escape HTML in data property values
     * _.template('<b><%- value %></b>', { 'value': '<script>' });
     * // => '<b>&lt;script&gt;</b>'
     * // using the "evaluate" delimiter to generate HTML
     * var list = '<% _.forEach(people, function(name) { %><li><%- name %></li><% }); %>';
     * _.template(list, { 'people': ['moe', 'larry'] });
     * // => '<li>moe</li><li>larry</li>'
     * // using the ES6 delimiter as an alternative to the default "interpolate" delimiter
     * _.template('hello ${ name }', { 'name': 'curly' });
     * // => 'hello curly'
     * // using the internal `print` function in "evaluate" delimiters
     * _.template('<% print("hello " + name); %>!', { 'name': 'larry' });
     * // => 'hello larry!'
     * // using a custom template delimiters
     * _.templateSettings = {
     *   'interpolate': /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g
     * };
     * _.template('hello {{ name }}!', { 'name': 'mustache' });
     * // => 'hello mustache!'
     * // using the `imports` option to import jQuery
     * var list = '<% $.each(people, function(name) { %><li><%- name %></li><% }); %>';
     * _.template(list, { 'people': ['moe', 'larry'] }, { 'imports': { '$': jQuery } });
     * // => '<li>moe</li><li>larry</li>'
     * // using the `sourceURL` option to specify a custom sourceURL for the template
     * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= name %>', null, { 'sourceURL': '/basic/greeting.jst' });
     * compiled(data);
     * // => find the source of "greeting.jst" under the Sources tab or Resources panel of the web inspector
     * // using the `variable` option to ensure a with-statement isn't used in the compiled template
     * var compiled = _.template('hi <%= data.name %>!', null, { 'variable': 'data' });
     * compiled.source;
     * // => function(data) {
     *   var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape;
     *   __p += 'hi ' + ((__t = ( data.name )) == null ? '' : __t) + '!';
     *   return __p;
     * }
     * // using the `source` property to inline compiled templates for meaningful
     * // line numbers in error messages and a stack trace
     * fs.writeFileSync(path.join(cwd, 'jst.js'), '\
     *   var JST = {\
     *     "main": ' + _.template(mainText).source + '\
     *   };\
     * ');
    function template(text, data, options) {
      // based on John Resig's `tmpl` implementation
      // http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/
      // and Laura Doktorova's doT.js
      // https://github.com/olado/doT
      var settings = lodash.templateSettings;
      text || (text = '');

      // avoid missing dependencies when `iteratorTemplate` is not defined
      options = defaults({}, options, settings);

      var imports = defaults({}, options.imports, settings.imports),
          importsKeys = keys(imports),
          importsValues = values(imports);

      var isEvaluating,
          index = 0,
          interpolate = options.interpolate || reNoMatch,
          source = "__p += '";

      // compile the regexp to match each delimiter
      var reDelimiters = RegExp(
        (options.escape || reNoMatch).source + '|' +
        interpolate.source + '|' +
        (interpolate === reInterpolate ? reEsTemplate : reNoMatch).source + '|' +
        (options.evaluate || reNoMatch).source + '|$'
      , 'g');

      text.replace(reDelimiters, function(match, escapeValue, interpolateValue, esTemplateValue, evaluateValue, offset) {
        interpolateValue || (interpolateValue = esTemplateValue);

        // escape characters that cannot be included in string literals
        source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(reUnescapedString, escapeStringChar);

        // replace delimiters with snippets
        if (escapeValue) {
          source += "' +\n__e(" + escapeValue + ") +\n'";
        if (evaluateValue) {
          isEvaluating = true;
          source += "';\n" + evaluateValue + ";\n__p += '";
        if (interpolateValue) {
          source += "' +\n((__t = (" + interpolateValue + ")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'";
        index = offset + match.length;

        // the JS engine embedded in Adobe products requires returning the `match`
        // string in order to produce the correct `offset` value
        return match;

      source += "';\n";

      // if `variable` is not specified, wrap a with-statement around the generated
      // code to add the data object to the top of the scope chain
      var variable = options.variable,
          hasVariable = variable;

      if (!hasVariable) {
        variable = 'obj';
        source = 'with (' + variable + ') {\n' + source + '\n}\n';
      // cleanup code by stripping empty strings
      source = (isEvaluating ? source.replace(reEmptyStringLeading, '') : source)
        .replace(reEmptyStringMiddle, '$1')
        .replace(reEmptyStringTrailing, '$1;');

