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E$ E$E$ find-methodE$ContextE$ORecursively search for a method within a Class/Module or the current namespace.$E$I Usage: find-method [-n|-c] METHOD [NAMESPACE] Recursively search for a method within a Class/Module or the current namespace. Use the `-n` switch (the default) to search for methods whose name matches the given regex. Use the `-c` switch to search for methods that contain the given code. # Find all methods whose name match /re/ inside # the Pry namespace. Matches Pry#repl, etc. find-method re Pry # Find all methods that contain the code: # output.puts inside the Pry namespace. find-method -c 'output.puts' Pry $ E$options$$]E$Search for a method by name$$E$2Search for a method based on content in Regex form$E$process$E$pattern$N$$E$show_search_resultsE$No Methods Matched$E$ search_class$E$ print_matches$E$block in print_matches$"E$print_matches_for_classE$ block in print_matches_for_class$%E$additional_infoE$: E$$)E$matched_method_lines$E$block in matched_method_linesE$ E$ $/E$recurse_namespace$E$block in recurse_namespaceE$$rescue in block in recurse_namespace$4E$search_all_methodsE$block in search_all_methodsE$&block (2 levels) in search_all_methods$8E$ name_searchE$block in name_search$;E$content_searchE$block in content_searchE$!rescue in block in content_search$E$PryE$CommandE$ ClassCommandE$ FindMethodE$HelpersE$ BaseHelpersE$optE$onE$klassE$matchesE$argsE$sizeE$WrW~WWWWWWXDXYXnXzXXXXYYCYrYYYYY Z-ZXZZZZZZ [$[C[Z[p[[[[[[\\9\S\i\\\\\\\]0]O]h]]]]]]]^.^I^a^{^^^^^__4_M_g______`!`>`V`o```````a+aDafaaaaaab&b@bfbbbbbb c$c:c