module Watir # # Deprecated, use the new Alert API instead. # # Module provided by optional require: # # require "watir-webdriver/extensions/alerts" # module AlertHelper # # Overwrite window.alert() # # This method is provided by an optional require - API is subject to change. # # @example # browser.alert do # browser.button(:value => "Alert").click # end #=> "the alert message" # def alert(&blk) warn 'AlertHelper is deprecated. Use the new Alert API instead (e.g. browser.alert.ok)' execute_script "window.alert = function(msg) { window.__lastWatirAlert = msg; }" yield execute_script "return window.__lastWatirAlert" end # # Overwrite window.confirm() # # This method is provided by an optional require - API is subject to change. # # @example # browser.confirm(true) do # browser.button(:value => "Confirm").click # end #=> "the confirm message" def confirm(bool, &blk) warn 'AlertHelper is deprecated. Use the new Alert API instead (e.g. browser.alert.ok)' execute_script "window.confirm = function(msg) { window.__lastWatirConfirm = msg; return #{!!bool} }" yield execute_script "return window.__lastWatirConfirm" end # # Overwrite window.prompt() # # This method is provided by an optional require - API is subject to change. # # @example # browser.prompt("hello") do # browser.button(:value => "Prompt").click # end #=> { :message => "foo", :default_value => "bar" } # def prompt(answer, &blk) warn 'AlertHelper is deprecated. Use the new Alert API instead (e.g. browser.alert.ok)' execute_script "window.prompt = function(text, value) { window.__lastWatirPrompt = { message: text, default_value: value }; return #{MultiJson.encode answer}; }" yield result = execute_script "return window.__lastWatirPrompt" result && result.dup.each_key { |k| result[k.to_sym] = result.delete(k)} result end end class Browser include AlertHelper end end