      // frame code as the function body
      source = 'function(' + variable + ') {\n' +
        (hasVariable ? '' : variable + ' || (' + variable + ' = {});\n') +
        "var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape" +
          ? ', __j = Array.prototype.join;\n' +
            "function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }\n"
          : ';\n'
        ) +
        source +
        'return __p\n}';

      // Use a sourceURL for easier debugging.
      // http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/#toc-sourceurl
      var sourceURL = '\n/*\n//# sourceURL=' + (options.sourceURL || '/lodash/template/source[' + (templateCounter++) + ']') + '\n*/';

      try {
        var result = Function(importsKeys, 'return ' + source + sourceURL).apply(undefined, importsValues);
      } catch(e) {
        e.source = source;
        throw e;
      if (data) {
        return result(data);
      // provide the compiled function's source by its `toString` method, in
      // supported environments, or the `source` property as a convenience for
      // inlining compiled templates during the build process
      result.source = source;
      return result;

     * Executes the callback `n` times, returning an array of the results
     * of each callback execution. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked
     * with one argument; (index).
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {number} n The number of times to execute the callback.
     * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration.
     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
     * @returns {Array} Returns an array of the results of each `callback` execution.
     * @example
     * var diceRolls = _.times(3, _.partial(_.random, 1, 6));
     * // => [3, 6, 4]
     * _.times(3, function(n) { mage.castSpell(n); });
     * // => calls `mage.castSpell(n)` three times, passing `n` of `0`, `1`, and `2` respectively
     * _.times(3, function(n) { this.cast(n); }, mage);
     * // => also calls `mage.castSpell(n)` three times
    function times(n, callback, thisArg) {
      n = (n = +n) > -1 ? n : 0;
      var index = -1,
          result = Array(n);

      callback = baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 1);
      while (++index < n) {
        result[index] = callback(index);
      return result;

     * The inverse of `_.escape` this method converts the HTML entities
     * `&amp;`, `&lt;`, `&gt;`, `&quot;`, and `&#39;` in `string` to their
     * corresponding characters.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {string} string The string to unescape.
     * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped string.
     * @example
     * _.unescape('Moe, Larry &amp; Curly');
     * // => 'Moe, Larry & Curly'
    function unescape(string) {
      return string == null ? '' : String(string).replace(reEscapedHtml, unescapeHtmlChar);

     * Generates a unique ID. If `prefix` is provided the ID will be appended to it.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Utilities
     * @param {string} [prefix] The value to prefix the ID with.
     * @returns {string} Returns the unique ID.
     * @example
     * _.uniqueId('contact_');
     * // => 'contact_104'
     * _.uniqueId();
     * // => '105'
    function uniqueId(prefix) {
      var id = ++idCounter;
      return String(prefix == null ? '' : prefix) + id;


     * Creates a `lodash` object that wraps the given value.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Chaining
     * @param {*} value The value to wrap.
     * @returns {Object} Returns the wrapper object.
     * @example
     * var stooges = [
     *   { 'name': 'moe', 'age': 40 },
     *   { 'name': 'larry', 'age': 50 },
     *   { 'name': 'curly', 'age': 60 }
     * ];
     * var youngest = _.chain(stooges)
     *     .sortBy(function(stooge) { return stooge.age; })
     *     .map(function(stooge) { return stooge.name + ' is ' + stooge.age; })
     *     .first();
     * // => 'moe is 40'
    function chain(value) {
      value = new lodashWrapper(value);
      value.__chain__ = true;
      return value;

     * Invokes `interceptor` with the `value` as the first argument and then
     * returns `value`. The purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method
     * chain in order to perform operations on intermediate results within
     * the chain.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Chaining
     * @param {*} value The value to provide to `interceptor`.
     * @param {Function} interceptor The function to invoke.
     * @returns {*} Returns `value`.
     * @example
     * _([1, 2, 3, 4])
     *  .filter(function(num) { return num % 2 == 0; })
     *  .tap(function(array) { console.log(array); })
     *  .map(function(num) { return num * num; })
     *  .value();
     * // => // [2, 4] (logged)
     * // => [4, 16]
    function tap(value, interceptor) {
      return value;

     * Enables method chaining on the wrapper object.
     * @name chain
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Chaining
     * @returns {*} Returns the wrapper object.
     * @example
     * var sum = _([1, 2, 3])
     *     .chain()
     *     .reduce(function(sum, num) { return sum + num; })
     *     .value()
     * // => 6`
    function wrapperChain() {
      this.__chain__ = true;
      return this;

