%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Classicthesis-Styled CV % LaTeX Template % Version 1.0 (22/2/13) % % This template has been downloaded from: % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % Original author: % Alessandro Plasmati % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Re-usable template functions %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% def check_reference(options, project) s = "" begin options['references'].each do |ref| ref.keys.each do |key| # puts "comparing #{project} with #{ref[key]['projects']}" if ref[key]['projects'].concat(ref[key]['roles']).index(project) != nil r = ref[key] s = "Reference: #{r['first_name']} \\textsc{#{r['last_name']}}\\\ \\\ $\\cdotp$\\\ \\\ #{r['phone']}\\\ \\\ $\\cdotp$\\\ \\\ \\\href{mailto:#{r['email']}}{#{r['email']}}" end end end rescue puts "Couldn't find reference for project" end s end %> <% def check_project_company(options, project) s = "Personal" begin options['projects'].each do |ref| ref.keys.each do |key| puts "comparing #{project} with #{key}" if key == project s = "#{ref[key]}" end end end rescue puts "Couldn't find project company" end s end %> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\documentclass{scrartcl} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \reversemarginpar % Move the margin to the left of the page \newcommand{\MarginText}[1]{\marginpar{\raggedleft\itshape\small#1}} % New command defining the margin text style \usepackage[nochapters]{classicthesis} % Use the classicthesis style for the style of the document \usepackage[LabelsAligned]{currvita} % Use the currvita style for the layout of the document \renewcommand{\cvheadingfont}{\LARGE\color{Maroon}} % Font color of your name at the top \usepackage{hyperref} % Required for adding links and customizing them \hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks, urlcolor=Maroon, linkcolor=Maroon} % Set link colors \newlength{\datebox}\settowidth{\datebox}{13-2012--12/2014} % Set the width of the date box in each block \newcommand{\NewEntry}[3]{\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \parbox{\datebox}{\small \textit{#1}}\hspace{1.5em} #2 #3 % Define a command for each new block - change spacing and font sizes here: #1 is the left margin, #2 is the italic date field and #3 is the position/employer/location field \vspace{0.5em}} % Add some white space after each new entry \newcommand{\Description}[1]{\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0\noindent\raggedright\footnotesize{#1}\par\normalsize\vspace{1em}} % Define a command for descriptions of each entry - change spacing and font sizes here %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} % Stop the page count at the bottom of the first page %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{cv}{\spacedallcaps{<%= profile.first_name %> <%= profile.last_name %>}}\vspace{1.5em} % Your name \noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{Personal Information}\vspace{0.5em} % Personal information heading <% if !profile.location.name.nil? %> \NewEntry{}{\textit{Resides in <%= profile.location.name %>}} % Birthplace and date \NewEntry{email}{\href{mailto:<%= profile.email_address %>}{<%= profile.email_address %>}} % Email address <% end %> <% if !profile.member_url_resources.nil? %> <% for @url in profile.member_url_resources.all %> \NewEntry{website}{\href{<%= @url.url %>}{<%= @url.url %>}} % Personal website <% end %> <% end %> <% if !options['home_phone'].nil? && !options['mobile_phone'].nil? %> \NewEntry{phone}{(H) <%= options['home_phone'] %>\ \ $\cdotp$\ \ (M)<%= options['mobile_phone'] %>} % Phone number(s) <% end %> \vspace{1em} % Extra white space between the personal information section and goal <% if !profile.summary.nil? %> \noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{Introduction}\vspace{1em} % Goal heading, could be used for a quotation or short profile instead <% for @blurb in profile.summary.split("\n") %> <% if !@blurb.strip.empty? %> \Description{<%= @blurb %>} <% end %> <% end %> \vspace{2em} % Goal text <% end %> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WORK EXPERIENCE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% if !profile.positions.nil? %> \noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{Professional Experience}\vspace{1em} <% for @position in profile.positions.all %> <% if !@position.summary.nil? %> <% if @position.is_current %> \NewEntry{<%=@position.start_date.year %>--Present}{<%= @position.title %>, \textsc{<%= @position.company.name %>}} <% else %> \NewEntry{<%=@position.start_date.year %>--<%=@position.end_date.year %>}{<%= @position.title %>, \textsc{<%= @position.company.name %>}} <% end %> \Description{\MarginText{<%= @position.company.name %>} <% if !