module Geokit module Geocoders # Yahoo geocoder implementation. Requires the Geokit::Geocoders::YAHOO variable to # contain a Yahoo API key. Conforms to the interface set by the Geocoder class. class YahooGeocoder < Geocoder private # Template method which does the geocode lookup. def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address url="{Geokit::Geocoders::yahoo}&q=#{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}" res = self.call_geocoder_service(url) return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) json = res.body logger.debug "Yahoo geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{json}" return self.json2GeoLoc(json, address) end def self.json2GeoLoc(json, address) results = MultiJson.load(json) if results['ResultSet']['Error'] == 0 && results['ResultSet']['Results'] != nil && results['ResultSet']['Results'].first != nil geoloc = nil results['ResultSet']['Results'].each do |result| extracted_geoloc = extract_geoloc(result) if geoloc.nil? geoloc = extracted_geoloc else geoloc.all.push(extracted_geoloc) end end return geoloc else "Yahoo was unable to geocode address: " + address return end end def self.extract_geoloc(result_json) geoloc = # basic = result_json['latitude'] geoloc.lng = result_json['longitude'] geoloc.country_code = result_json['countrycode'] geoloc.provider = 'yahoo' # extended geoloc.street_address = result_json['line1'].to_s.empty? ? nil : result_json['line1'] = result_json['city'] geoloc.state = geoloc.is_us? ? result_json['statecode'] : result_json['state'] = result_json['postal'] geoloc.precision = case result_json['quality'] when 9,10 then 'country' when 19..30 then 'state' when 39,40 then 'city' when 49,50 then 'neighborhood' when 59,60,64 then 'zip' when 74,75 then 'zip+4' when 70..72 then 'street' when 80..87 then 'address' when 62,63,90,99 then 'building' else 'unknown' end geoloc.accuracy = %w{unknown country state state city zip zip+4 street address building}.index(geoloc.precision) geoloc.success = true return geoloc end end end end