     * Produces the `toString` result of the wrapped value.
     * @name toString
     * @memberOf _
     * @category Chaining
     * @returns {string} Returns the string result.
     * @example
     * _([1, 2, 3]).toString();
     * // => '1,2,3'
    function wrapperToString() {
      return String(this.__wrapped__);

     * Extracts the wrapped value.
     * @name valueOf
     * @memberOf _
     * @alias value
     * @category Chaining
     * @returns {*} Returns the wrapped value.
     * @example
     * _([1, 2, 3]).valueOf();
     * // => [1, 2, 3]
    function wrapperValueOf() {
      return this.__wrapped__;


    // add functions that return wrapped values when chaining
    lodash.after = after;
    lodash.assign = assign;
    lodash.at = at;
    lodash.bind = bind;
    lodash.bindAll = bindAll;
    lodash.bindKey = bindKey;
    lodash.chain = chain;
    lodash.compact = compact;
    lodash.compose = compose;
    lodash.countBy = countBy;
    lodash.createCallback = createCallback;
    lodash.curry = curry;
    lodash.debounce = debounce;
    lodash.defaults = defaults;
    lodash.defer = defer;
    lodash.delay = delay;
    lodash.difference = difference;
    lodash.filter = filter;
    lodash.flatten = flatten;
    lodash.forEach = forEach;
    lodash.forEachRight = forEachRight;
    lodash.forIn = forIn;
    lodash.forInRight = forInRight;
    lodash.forOwn = forOwn;
    lodash.forOwnRight = forOwnRight;
    lodash.functions = functions;
    lodash.groupBy = groupBy;
    lodash.indexBy = indexBy;
    lodash.initial = initial;
    lodash.intersection = intersection;
    lodash.invert = invert;
    lodash.invoke = invoke;
    lodash.keys = keys;
    lodash.map = map;
    lodash.max = max;
    lodash.memoize = memoize;
    lodash.merge = merge;
    lodash.min = min;
    lodash.omit = omit;
    lodash.once = once;
    lodash.pairs = pairs;
    lodash.partial = partial;
    lodash.partialRight = partialRight;
    lodash.pick = pick;
    lodash.pluck = pluck;
    lodash.pull = pull;
    lodash.range = range;
    lodash.reject = reject;
    lodash.remove = remove;
    lodash.rest = rest;
    lodash.shuffle = shuffle;
    lodash.sortBy = sortBy;
    lodash.tap = tap;
    lodash.throttle = throttle;
    lodash.times = times;
    lodash.toArray = toArray;
    lodash.transform = transform;
    lodash.union = union;
    lodash.uniq = uniq;
    lodash.values = values;
    lodash.where = where;
    lodash.without = without;
    lodash.wrap = wrap;
    lodash.zip = zip;
    lodash.zipObject = zipObject;

    // add aliases
    lodash.collect = map;
    lodash.drop = rest;
    lodash.each = forEach;
    lodash.eachRight = forEachRight;
    lodash.extend = assign;
    lodash.methods = functions;
    lodash.object = zipObject;
    lodash.select = filter;
    lodash.tail = rest;
    lodash.unique = uniq;
    lodash.unzip = zip;

    // add functions to `lodash.prototype`


    // add functions that return unwrapped values when chaining
    lodash.clone = clone;
    lodash.cloneDeep = cloneDeep;
    lodash.contains = contains;
    lodash.escape = escape;
    lodash.every = every;
    lodash.find = find;
    lodash.findIndex = findIndex;
    lodash.findKey = findKey;
    lodash.findLast = findLast;
    lodash.findLastIndex = findLastIndex;
    lodash.findLastKey = findLastKey;
    lodash.has = has;
    lodash.identity = identity;
    lodash.indexOf = indexOf;
    lodash.isArguments = isArguments;
    lodash.isArray = isArray;
    lodash.isBoolean = isBoolean;
    lodash.isDate = isDate;
    lodash.isElement = isElement;
    lodash.isEmpty = isEmpty;
    lodash.isEqual = isEqual;
    lodash.isFinite = isFinite;
    lodash.isFunction = isFunction;
    lodash.isNaN = isNaN;
    lodash.isNull = isNull;
    lodash.isNumber = isNumber;
    lodash.isObject = isObject;
    lodash.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;
    lodash.isRegExp = isRegExp;
    lodash.isString = isString;
    lodash.isUndefined = isUndefined;
    lodash.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;
    lodash.mixin = mixin;
    lodash.noConflict = noConflict;
    lodash.parseInt = parseInt;
    lodash.random = random;
    lodash.reduce = reduce;
    lodash.reduceRight = reduceRight;
    lodash.result = result;
    lodash.runInContext = runInContext;
    lodash.size = size;
    lodash.some = some;
    lodash.sortedIndex = sortedIndex;
    lodash.template = template;
    lodash.unescape = unescape;
    lodash.uniqueId = uniqueId;

