Individual Titles

Applies to individual files uploaded

<%= content_tag :p, t(''), class: "help-block" %> <% @batch.generic_files.sort! { |a,b| a.label.downcase <=> b.label.downcase }.each_with_index do |gen_f, index| %>
<%= f.label :title, "* Title #{index + 1}".html_safe, class: "control-label" %> <%= help_icon(:title) %>
<%= f.text_field :title, name: "title[#{}][]", value: gen_f.label, required: true %>
<% end %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(:extra_description_count, "1") %>

Bulk Descriptions

Applies to all files just uploaded

<%# See if this works: render_edit_field_partial(:type, f:f) %> <%= f.label :resource_type, "Resource Types", class: "control-label", for: "resource_type" %> <%= help_icon(:resource_type) %> <%= content_tag :p, t(''), class: "help-block" %> <%= "resource_type", Sufia::Engine::config.resource_types, {}, { multiple: true, size: 7, "aria-label" => "Rights combo box" } %>
<%= f.label :tag, "* Keyword".html_safe, class: "control-label" %> <%= help_icon(:tag) %>
<%= f.text_field :tag, name: "generic_file[tag][]", value: "", required: true %>
<%= f.label :creator, "* Creator".html_safe, class: "control-label" %> <%= help_icon(:creator) %>
<%= f.text_field :creator, name: "generic_file[creator][]", value: "", required: true %>
<%= f.label :rights, '* Rights'.html_safe, class: "control-label" %> <%= help_icon_modal('rightsModal') %>
<%= "rights", options_for_select(Sufia::Engine::config.cc_licenses, ''), required: true %> <%= render partial: "generic_files/rights_modal" %>
<%= render partial: 'more_metadata', locals: {f:f} %>