require "base64" require "vmc/cli" module VMC class Start < CLI # Make sure we only show the target once @@displayed_target = false def displayed_target? @@displayed_target end # These commands don't require authentication. def precondition; end def self.find_by_name(what) proc { |name, choices| choices.find { |c| == name } || fail("Unknown #{what} '#{name}'") } end desc "Display information on the current target, user, etc." group :start input :runtimes, :type => :boolean, :desc => "List supported runtimes" input :frameworks, :type => :boolean, :desc => "List supported frameworks" input :services, :type => :boolean, :desc => "List supported services" input(:all, :type => :boolean, :alias => "-a", :desc => "Show all information") def info(input) all = input[:all] if all || input[:runtimes] runtimes = with_progress("Getting runtimes") do client.runtimes end end if all || input[:frameworks] frameworks = with_progress("Getting frameworks") do client.frameworks end end if all || input[:services] services = with_progress("Getting services") do end end info = showing_any = runtimes || services || frameworks unless !all && showing_any line if showing_any line info[:description] line line "target: #{b(}" indented do line "version: #{info[:version]}" line "support: #{info[:support]}" end if user = client.current_user line line "user: #{b( || token_data[:email] || user.guid)}" end end if runtimes unless quiet? line line "runtimes:" end indented do if runtimes.empty? && !quiet? line "#{d("none")}" else spaced(runtimes) do |r| display_runtime(r) end end end end if frameworks unless quiet? line line "frameworks:" end indented do if frameworks.empty? && !quiet? line "#{d("none")}" else spaced(frameworks) do |f| display_framework(f) end end end end if services unless quiet? line line "services:" end indented do if services.empty? && !quiet? line "#{d("none")}" else spaced(services) do |s| display_service(s) end end end end end desc "Set or display the current target cloud" group :start input :url, :argument => :optional, :desc => "Target URL to switch to" input(:interactive, :alias => "-i", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Interactively select organization/space") input(:organization, :aliases => ["--org", "-o"], :from_given => find_by_name("organization"), :desc => "Organization") { |orgs| ask("Organization", :choices => orgs, :display => proc(&:name)) } input(:space, :alias => "-s", :from_given => find_by_name("space"), :desc => "Space") { |spaces| ask("Space", :choices => spaces, :display => proc(&:name)) } def target(input) if !input[:interactive] && !input.given?(:url) && !input.given?(:organization) && !input.given?(:space) display_target display_org_and_space unless quiet? return end if input.given?(:url) target = sane_target_url(input[:url]) display = c(target.sub(/https?:\/\//, ""), :name) with_progress("Setting target to #{display}") do set_target(target) end end return unless v2? && client.logged_in? if input[:interactive] || input.given?(:organization) || input.given?(:space) info = target_info select_org_and_space(input, info) save_target_info(info) end return if quiet? line display_target display_org_and_space end desc "List known targets." group :start, :hidden => true def targets(input) targets_info.each do |target, _| line target # TODO: print org/space end end desc "Authenticate with the target" group :start input :username, :alias => "--email", :argument => :optional, :desc => "Account email" input :password, :desc => "Account password" input(:interactive, :alias => "-i", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Interactively select organization/space") input(:organization, :aliases => ["--org", "-o"], :from_given => find_by_name("organization"), :desc => "Organization") { |orgs| ask("Organization", :choices => orgs, :display => proc(&:name)) } input(:space, :alias => "-s", :from_given => find_by_name("space"), :desc => "Space") { |spaces| ask("Space", :choices => spaces, :display => proc(&:name)) } def login(input) show_context credentials = { :username => input[:username], :password => input[:password] } prompts = client.login_prompts # ask username first if prompts.key? :username type, label = prompts.delete :username credentials[:username] ||= ask_prompt(type, label) end info = target_info authenticated = false failed = false until authenticated unless force? ask_prompts(credentials, prompts) end with_progress("Authenticating") do |s| begin info[:token] = client.login(credentials) authenticated = true rescue CFoundry::Denied return if force? do failed = true