class Array # # flatten.compact.uniq # def squash flatten.compact.uniq end #def to_hash # Hash[self] #end # # Removes the elements from the array for which the block evaluates to true. # In addition, return the removed elements. # # For example, if you wanted to split an array into evens and odds: # # nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] # even = nums.remove_if { |n| n.even? } # remove all even numbers from the "nums" array and return them # odd = nums # "nums" now only contains odd numbers # def remove_if(&block) removed = [] delete_if do |x| if removed << x true else false end end removed end # # zip from the right (or reversed zip.) # # eg: # >> [5,39].rzip([:hours, :mins, :secs]) # => [ [:mins, 5], [:secs, 39] ] # def rzip(other) # That's a lotta reverses! end # # Pick the middle element. # def middle self[(size-1) / 2] end # # XOR operator # def ^(other) (self | other) - (self & other) end # # Shuffle the array # unless instance_methods.include? :shuffle def shuffle sort_by{rand} end end # # Pick (a) random element(s). # unless instance_methods.include? :sample def sample(n=1) return self[rand sz] if n == 1 sz = size indices = [] loop do indices += (0..n*1.2).map { rand sz } indices.uniq break if indices.size >= n end values_at(*indices[0...n]) end end alias_method :pick, :sample # # Divide the array into n pieces. # def / pieces piece_size = (size.to_f / pieces).ceil each_slice(piece_size).to_a end alias_method :unzip, :transpose # # Convert the array to a hash # def to_h if self.first.is_a? Array Hash[self] else Hash[*self] end end # # Takes an array of numbers, puts them into equal-sized # buckets, and counts the buckets (aka. A Histogram!) # # Examples: # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].histogram(3) #=> [3,3,3] # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].histogram(2) #=> [4,5] # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].histogram(2, ranges: true) # #=> { # 1.0...5.0 => 4, # 5.0...9.0 => 5 # } # def histogram(n_buckets=10, options={}) use_ranges = options[:ranges] || options[:hash] min_val = min max_val = max range = (max_val - min_val) bucket_size = range.to_f / n_buckets buckets = [0]*n_buckets # p [range, bucket_size, buckets, min_val, max_val] each do |e| bucket = (e - min_val) / bucket_size bucket = n_buckets - 1 if bucket >= n_buckets # p [:e, e, :bucket, bucket] buckets[bucket] += 1 end if use_ranges ranges = (0...n_buckets).map do |n| offset = n*bucket_size (min_val + offset) ... (min_val + offset + bucket_size) end Hash[ ] else buckets end end end