class SCSSBeautifier::Formatters::StringQuotes < SCSSBeautifier::Formatters::Base def visit_prop(node) check_quotes(node) visit_children(node) end def check_quotes(node) return unless node.value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Tree::Literal) # TODO Check for single or double quote preference str_without_quotes = extract_string_without_quotes(node.value.value.to_s) change_to_single_quotes(node) if str_without_quotes && !str_without_quotes.match(/'/) end private STRING_WITHOUT_QUOTES_REGEX = %r{ \A ["'](.*)["'] # Extract text between quotes \s*\)?\s*;?\s* # Sometimes the Sass parser includes a trailing ) or ; (//.*)? # Exclude any trailing comments that might have snuck in \z }x def change_to_single_quotes(node) new_val = node.value.value.to_s.gsub('"', '\'') node.instance_variable_set(:@value, end def extract_string_without_quotes(source) return unless match = STRING_WITHOUT_QUOTES_REGEX.match(source) match[1] end end