require "isodoc" require_relative "metadata" require "fileutils" require_relative "base_convert" module IsoDoc module NIST # A {Converter} implementation that generates PDF HTML output, and a # document schema encapsulation of the document for validation class PdfConvert < IsoDoc::PdfConvert def initialize(options) @libdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) super end def convert1(docxml, filename, dir) @bibliographycount = docxml.xpath(ns("//bibliography/references | //annex/references | //bibliography/clause/references")).size FileUtils.cp html_doc_path('logo.png'), File.join(@localdir, "logo.png") FileUtils.cp html_doc_path('commerce-logo-color.png'), File.join(@localdir, "commerce-logo-color.png") @files_to_delete << File.join(@localdir, "logo.png") @files_to_delete << File.join(@localdir, "commerce-logo-color.png") super end def default_fonts(options) { bodyfont: (options[:script] == "Hans" ? '"SimSun",serif' : '"Libre Baskerville",serif'), headerfont: (options[:script] == "Hans" ? '"SimHei",sans-serif' : '"Libre Baskerville",serif'), monospacefont: '"Space Mono",monospace' } end def default_file_locations(_options) { htmlstylesheet: html_doc_path("htmlstyle.scss"), htmlcoverpage: html_doc_path("html_nist_titlepage.html"), htmlintropage: html_doc_path("html_nist_intro.html"), scripts_pdf: html_doc_path("scripts.pdf.html"), } end def metadata_init(lang, script, labels) @meta =, script, labels) end def googlefonts <<~HEAD.freeze <link href=",400,400i,600,600i" rel="stylesheet"> <link href=",300i,400,400i,600,600i|Space+Mono:400,700" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href=",400i,700,700i" rel="stylesheet"> HEAD end def toclevel <<~HEAD.freeze function toclevel() { var i; var text = ""; for(i = 1; i <= #{@htmlToClevels}; i++) { if (i > 1) { text += ","; } text += "h" + i + ":not(:empty):not(.TermNum):not(.AbstractTitle):not(.IntroTitle):not(.ForewordTitle)"; } return text;} HEAD end def make_body(xml, docxml) body_attr = { lang: "EN-US", link: "blue", vlink: "#954F72", "xml:lang": "EN-US", class: "container" } xml.body **body_attr do |body| make_body1(body, docxml) make_body2(body, docxml) make_body3(body, docxml) end end def html_toc(docxml) docxml end def make_body3(body, docxml) body.div **{ class: "main-section" } do |div3| foreword docxml, div3 abstract docxml, div3 keywords docxml, div3 boilerplate docxml, div3 preface docxml, div3 middle docxml, div3 footnotes div3 comments div3 end end def authority_cleanup(docxml) dest ="//div[@id = 'authority']") || return auth ="//div[@class = 'authority']") || return dest.replace(auth.remove) a ="//div[@id = 'authority1']") and a["class"] = "authority1" a ="//div[@id = 'authority2']") and a["class"] = "authority2" a ="//div[@id = 'authority3']") and a["class"] = "authority3" a ="//div[@id = 'authority3a']") and a["class"] = "authority3" a ="//div[@id = 'authority4']") and a["class"] = "authority4" a ="//div[@id = 'authority5']") and a["class"] = "authority5" end def cleanup(docxml) super term_cleanup(docxml) requirement_cleanup(docxml) end def html_preface(docxml) super authority_cleanup(docxml) docxml end def bibliography(isoxml, out) f ="//bibliography/clause | //bibliography/references")) || return page_break(out) isoxml.xpath(ns("//bibliography/clause | //bibliography/references")).each do |f| out.div do |div| div.h1 **{ class: "Section3" } do |h1| if @bibliographycount == 1 h1 << "References" else f&.at(ns("./title"))&.children.each { |n| parse(n, h1) } end end f.elements.reject do |e| ["reference", "title", "bibitem"].include? end.each { |e| parse(e, div) } biblio_list(f, div, false) end end end def keywords(_docxml, out) kw = @meta.get[:keywords] kw.empty? and return out.div **{ class: "Section3" } do |div| out.div do |div| clause_name(nil, "Keywords", div, class: "IntroTitle") div.p kw.sort.join("; ") end end end def termdef_parse(node, out) pref ="./preferred")) out.dl **{ class: "terms_dl" } do |dl| dl.dt do |dt| pref.children.each { |n| parse(n, dt) } end set_termdomain("") dl.dd do |dd| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, dd) unless == "preferred" } end end end def term_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//table[@class = 'terms_dl']").each do |d| prev = d.previous_element next unless == "table" and prev["class"] == "terms_dl" d.children.each { |n| prev.add_child(n.remove) } d.remove end docxml end include BaseConvert end end end