@position.summary.nil? %> <% for @line in @position.summary.lines %> <% if @line.strip.match(/^(\* |\- )/) %> \begin{itemize} \item <%= @line.strip.gsub(/^(\* |\- )/, '') %> \end{itemize} <% else %> <%= @line %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= check_reference(options, @position.title) %>} \vspace{.5em} % Extra space between sections <% end %> <% end %> %------------------------------------------------ \vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections <% end %> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROJECTS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% if !profile.projects.nil? %> \noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{Projects}\vspace{1em} <% for @project in profile.projects.all %> <% if @project.url %> %\NewEntry{website}{\href{<%= @project.url %>}{<%= @project.url %>}} % Project website <% end %> <% if @project.end_date.nil? %> \NewEntry{<%=@project.start_date.year %>--Present}{\textsc{<%= check_project_company(options, @project.name) %>}} <% else %> \NewEntry{<%=@project.start_date.month %>/<%=@project.start_date.year %>--<%=@project.end_date.month %>/<%=@project.end_date.year %>}{\textsc{<%= check_project_company(options, @project.name) %>}} <% end %> \Description{\MarginText{<%=@project.name %>} <% for @line in @project.description.lines %> <% if @line.strip.match(/^(\* |\- )/) %> \begin{itemize} \item <%= @line.strip.gsub(/^(\* |\- )/, '') %> \end{itemize} <% else %> <%= @line %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= check_reference(options, @project.name) %>} \vspace{.5em} % Extra space between sections %------------------------------------------------ <% end %> \vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections <% end %> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EDUCATION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% if !profile.educations.nil? %> \spacedlowsmallcaps{Education}\vspace{1em} <% for @education in profile.educations.all %> \NewEntry{<%=@education.start_date.year %>-<%=@education.end_date.year %>}{<%= @education.school_name %>} <% if !@education.degree.nil? %> \Description{\MarginText{<%=@education.degree %>}GPA: <%=@education.grade %> \ $\cdotp$\ \ Field of study: <%=@education.field_of_study %>\newline <% else %> \Description{\MarginText{High School} <% end %> <% if !@education.activities.nil? %> <% for @line in @education.activities.lines %> <% if @line.strip.match(/^(\* |\- )/) %> \begin{itemize} \item <%= @line.strip.gsub(/^(\* |\- )/, '') %> \end{itemize} <% else %> <%= @line %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if !@education.description.nil? %> <% for @line in @education.description.lines %> <% if @line.strip.match(/^(\* |\- )/) %> \begin{itemize} \item <%= @line.strip.gsub(/^(\* |\- )/, '') %> \end{itemize} <% else %> <%= @line %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>} \vspace{.5em} % Extra space between sections <% end %> %------------------------------------------------ \vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections <% end %> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PUBLICATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\spacedlowsmallcaps{Publications}\vspace{1em} %\NewEntry{January 2013}{Publication Title} %\Description{\MarginText{Full Journal Name}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nisl tellus, sodales non pulvinar in, adipiscing sit amet purus. Suspendisse sed facilisis diam. Sed ornare sem nec justo adipiscing nec venenatis lectus commodo. Mauris non neque ligula. Pellentesque sed quam eu felis iaculis iaculis ac a leo. Suspendisse neque neque, placerat id adipiscing et, elementum eu sem.\\ Authors: John \textsc{Smith}, ~James \textsc{Smith}} %------------------------------------------------ %\NewEntry{Sept. 2012}{Publication Title} %\Description{\MarginText{Full Journal Name}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nisl tellus, sodales non pulvinar in, adipiscing sit amet purus. Suspendisse sed facilisis diam. Sed ornare sem nec justo adipiscing nec venenatis lectus commodo. Mauris non neque ligula. Pellentesque sed quam eu felis iaculis iaculis ac a leo. Suspendisse neque neque, placerat id adipiscing et, elementum eu sem.\\ Authors: John \textsc{Smith}, ~James \textsc{Smith}} %------------------------------------------------ \vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % COMPUTER SKILLS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% if !profile.skills.nil? %> \spacedlowsmallcaps{Expertise\textbackslash Skills}\vspace{1em} \Description{\MarginText{Leadership} % Do LinkedIn Skills <% for @skill in profile.skills.all.shift(9) %> %\textsc{<%=@skill.skill.name%>} <%=@skill.skill.name%>, <% end %> <% for @skill in profile.skills.all.shift(1) %> <%=@skill.skill.name%>} <% end %> % Custom skills supplied via config <% if !options['skills'].nil? && !options['skills']['extra'].nil? %> <% for @extra in options['skills']['extra'] %> <% for @category in @extra.keys %> \Description{\MarginText{<%= @category.capitalize %>} <% for @skill in @extra[@category].shift(@extra[@category].size-1) %><%=@skill %>, <% end %> <% for @skill in @extra[@category].shift(1) %><%=@skill %> <% end %>} <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> %------------------------------------------------ \vspace{1em} % Extra space between major sections <% end %> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OTHER INFORMATION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% if !profile.interests.nil? %> \spacedlowsmallcaps{Other Information}\vspace{1em} \Description{\MarginText{Interests}<%= profile.interests.gsub(',', '\\\ \\\ $\\\cdotp$\\\ \\\ ')%>} <% end %> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \AtEndDocument{\vfill% % Your end-of-document content Produced with love by Latex and https://github.com/mefellows/linkedin2cv } \end{cv} \end{document}