# encoding: utf-8 # TODO if using Rails 4 or greater use copy and paste on your secret.yml: # rents: # app_id: # TODO your app_id # app_secret_key: # TODO your app_secret_key # IMPORTANT: remember that test & development is not necessary if using test_env, but if you want your test app remember to use you test_app id & secret # It automatic the RentS to it TestEnv & ProductionEnv if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? # TODO if using Rails 3 or older & not using the TEST_ENV, put here your TEST app_id & your secret_key Rents.app_id = '' Rents.secret_key = '' # TODO: Uncomment test_env if you want to test using RentS default & global app # Rents.test_env = true # TODO: Uncomment debugger if you have an RentS instance on your machine # Rents.debug = true elsif Rails.env.production? # TODO if using Rails 3 or older, put here your PRODUCTION app_id & your secret_key Rents.app_id = '' Rents.secret_key = '' # For production remember to keep it false or just remove it Rents.test_env = false Rents.debug = false end # Get your App config if your not using TEST_ENV nor DEBUGGER if (Rents.test_env.nil? && Rents.debug.nil?) || (Rents.test_env == false && Rents.debug == false) if Rails.version[0].to_i >= 4 begin Rents.app_id = Rails.application.secrets.rents['app_id'] Rents.secret_key = Rails.application.secrets.rents['app_secret_key'] rescue p 'Check your Secret.yml... Please add on it your Rent$ app_id & app_secret_key' end end end