/* dump_object.c * Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. */ #include "code.h" #include "dump.h" #include "rails.h" // Workaround in case INFINITY is not defined in math.h or if the OS is CentOS #define OJ_INFINITY (1.0/0.0) bool oj_use_hash_alt = false; bool oj_use_array_alt = false; static bool use_struct_alt = false; static bool use_exception_alt = false; static bool use_bignum_alt = false; static void raise_json_err(const char *msg, const char *err_classname) { rb_raise(oj_get_json_err_class(err_classname), "%s", msg); } static void dump_obj_classname(const char *classname, int depth, Out out) { int d2 = depth + 1; size_t len = strlen(classname); size_t sep_len = out->opts->dump_opts.before_size + out->opts->dump_opts.after_size + 2; size_t size = d2 * out->indent + 10 + len + out->opts->create_id_len + sep_len; assure_size(out, size); *out->cur++ = '{'; fill_indent(out, d2); *out->cur++ = '"'; memcpy(out->cur, out->opts->create_id, out->opts->create_id_len); out->cur += out->opts->create_id_len; *out->cur++ = '"'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.before_size; } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.after_size; } *out->cur++ = '"'; memcpy(out->cur, classname, len); out->cur += len; *out->cur++ = '"'; } static void dump_values_array(VALUE *values, int depth, Out out) { size_t size; int d2 = depth + 1; assure_size(out, d2 * out->indent + 3); *out->cur++ = '['; if (Qundef == *values) { *out->cur++ = ']'; } else { if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { size = d2 * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.array_size + 2; } else { size = d2 * out->indent + 3; } if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { size += out->opts->dump_opts.array_size; size += out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size; } for (; Qundef != *values; values++) { assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.array_size; } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = d2; 0 < i; i--) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size; } } } else { fill_indent(out, d2); } oj_dump_compat_val(*values, d2, out, true); if (Qundef != *(values + 1)) { *out->cur++ = ','; } } assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.array_size; } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size; } } } else { fill_indent(out, depth); } *out->cur++ = ']'; } } static void dump_to_json(VALUE obj, Out out) { volatile VALUE rs; const char *s; int len; #if HAS_METHOD_ARITY if (0 == rb_obj_method_arity(obj, oj_to_json_id)) { rs = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_json_id, 0); } else { rs = rb_funcall2(obj, oj_to_json_id, out->argc, out->argv); } #else rs = rb_funcall2(obj, oj_to_json_id, out->argc, out->argv); #endif s = rb_string_value_ptr((VALUE*)&rs); len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rs); assure_size(out, len + 1); memcpy(out->cur, s, len); out->cur += len; *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_array(VALUE a, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { size_t size; int i, cnt; int d2 = depth + 1; long id = oj_check_circular(a, out); if (0 > id) { raise_json_err("Too deeply nested", "NestingError"); return; } if (as_ok && !oj_use_hash_alt && rb_obj_class(a) != rb_cArray && rb_respond_to(a, oj_to_json_id)) { dump_to_json(a, out); return; } cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(a); *out->cur++ = '['; assure_size(out, 2); if (0 == cnt) { *out->cur++ = ']'; } else { if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { size = d2 * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.array_size + 1; } else { size = d2 * out->indent + 2; } cnt--; for (i = 0; i <= cnt; i++) { assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.array_size; } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = d2; 0 < i; i--) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size; } } } else { fill_indent(out, d2); } oj_dump_compat_val(rb_ary_entry(a, i), d2, out, true); if (i < cnt) { *out->cur++ = ','; } } size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.array_size; } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size; } } } else { fill_indent(out, depth); } *out->cur++ = ']'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static ID _dump_id = 0; static void bigdecimal_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "b", 1, Qnil }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; if (0 == _dump_id) { _dump_id = rb_intern("_dump"); } attrs[0].value = rb_funcall(obj, _dump_id, 0); oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } static ID real_id = 0; static ID imag_id = 0; static void complex_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "r", 1, Qnil }, { "i", 1, Qnil }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; if (0 == real_id) { real_id = rb_intern("real"); imag_id = rb_intern("imag"); } attrs[0].value = rb_funcall(obj, real_id, 0); attrs[1].value = rb_funcall(obj, imag_id, 0); oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } static ID year_id = 0; static ID month_id = 0; static ID day_id = 0; static ID start_id = 0; static void date_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "y", 1, Qnil }, { "m", 1, Qnil }, { "d", 1, Qnil }, { "sg", 2, Qnil }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; if (0 == year_id) { year_id = rb_intern("year"); month_id = rb_intern("month"); day_id = rb_intern("day"); start_id = rb_intern("start"); } attrs[0].value = rb_funcall(obj, year_id, 0); attrs[1].value = rb_funcall(obj, month_id, 0); attrs[2].value = rb_funcall(obj, day_id, 0); attrs[3].value = rb_funcall(obj, start_id, 0); oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } static ID hour_id = 0; static ID min_id = 0; static ID sec_id = 0; static ID offset_id = 0; static void datetime_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "y", 1, Qnil }, { "m", 1, Qnil }, { "d", 1, Qnil }, { "H", 1, Qnil }, { "M", 1, Qnil }, { "S", 1, Qnil }, { "of", 2, Qnil }, { "sg", 2, Qnil }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; if (0 == hour_id) { year_id = rb_intern("year"); month_id = rb_intern("month"); day_id = rb_intern("day"); hour_id = rb_intern("hour"); min_id = rb_intern("min"); sec_id = rb_intern("sec"); offset_id = rb_intern("offset"); start_id = rb_intern("start"); } attrs[0].value = rb_funcall(obj, year_id, 0); attrs[1].value = rb_funcall(obj, month_id, 0); attrs[2].value = rb_funcall(obj, day_id, 0); attrs[3].value = rb_funcall(obj, hour_id, 0); attrs[4].value = rb_funcall(obj, min_id, 0); attrs[5].value = rb_funcall(obj, sec_id, 0); attrs[6].value = rb_funcall(rb_funcall(obj, offset_id, 0), oj_to_s_id, 0); attrs[7].value = rb_funcall(obj, start_id, 0); oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } static ID message_id = 0; static ID backtrace_id = 0; static void exception_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { int d3 = depth + 2; size_t size = d3 * out->indent + 2; size_t sep_len = out->opts->dump_opts.before_size + out->opts->dump_opts.after_size + 2; if (0 == message_id) { message_id = rb_intern("message"); backtrace_id = rb_intern("backtrace"); } dump_obj_classname(rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(obj)), depth, out); assure_size(out, size + sep_len + 6); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d3); *out->cur++ = '"'; *out->cur++ = 'm'; *out->cur++ = '"'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.before_size; } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.after_size; } oj_dump_str(rb_funcall(obj, message_id, 0), 0, out, false); assure_size(out, size + sep_len + 6); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d3); *out->cur++ = '"'; *out->cur++ = 'b'; *out->cur++ = '"'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.before_size; } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.after_size; } dump_array(rb_funcall(obj, backtrace_id, 0), depth, out, false); fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static ID table_id = 0; static void openstruct_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "t", 1, Qnil }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; if (0 == table_id) { table_id = rb_intern("table"); } attrs[0].value = rb_funcall(obj, table_id, 0); oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } static void range_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { int d3 = depth + 2; size_t size = d3 * out->indent + 2; size_t sep_len = out->opts->dump_opts.before_size + out->opts->dump_opts.after_size + 2; VALUE args[] = { Qundef, Qundef, Qundef, Qundef }; dump_obj_classname(rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(obj)), depth, out); assure_size(out, size + sep_len + 6); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d3); *out->cur++ = '"'; *out->cur++ = 'a'; *out->cur++ = '"'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.before_size; } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.after_size; } args[0] = rb_funcall(obj, oj_begin_id, 0); args[1] = rb_funcall(obj, oj_end_id, 