// Foundation for Sites by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group grid //// /// Reposition a column. /// /// @param {Number|Keyword} $position - Direction and amount to move. The column will move equal to the width of the column count specified. A positive number will push the column to the right, while a negative number will pull it to the left. Set to center to center the column. @mixin grid-column-position($position) { @if type-of($position) == 'number' { $offset: percentage($position / $grid-column-count); position: relative; #{$global-left}: $offset; } @else if $position == center { &, &:last-child:not(:first-child) { float: none; clear: both; } margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } @else { @warn 'Wrong syntax for grid-column-position(). Enter a positive or negative number, or center.'; } } /// Reset a position definition. @mixin grid-column-unposition { position: static; float: $global-left; margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; } /// Offsets a column to the right by `$n` columns. /// @param {Number|List} $n - Width to offset by. You can pass in any value accepted by the `grid-column()` mixin, such as `6`, `50%`, or `1 of 2`. @mixin grid-column-offset($n) { margin-#{$global-left}: grid-column($n); } /// Disable the default behavior of the last column in a row aligning to the opposite edge. @mixin grid-column-end { // This extra specificity is required for the property to be applied &:last-child:last-child { float: $global-left; } } /// Shorthand for `grid-column-position()`. /// @alias grid-column-position @mixin grid-col-pos($position) { @include grid-column-position($position); } /// Shorthand for `grid-column-unposition()`. /// @alias grid-column-unposition @mixin grid-col-unpos { @include grid-column-unposition; } /// Shorthand for `grid-column-offset()`. /// @alias grid-column-offset @mixin grid-col-off($n) { @include grid-column-offset($n); } /// Shorthand for `grid-column-end()`. /// @alias grid-column-end @mixin grid-col-end { @include grid-column-end; }