require 'spec_helper' describe ActiveRecordViews::Extension do describe '.is_view' do it 'creates database views from heredocs' do expect(ActiveRecordViews).to receive(:create_view).once.and_call_original expect( eq 'Here document' end it 'creates database views from external SQL files' do expect(ActiveRecordViews).to receive(:create_view).once.and_call_original expect( eq 'External SQL file' end it 'creates database views from namespaced external SQL files' do expect(ActiveRecordViews).to receive(:create_view).once.and_call_original expect( eq 'Namespaced SQL file' end it 'creates database views from external ERB files' do expect(ActiveRecordViews).to receive(:create_view).once.and_call_original expect( eq 'ERB file' end it 'errors if external SQL file is missing' do expect { MissingFileTestModel }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /could not find missing_file_test_model.sql/ end it 'reloads the database view when external SQL file is modified' do %w[foo bar baz].each do |sql| expect(ActiveRecordViews).to receive(:create_view).with( anything, 'modified_file_test_models', 'ModifiedFileTestModel', sql, {} ).once.ordered end with_temp_sql_dir do |temp_dir| sql_file = File.join(temp_dir, 'modified_file_test_model.sql') update_file sql_file, 'foo' class ModifiedFileTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view end update_file sql_file, 'bar' test_request test_request # second request does not `create_view` again update_file sql_file, 'baz' test_request end test_request # trigger cleanup end it 'drops the view if the external SQL file is deleted' do with_temp_sql_dir do |temp_dir| sql_file = File.join(temp_dir, 'deleted_file_test_model.sql') File.write sql_file, "SELECT 1 AS id, 'delete test'::text AS name" class DeletedFileTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view end expect( eq 'delete test' File.unlink sql_file expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with(/\ADROP/).once.and_call_original test_request test_request # second request does not `drop_view` again expect { }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid, /relation "deleted_file_test_models" does not exist/ end end it 'does not create if database view is initially up to date' do ActiveRecordViews.create_view ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'initial_create_test_models', 'InitialCreateTestModel', 'SELECT 42 as id' expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with(/\ACREATE (?:OR REPLACE )?VIEW/).never class InitialCreateTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 42 as id' end end it 'successfully recreates modified paired views with incompatible changes' do ActiveRecordViews.create_view ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'modified_as', 'ModifiedA', 'SELECT 11 AS old_name;' ActiveRecordViews.create_view ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'modified_bs', 'ModifiedB', 'SELECT old_name FROM modified_as;' expect(ModifiedB.first.attributes.except(nil)).to eq('new_name' => 22) end it 'successfully restores dependant view when temporarily dropping dependency' do ActiveRecordViews.create_view ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'dependency_as', 'DependencyA', 'SELECT 42 AS foo, 1 AS id;' ActiveRecordViews.create_view ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'dependency_bs', 'DependencyB', 'SELECT * FROM dependency_as;' expect( eq 2 expect( eq 2 end it 'errors if more than one argument is specified' do expect { class TooManyArguments < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 1 AS ID;', 'SELECT 2 AS ID;' end }.to raise_error ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (2 for 0..1)' end it 'errors if an invalid option is specified' do expect { class InvalidOption < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 1 AS ID;', blargh: 123 end }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /^Unknown key: :?blargh/ end it 'creates/refreshes/drops materialized views' do with_temp_sql_dir do |temp_dir| sql_file = File.join(temp_dir, 'materialized_view_test_model.sql') File.write sql_file, 'SELECT 123 AS id;' class MaterializedViewTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view materialized: true end expect { MaterializedViewTestModel.first! }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid, /materialized view "materialized_view_test_models" has not been populated/ expect(MaterializedViewTestModel.view_populated?).to eq false MaterializedViewTestModel.refresh_view! expect(MaterializedViewTestModel.view_populated?).to eq true expect(MaterializedViewTestModel.first!.id).to eq 123 File.unlink sql_file test_request expect { MaterializedViewTestModel.first! }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid, /relation "materialized_view_test_models" does not exist/ end end it 'raises an error for `view_populated?` if view is not materialized' do class NonMaterializedViewPopulatedTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 1 AS id;' end expect { NonMaterializedViewPopulatedTestModel.view_populated? }.to raise_error ArgumentError, 'not a materialized view' end it 'supports refreshing materialized views concurrently' do class MaterializedViewRefreshTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 1 AS id;', materialized: true end class MaterializedViewConcurrentRefreshTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 1 AS id;', materialized: true, unique_columns: [:id] end MaterializedViewConcurrentRefreshTestModel.refresh_view! expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with('REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW "materialized_view_refresh_test_models";').once.and_call_original expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with('REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY "materialized_view_concurrent_refresh_test_models";').once.and_call_original MaterializedViewRefreshTestModel.refresh_view! MaterializedViewConcurrentRefreshTestModel.refresh_view! concurrent: true end it 'supports opportunistically refreshing materialized views concurrently' do class MaterializedViewAutoRefreshTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 1 AS id;', materialized: true, unique_columns: [:id] end expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with('REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW "materialized_view_auto_refresh_test_models";').once.and_call_original expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with('REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY "materialized_view_auto_refresh_test_models";').once.and_call_original MaterializedViewAutoRefreshTestModel.refresh_view! concurrent: :auto MaterializedViewAutoRefreshTestModel.refresh_view! concurrent: :auto end it 'raises an error when refreshing materialized views with invalid concurrent option' do class MaterializedViewInvalidRefreshTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base is_view 'SELECT 1 AS id;', materialized: true, unique_columns: [:id] end expect { MaterializedViewAutoRefreshTestModel.refresh_view! concurrent: :blah }.to raise_error ArgumentError, 'invalid concurrent option' end end end