require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'uri' require 'open-uri' require 'json' require_relative './app_utils' require 'pry' class Project def initialize(url) @base_url = sanitize_url(url) @destination_dir = nil @destination = destination @detector_json_path = '' end def sanitize_url(url) url = url.split('?').first url.chop! if url.end_with? '/' is_valid_url = url =~ /\A#{URI::regexp(['http', 'https'])}\z/ || url.include?('git@') unless is_valid_url valid_shortcut = url.split('/').size == 2 if valid_shortcut url = '' + url else url = nil end end url end def destination unless @base_url.include? '' return Digest::SHA256.hexdigest @base_url end stripped_url = @base_url.gsub('.git', '') stripped_url = stripped_url.gsub('.git', '') stripped_url = stripped_url.gsub('', '') stripped_url = stripped_url.gsub('', '') stripped_url.gsub('', '') stripped_url.gsub('/','-') end def change_directory # TODO aparently this doesn't work because ruby forks the terminal process and can't communicate with his parent # temp_script_name = './' # AppUtils::execute 'echo "cd '+@destination+'" > ' + temp_script_name # AppUtils::execute '. '+temp_script_name # AppUtils::execute 'rm -rf ' + temp_script_name puts "-------------------------------------------" puts "Please change directory" puts "cd #{destination.yellow}" puts "-------------------------------------------" end def install_dependencies file = open(@detector_json_path) {|f| } types = JSON.parse(file) chosen = nil Dir.chdir(@destination_dir) types.each do |item| if File.exists? (item['file_requirement']) puts "#{item['type']} detected...".yellow go_inside_and_run item['installation_command'] end end end def cloneable_url starts_with_git = @base_url.split(//).first(4).join.eql? 'git@' ends_with_git = @base_url.split(//).last(4).join.eql? '.git' # ends with git but doesnt start with git return @base_url if ends_with_git && !starts_with_git # ends with git but doesnt start with git return "#{@base_url}.git" if !ends_with_git && !starts_with_git @base_url end ## ## CLONE THE REPOSITORY ## def clone(is_temp_folder=false) cloneable = cloneable_url unless is_temp_folder prefix = Dir.pwd + '/' else prefix = Dir.tmpdir + '/gito/' end @destination_dir = prefix + "#{@destination}" if puts "The folder #{} is not empty..." else AppUtils.execute("git clone --depth 1 #{cloneable} #{@destination_dir}") end @destination_dir end def open_editor(app) puts "Opening editor...".yellow go_inside_and_run "#{app} ." end def open_folder puts 'Opening folder...'.yellow go_inside_and_run 'open .' end def go_inside_and_run(command) Dir.chdir(@destination_dir) do AppUtils::execute command end end end