credentials.delete(:password) end end end end save_target_info(info) invalidate_client if v2? line if input[:interactive] select_org_and_space(input, info) save_target_info(info) end ensure exit_status 1 if not authenticated end desc "Log out from the target" group :start def logout(input) with_progress("Logging out") do remove_target_info end end desc "Create a user and log in" group :start, :hidden => true input(:email, :argument => true, :desc => "Desired email") { ask("Email") } input(:password, :desc => "Desired password") { ask("Password", :echo => "*", :forget => true) } input(:verify, :desc => "Repeat password") { ask("Confirm Password", :echo => "*", :forget => true) } input :login, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "Automatically log in?" def register(input) show_context email = input[:email] password = input[:password] if !force? && password != input[:verify] fail "Passwords do not match." end with_progress("Creating user") do client.register(email, password) end if input[:login] invoke :login, :username => email, :password => password end end desc "Show color configuration" group :start, :hidden => true def colors(input) user_colors.each do |n, c| line "#{n}: #{c(c.to_s, n)}" end end private def ask_prompt(type, label) if type == "password" options = { :echo => "*", :forget => true } else options = {} end ask(label, options) end def ask_prompts(credentials, prompts) prompts.each do |name, meta| type, label = meta credentials[name] ||= ask_prompt(type, label) end end def show_context return if quiet? || displayed_target? display_target line @@displayed_target = true end def display_target if quiet? puts else line "target: #{c(, :name)}" end end def display_org_and_space return unless v2? if org = client.current_organization line "organization: #{c(, :name)}" end if space = client.current_space line "space: #{c(, :name)}" end rescue CFoundry::APIError end def display_runtime(r) if quiet? puts else line "#{c(, :name)}:" indented do line "description: #{b(r.description)}" if r.description # TODO: probably won't have this in final version apps = r.apps.collect { |a| c(, :name) } app_list = apps.empty? ? d("none") : apps.join(", ") line "apps: #{app_list}" end end end def display_service(s) if quiet? puts s.label else line "#{c(s.label, :name)}:" indented do line "description: #{s.description}" line "version: #{s.version}" line "provider: #{s.provider}" if v2? line "plans:" indented do s.service_plans.sort_by(&:name).each do |p| line "#{c(, :name)}: #{p.description}" end end end end end end def display_framework(f) if quiet? puts else line "#{c(, :name)}:" indented do line "description: #{b(f.description)}" if f.description # TODO: probably won't show this in final version; just for show apps = f.apps.collect { |a| c(, :name) } line "apps: #{apps.empty? ? d("none") : apps.join(", ")}" end end end def org_valid?(guid, user = client.current_user) return false unless guid client.organization(guid).users.include? user rescue CFoundry::APIError false end def space_valid?(guid, user = client.current_user) return false unless guid user rescue CFoundry::APIError false end def select_org_and_space(input, info) changed_org = false if input[:interactive] || input.given?(:organization) || \ !org_valid?(info[:organization]) orgs = client.organizations fail "No organizations!" if orgs.empty? if !input[:interactive] && orgs.size == 1 && !input.given?(:organization) org = orgs.first else org = input[:organization, orgs.sort_by(&:name)] end with_progress("Switching to organization #{c(, :name)}") do info[:organization] = org.guid changed_org = true end else org = client.current_organization end # switching org means switching space if input[:interactive] || changed_org || input.given?(:space) || \ !space_valid?(info[:space]) spaces = org.spaces fail "No spaces!" if spaces.empty? if !input[:interactive] && spaces.size == 1 && !input.given?(:space) space = spaces.first else line if input[:interactive] && changed_org space = input[:space, spaces.sort_by(&:name)] end with_progress("Switching to space #{c(, :name)}") do info[:space] = space.guid end end end # grab the metadata from a token that looks like: # # bearer (base64 ...) def token_data return @token_data if @token_data tok = Base64.decode64(client.base.token.sub(/^bearer\s+/, "")) tok.sub!(/\{.+?\}/, "") # clear algo @token_data = JSON.parse(tok[/\{.+?\}/], :symbolize_names => true) # normally i don't catch'em all, but can't expect all tokens to be the # proper format, so just silently fail as this is not critical rescue {} end end end