![Codeship Status for semlogr/semlogr](https://codeship.com/projects/9677cdd0-8768-0134-57f3-36c2ccf79a16/status?branch=master) # Logenties sink for Semlogr This sink provides support for writing logs to [logentries](https://logentries.com/), the sink currently makes use of the device within the logstash-logger gem which provides a buffered device for writing entries to logentries in batches and saved me a bunch of time to get this sink off the ground. ## Installation To install: gem install semlogr-sinks-logentries Or if using bundler, add semlogr to your Gemfile: gem 'semlogr-sinks-logentries' then: bundle install ## Getting Started Create an instance of the logger configuring the logentries sink with your token. ```ruby require 'semlogr' require 'semlogr/sinks/logentries' Semlogr.logger = Semlogr.create_logger do |c| c.log_at :info c.write_to :logentries, 'TOKEN' end Semlogr.info('Customer {customer_id} did something interesting', customer_id: 1234) ``` ## Development After cloning the repository run `bundle install` to get up and running, to run the specs just run `rake spec`. ## Changes ### 0.1.0 - Initial commit. ## Contributing See anything broken or something you would like to improve? feel free to submit an issue or better yet a pull request!