require 'spec_helper' describe CatarsePagarme::PaymentDelegator do let(:contribution) { create(:contribution, value: 10) } let(:payment) { contribution.payments.first } let(:delegator) { payment.pagarme_delegator } let(:interest_rate) { 0 } let(:fake_transaction) { double("fake transaction", id: payment.gateway_id, card_brand: 'visa', acquirer_name: 'stone', tid: '404040404', installments: 2) } before do allow(CatarsePagarme).to receive(:configuration).and_return(double('fake config', { slip_tax: 2.00, credit_card_tax: 0.01, pagarme_tax: 0.0063, cielo_tax: 0.038, stone_tax: 0.0307, antifraud_tax: 0.39, stone_installment_tax: 0.0307, credit_card_cents_fee: 0.39, api_key: '', interest_rate: interest_rate })) allow(delegator).to receive(:transaction).and_return(fake_transaction) end describe "instance of CatarsePagarme::paymentDelegator" do it { expect(delegator).to be_a CatarsePagarme::PaymentDelegator } end describe "#value_for_transaction" do subject { delegator.value_for_transaction } it "should convert payment value to pagarme value format" do expect(subject).to eq(1000) end end describe "#value_with_installment_tax" do let(:installment) { 5 } let(:interest_rate) { 1.8 } subject { delegator.value_with_installment_tax(installment)} it "should return the payment value with installments tax" do expect(subject).to eq(1090) end end describe "#get_fee" do context 'when choice is credit card and acquirer_name is nil' do let(:payment) { create(:payment, value: 10, payment_method: CatarsePagarme::PaymentType::CREDIT_CARD, gateway_data: {acquirer_name: nil}) } subject { delegator.get_fee } it { expect(subject).to eq(nil) } end context 'when choice is slip' do let(:payment) { create(:payment, value: 10, payment_method: CatarsePagarme::PaymentType::SLIP, gateway_data: {acquirer_name: nil}) } subject { delegator.get_fee } it { expect(subject).to eq(2.00) } end context 'when choice is international credit card' do let(:payment) { create(:payment, value: 10, payment_method: CatarsePagarme::PaymentType::CREDIT_CARD, gateway_data: {acquirer_name: 'stone', card_brand: 'visa'}, installments: 1) } before do allow(payment.contribution).to receive(:international?).and_return(true) end subject { delegator.get_fee } it { expect(subject).to eq(0.76) } end context 'when choice is national credit card' do let(:payment) { create(:payment, value: 10, payment_method: CatarsePagarme::PaymentType::CREDIT_CARD, gateway_data: {acquirer_name: 'stone', card_brand: 'visa'}, installments: 1) } before do allow(payment.contribution).to receive(:international?).and_return(false) end subject { delegator.get_fee } it { expect(subject).to eq(1.15) } end end describe "#get_installments" do before do allow(delegator).to receive(:value_for_transaction).and_return(10000) end subject { delegator.get_installments } it { expect(subject['installments'].size).to eq(12) } it { expect(subject['installments']['2']['installment_amount']).to eq(5000) } end describe "#fill_acquirer_data" do let(:payment) { create(:payment, gateway_data: nil) } before do delegator.fill_acquirer_data end it "should fill data about credit card acquirer" do expect(payment.gateway_data['acquirer_name']).to eq fake_transaction.acquirer_name expect(payment.gateway_data['acquirer_tid']).to eq fake_transaction.tid expect(payment.gateway_data['card_brand']).to eq fake_transaction.card_brand end end describe "#update_transaction" do before do expect(delegator).to receive(:fill_acquirer_data).and_call_original delegator.update_transaction end it "should update installment value" do expect(payment.installment_value).to eq (delegator.value_for_installment / 100.0).to_f end it "should update fee" do expect(payment.gateway_fee).to eq delegator.get_fee end end describe "#transaction" do before do delegator.unstub(:transaction)#.and_return(fake_transaction) allow(PagarMe::Transaction).to receive(:find_by_id).and_return(fake_transaction) end context "when payment.gateway id is null" do before do allow(payment).to receive(:gateway_id).and_return(nil) end it "should be nil" do expect(delegator.transaction).to eq(nil) end end context "when dont match with gateway_id" do before do allow(fake_transaction).to receive(:id).and_return("123") end it "expect to raises an error" do expect { delegator.transaction }.to raise_error("transaction gateway not match 123 != 1.2.3") end end context "when have correct transaction" do it "should return the transaction object" do expect(delegator.transaction).to eq(fake_transaction) end end end describe "#transfer_funds" do let(:transfer_mock) { double(create: true, id: "123", to_json: {id: '123'}.to_json) } before do allow(PagarMe::Transfer).to receive(:new).and_return(transfer_mock) create(:bank_account, user: payment.user, bank: create(:bank, code: '237')) end it do transfer = delegator.transfer_funds expect(payment.payment_transfers.count).to eq(1) expect(transfer.payment).to eq(payment) expect(transfer.user).to eq(payment.user) expect(transfer.transfer_id).to eq(transfer.transfer_data["id"]) end end describe "#change_status_by_transaction" do %w(paid authorized).each do |status| context "when status is #{status}" do context "when payment is refunded" do before do payment.stub(:paid?).and_return(false) payment.stub(:refunded?).and_return(true) payment.stub(:pending_refund?).and_return(false) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction(status) } end context "when payment is pending_refund" do before do payment.stub(:paid?).and_return(false) payment.stub(:refunded?).and_return(false) payment.stub(:pending_refund?).and_return(true) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction(status) } end context "and payment is already paid" do before do payment.stub(:paid?).and_return(true) payment.stub(:refunded?).and_return(false) payment.stub(:pending_refund?).and_return(false) expect(payment).to_not receive(:pay) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction(status) } end context "and payment is not paid" do before do payment.stub(:paid?).and_return(false) payment.stub(:refunded?).and_return(false) payment.stub(:pending_refund?).and_return(false) expect(payment).to receive(:pay) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction(status) } end end end context "when status is refunded" do context "and payment is already refunded" do before do payment.stub(:refunded?).and_return(true) expect(payment).to_not receive(:refund) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction('refunded') } end context "and payment is not refunded" do before do payment.stub(:refunded?).and_return(false) expect(payment).to receive(:refund) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction('refunded') } end end context "when status is refused" do context "and payment is already canceled" do before do payment.stub(:refused?).and_return(true) expect(payment).to_not receive(:refuse) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction('refused') } end context "and payment is not refused" do before do payment.stub(:refused?).and_return(false) expect(payment).to receive(:refuse) end it { delegator.change_status_by_transaction('refused') } end end end end