module DirtyHistory module Mixin class CreatorProcError < StandardError ; end def self.included base base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods end end module ClassMethods # call the dirty_history class method on models with fields that you want to track changes on. # example usage: # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # has_dirty_history :email, :first_name, :last_name # end # pass an optional proc to assign a creator to the dirty_history object # example usage: # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # has_dirty_history :email, :first_name, :last_name, :creator => proc { User.current_user } # end def has_dirty_history *args # Mix in the module, but ensure to do so just once. metaclass = (class << self; self; end) return if metaclass.included_modules.include?(DirtyHistory::Mixin::ObjectInstanceMethods) has_many :dirty_history_records, :as => :object, :dependent => :destroy attr_accessor :dirty_history_changes, :initialize_dirty_history cattr_accessor :dirty_history_columns self.dirty_history_columns ||= [] if args.present? before_save :set_dirty_history_changes after_save :save_dirty_history args.each do |arg| if [String,Symbol].include?(arg.class) arg = arg.to_sym self.dirty_history_columns << arg unless self.dirty_history_columns.include?(arg) elsif arg.is_a?(Hash) creator_proc = arg.delete(:creator) send :define_method, "creator_for_dirty_history" do begin creator_proc.is_a?(Proc) ? : nil rescue raise DirtyHistory::Mixin::CreatorProcError end end end end include DirtyHistory::Mixin::ObjectInstanceMethods end end # has_dirty_history def creates_dirty_history # Mix in the module, but ensure to do so just once. metaclass = (class << self; self; end) return if metaclass.included_modules.include?(DirtyHistory::Mixin::CreatorInstanceMethods) has_many :dirty_history_records, :as => :creator include DirtyHistory::Mixin::CreatorInstanceMethods end # creates_dirty_history end # ClassMethods module ObjectInstanceMethods def set_dirty_history_changes return true unless self.new_record? || self.changed? self.dirty_history_changes = self.class.dirty_history_columns.inject({}) do |changes_hash, column_name| changes_hash[column_name] = self.send("#{column_name}_change") if self.send("#{column_name}_changed?") changes_hash[column_name] ||= [nil, self.send(column_name)] if self.new_record? && self.send(column_name).present? changes_hash end self.initialize_dirty_history = self.new_record? return true end def save_dirty_history return true unless self.dirty_history_changes.present? self.dirty_history_changes.each do |column_name,vals| add_dirty_history_record column_name, vals[0], vals[1], :creator => self.creator_for_dirty_history end self.dirty_history_changes = nil return true end def add_dirty_history_record column_name, old_value, new_value, options={} creator = options[:creator] || self.creator_for_dirty_history dhr_attributes = { :object => self, :column_name => column_name, :column_type => self.class.columns_hash[column_name.to_s].type, :old_value => old_value, :new_value => new_value, :creator => creator } dhr = # attributes for manual updates [:revised_created_at, :performing_manual_update].each do |attribute| dhr.send("#{attribute}=", options[attribute]) if options[attribute] end self.dirty_history_records << dhr end def history_for_column column, options={} options[:sort] = true if options[:sort].blank? records = dirty_history_records.for_column(column) records = records.send(*options[:scope]) if options[:scope] records = records.order_asc if options[:sort] options[:return_objects] ? records : { |s| s.new_value } end end # ObjectInstanceMethods module CreatorInstanceMethods end # CreatorInstanceMethods end # Mixin end # DirtyHistory ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, DirtyHistory::Mixin