0); args[2] = rb_funcall(obj, oj_exclude_end_id, 0); dump_values_array(args, depth, out); fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static ID numerator_id = 0; static ID denominator_id = 0; static void rational_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "n", 1, Qnil }, { "d", 1, Qnil }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; if (0 == numerator_id) { numerator_id = rb_intern("numerator"); denominator_id = rb_intern("denominator"); } attrs[0].value = rb_funcall(obj, numerator_id, 0); attrs[1].value = rb_funcall(obj, denominator_id, 0); oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } static ID options_id = 0; static ID source_id = 0; static void regexp_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "o", 1, Qnil }, { "s", 1, Qnil }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; if (0 == options_id) { options_id = rb_intern("options"); source_id = rb_intern("source"); } attrs[0].value = rb_funcall(obj, options_id, 0); attrs[1].value = rb_funcall(obj, source_id, 0); oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } static void time_alt(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { struct _Attr attrs[] = { { "s", 1, Qundef, 0, Qundef }, { "n", 1, Qundef, 0, Qundef }, { NULL, 0, Qnil }, }; struct timespec ts = rb_time_timespec(obj); attrs[0].num = ts.tv_sec; attrs[1].num = ts.tv_nsec; oj_code_attrs(obj, attrs, depth, out, true); } struct _Code oj_compat_codes[] = { { "BigDecimal", Qnil, bigdecimal_alt, NULL, false }, { "Complex", Qnil, complex_alt, NULL, false }, { "Date", Qnil, date_alt, false }, { "DateTime", Qnil, datetime_alt, NULL, false }, { "OpenStruct", Qnil, openstruct_alt, NULL, false }, { "Range", Qnil, range_alt, NULL, false }, { "Rational", Qnil, rational_alt, NULL, false }, { "Regexp", Qnil, regexp_alt, NULL, false }, { "Time", Qnil, time_alt, NULL, false }, // TBD the rest of the library classes { NULL, Qundef, NULL, NULL, false }, }; VALUE oj_add_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Code a; if (0 == argc) { for (a = oj_compat_codes; NULL != a->name; a++) { if (Qnil == a->clas || Qundef == a->clas) { a->clas = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern(a->name)); } a->active = true; } use_struct_alt = true; use_exception_alt = true; use_bignum_alt = true; oj_use_hash_alt = true; oj_use_array_alt = true; } else { for (; 0 < argc; argc--, argv++) { if (rb_cStruct == *argv) { use_struct_alt = true; continue; } if (rb_eException == *argv) { use_exception_alt = true; continue; } if (rb_cInteger == *argv) { use_bignum_alt = true; continue; } if (rb_cHash == *argv) { oj_use_hash_alt = true; continue; } if (rb_cArray == *argv) { oj_use_array_alt = true; continue; } for (a = oj_compat_codes; NULL != a->name; a++) { if (Qnil == a->clas || Qundef == a->clas) { a->clas = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern(a->name)); } if (*argv == a->clas) { a->active = true; break; } } } } return Qnil; } VALUE oj_remove_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { if (0 == argc) { oj_code_set_active(oj_compat_codes, Qnil, false); use_struct_alt = false; use_exception_alt = false; use_bignum_alt = false; oj_use_hash_alt = false; oj_use_array_alt = false; } else { for (; 0 < argc; argc--, argv++) { if (rb_cStruct == *argv) { use_struct_alt = false; continue; } if (rb_eException == *argv) { use_exception_alt = false; continue; } if (rb_cInteger == *argv) { use_bignum_alt = false; continue; } if (rb_cHash == *argv) { oj_use_hash_alt = false; continue; } if (rb_cArray == *argv) { oj_use_array_alt = false; continue; } oj_code_set_active(oj_compat_codes, *argv, false); } } return Qnil; } // The JSON gem is inconsistent with handling of infinity. Using // JSON.dump(0.1/0) returns the string Infinity but (0.1/0).to_json raise and // exception. Worse, for BigDecimals a quoted "Infinity" is returned. static void dump_float(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { char buf[64]; char *b; double d = rb_num2dbl(obj); int cnt = 0; if (0.0 == d) { b = buf; *b++ = '0'; *b++ = '.'; *b++ = '0'; *b++ = '\0'; cnt = 3; } else if (OJ_INFINITY == d) { if (WordNan == out->opts->dump_opts.nan_dump) { strcpy(buf, "Infinity"); } else { raise_json_err("Infinity not allowed in JSON.", "GeneratorError"); } } else if (-OJ_INFINITY == d) { if (WordNan == out->opts->dump_opts.nan_dump) { strcpy(buf, "-Infinity"); } else { raise_json_err("-Infinity not allowed in JSON.", "GeneratorError"); } } else if (isnan(d)) { if (WordNan == out->opts->dump_opts.nan_dump) { strcpy(buf, "NaN"); } else { raise_json_err("NaN not allowed in JSON.", "GeneratorError"); } } else if (d == (double)(long long int)d) { //cnt = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1Lf", (long double)d); cnt = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f", d); } else if (oj_rails_float_opt) { cnt = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%0.16g", d); } else { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); strcpy(buf, rb_string_value_ptr((VALUE*)&rstr)); cnt = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr); } assure_size(out, cnt); for (b = buf; '\0' != *b; b++) { *out->cur++ = *b; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static int hash_cb(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out) { int depth = out->depth; if (out->omit_nil && Qnil == value) { return ST_CONTINUE; } if (!out->opts->dump_opts.use) { assure_size(out, depth * out->indent + 1); fill_indent(out, depth); } else { assure_size(out, depth * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size + 1); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_nl); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size; } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size; } } } switch (rb_type(key)) { case T_STRING: oj_dump_str(key, 0, out, false); break; case T_SYMBOL: oj_dump_sym(key, 0, out, false); break; default: /*rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "In :compat mode all Hash keys must be Strings or Symbols, not %s.\n", rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(key)));*/ oj_dump_str(rb_funcall(key, oj_to_s_id, 0), 0, out, false); break; } if (!out->opts->dump_opts.use) { *out->cur++ = ':'; } else { assure_size(out, out->opts->dump_opts.before_size + out->opts->dump_opts.after_size + 2); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.before_size; } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.after_size; } } oj_dump_compat_val(value, depth, out, true); out->depth = depth; *out->cur++ = ','; return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_hash(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { int cnt; long id = oj_check_circular(obj, out); if (0 > id) { raise_json_err("Too deeply nested", "NestingError"); return; } if (as_ok && !oj_use_hash_alt && rb_obj_class(obj) != rb_cHash && rb_respond_to(obj, oj_to_json_id)) { dump_to_json(obj, out); return; } cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(obj); assure_size(out, 2); if (0 == cnt) { *out->cur++ = '{'; *out->cur++ = '}'; } else { *out->cur++ = '{'; out->depth = depth + 1; rb_hash_foreach(obj, hash_cb, (VALUE)out); if (',' == *(out->cur - 1)) { out->cur--; // backup to overwrite last comma } if (!out->opts->dump_opts.use) { assure_size(out, depth * out->indent + 2); fill_indent(out, depth); } else { assure_size(out, depth * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size + 1); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_nl); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size; } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size; } } } *out->cur++ = '}'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } // In compat mode only the first call check for to_json. After that to_s is // called. static void dump_obj(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { if (oj_code_dump(oj_compat_codes, obj, depth, out)) { return; } if (use_exception_alt && rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_eException)) { exception_alt(obj, depth, out); return; } if (as_ok && rb_respond_to(obj, oj_to_json_id)) { dump_to_json(obj, out); return; } // Nothing else matched so encode as a JSON object with Ruby obj members // as JSON object members. oj_dump_obj_to_s(obj, out); } static void dump_struct(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(obj); if (oj_code_dump(oj_compat_codes, obj, depth, out)) { return; } if (rb_cRange == clas) { *out->cur++ = '"'; oj_dump_compat_val(rb_funcall(obj, oj_begin_id, 0), 0, out, false); assure_size(out, 3); *out->cur++ = '.'; *out->cur++ = '.'; if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(obj, oj_exclude_end_id, 0)) { *out->cur++ = '.'; } oj_dump_compat_val(rb_funcall(obj, oj_end_id, 0), 0, out, false); *out->cur++ = '"'; return; } if (as_ok && rb_respond_to(obj, oj_to_json_id)) { dump_to_json(obj, out); return; } if (use_struct_alt) { int d3 = depth + 2; size_t size = d3 * out->indent + 2; size_t sep_len = out->opts->dump_opts.before_size + out->opts->dump_opts.after_size + 2; const char *classname = rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(obj)); VALUE args[100]; int cnt; int i; if (NULL == classname || '#' == *classname) { raise_json_err("Only named structs are supported.", "JSONError"); } #ifdef RSTRUCT_LEN #if RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT cnt = (int)NUM2LONG(RSTRUCT_LEN(obj)); #else // RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT cnt = (int)RSTRUCT_LEN(obj); #endif // RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT #else // This is a bit risky as a struct in C ruby is not the same as a Struct // class in interpreted Ruby so length() may not be defined. cnt = FIX2INT(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_length_id, 0, 0)); #endif if (sizeof(args) / sizeof(*args) <= (size_t)cnt) { // TBD allocate and try again cnt = 99; } dump_obj_classname(rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(obj)), depth, out); assure_size(out, size + sep_len + 6); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d3); *out->cur++ = '"'; *out->cur++ = 'v'; *out->cur++ = '"'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.before_size; } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { strcpy(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep); out->cur += out->opts->dump_opts.after_size; } for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { #ifdef RSTRUCT_LEN args[i] = RSTRUCT_GET(obj, i); #else args[i] = rb_struct_aref(obj, INT2FIX(i)); #endif } args[cnt] = Qundef; dump_values_array(args, depth, out); fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } else { oj_dump_obj_to_s(obj, out); } } static void dump_bignum(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { // The json gem uses to_s explicitly. to_s can be overridden while // rb_big2str can not so unless overridden by using add_to_json(Integer) // this must use to_s to pass the json gem unit tests. volatile VALUE rs; int cnt; if (use_bignum_alt) { rs = rb_big2str(obj, 10); } else { rs = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); } rb_check_type(rs, T_STRING); cnt = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rs); assure_size(out, cnt); memcpy(out->cur, rb_string_value_ptr((VALUE*)&rs), cnt); out->cur += cnt; *out->cur = '\0'; } static DumpFunc compat_funcs[] = { NULL, // RUBY_T_NONE = 0x00, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_OBJECT = 0x01, oj_dump_class, // RUBY_T_CLASS = 0x02, oj_dump_class, // RUBY_T_MODULE = 0x03, dump_float, // RUBY_T_FLOAT = 0x04, oj_dump_str, // RUBY_T_STRING = 0x05, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_REGEXP = 0x06, dump_array, // RUBY_T_ARRAY = 0x07, dump_hash, // RUBY_T_HASH = 0x08, dump_struct, // RUBY_T_STRUCT = 0x09, dump_bignum, // RUBY_T_BIGNUM = 0x0a, NULL, // RUBY_T_FILE = 0x0b, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_DATA = 0x0c, NULL, // RUBY_T_MATCH = 0x0d, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_COMPLEX = 0x0e, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_RATIONAL = 0x0f, NULL, // 0x10 oj_dump_nil, // RUBY_T_NIL = 0x11, oj_dump_true, // RUBY_T_TRUE = 0x12, oj_dump_false, // RUBY_T_FALSE = 0x13, oj_dump_sym, // RUBY_T_SYMBOL = 0x14, oj_dump_fixnum, // RUBY_T_FIXNUM = 0x15, }; static void set_state_depth(VALUE state, int depth) { VALUE json_module = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("JSON")); VALUE ext = rb_const_get(json_module, rb_intern("Ext")); VALUE generator = rb_const_get(ext, rb_intern("Generator")); VALUE state_class = rb_const_get(generator, rb_intern("State")); if (state_class == rb_obj_class(state)) { rb_funcall(state, rb_intern("depth="), 1, INT2NUM(depth)); } } void oj_dump_compat_val(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { int type = rb_type(obj); if (out->opts->dump_opts.max_depth <= depth) { // When JSON.dump is called then an ArgumentError is expected and the // limit is the depth inclusive. If JSON.generate is called then a // NestingError is expected and the limit is inclusive. Worse than // that there are unit tests for both. if (CALLER_DUMP == out->caller) { if (0 < out->argc) { set_state_depth(*out->argv, depth); } rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Too deeply nested."); } else if (out->opts->dump_opts.max_depth < depth) { if (0 < out->argc) { set_state_depth(*out->argv, depth - 1); } raise_json_err("Too deeply nested", "NestingError"); } } if (0 < type && type <= RUBY_T_FIXNUM) { DumpFunc f = compat_funcs[type]; if (NULL != f) { f(obj, depth, out, as_ok); return; } } oj_dump_nil(Qnil, depth, out, false); }