    // add aliases
    lodash.all = every;
    lodash.any = some;
    lodash.detect = find;
    lodash.findWhere = find;
    lodash.foldl = reduce;
    lodash.foldr = reduceRight;
    lodash.include = contains;
    lodash.inject = reduce;

    forOwn(lodash, function(func, methodName) {
      if (!lodash.prototype[methodName]) {
        lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {
          var args = [this.__wrapped__],
              chainAll = this.__chain__;

          push.apply(args, arguments);
          var result = func.apply(lodash, args);
          return chainAll
            ? new lodashWrapper(result, chainAll)
            : result;


    // add functions capable of returning wrapped and unwrapped values when chaining
    lodash.first = first;
    lodash.last = last;
    lodash.sample = sample;

    // add aliases
    lodash.take = first;
    lodash.head = first;

    forOwn(lodash, function(func, methodName) {
      var callbackable = methodName !== 'sample';
      if (!lodash.prototype[methodName]) {
        lodash.prototype[methodName]= function(n, guard) {
          var chainAll = this.__chain__,
              result = func(this.__wrapped__, n, guard);

          return !chainAll && (n == null || (guard && !(callbackable && typeof n == 'function')))
            ? result
            : new lodashWrapper(result, chainAll);


     * The semantic version number.
     * @static
     * @memberOf _
     * @type string
    lodash.VERSION = '2.1.0';

    // add "Chaining" functions to the wrapper
    lodash.prototype.chain = wrapperChain;
    lodash.prototype.toString = wrapperToString;
    lodash.prototype.value = wrapperValueOf;
    lodash.prototype.valueOf = wrapperValueOf;

    // add `Array` functions that return unwrapped values
    baseEach(['join', 'pop', 'shift'], function(methodName) {
      var func = arrayRef[methodName];
      lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {
        var chainAll = this.__chain__,
            result = func.apply(this.__wrapped__, arguments);

        return chainAll
          ? new lodashWrapper(result, chainAll)
          : result;

    // add `Array` functions that return the wrapped value
    baseEach(['push', 'reverse', 'sort', 'unshift'], function(methodName) {
      var func = arrayRef[methodName];
      lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {
        func.apply(this.__wrapped__, arguments);
        return this;

    // add `Array` functions that return new wrapped values
    baseEach(['concat', 'slice', 'splice'], function(methodName) {
      var func = arrayRef[methodName];
      lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {
        return new lodashWrapper(func.apply(this.__wrapped__, arguments), this.__chain__);

    // avoid array-like object bugs with `Array#shift` and `Array#splice`
    // in Firefox < 10 and IE < 9
    if (!support.spliceObjects) {
      baseEach(['pop', 'shift', 'splice'], function(methodName) {
        var func = arrayRef[methodName],
            isSplice = methodName == 'splice';

        lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {
          var chainAll = this.__chain__,
              value = this.__wrapped__,
              result = func.apply(value, arguments);

          if (value.length === 0) {
            delete value[0];
          return (chainAll || isSplice)
            ? new lodashWrapper(result, chainAll)
            : result;

    return lodash;


  // expose Lo-Dash
  var _ = runInContext();

  // some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for condition patterns like the following:
  if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) {
    // Expose Lo-Dash to the global object even when an AMD loader is present in
    // case Lo-Dash was injected by a third-party script and not intended to be
    // loaded as a module. The global assignment can be reverted in the Lo-Dash
    // module by its `noConflict()` method.
    root._ = _;

    // define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be
    // referenced as the "underscore" module
    define(function() {
      return _;
  // check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds an `exports` object
  else if (freeExports && freeModule) {
    // in Node.js or RingoJS
    if (moduleExports) {
      (freeModule.exports = _)._ = _;
    // in Narwhal or Rhino -require
    else {
      freeExports._ = _;
  else {
    // in a browser or Rhino
    root._ = _;