require 'uri' require 'cgi' require 'atcoder_greedy/lib/atcoder' require 'atcoder_greedy' require 'atcoder_greedy/lib/greedy_template' class Contest attr_accessor :name, :url, :dir, :problems def initialize(url, **options) if options[:language] != '' @language = options[:language] else @language = AtcoderGreedy.config[:language] end @url = url set_agent set_contest_info(options[:problems]) set_directories(options[:directory]) create_inputs unless options[:no][:input] create_templates(options[:template]) unless options[:no][:template] puts 'Set up done. Go for it!' end def set_agent atcoder = atcoder.login(@url) @agent = atcoder.agent end def set_contest_info(option_problems) print 'Set contest info ... ' @name = URI.parse(@url).host.split('.').first html = @agent.get(@url + '/assignments').content.toutf8 doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html, nil, 'utf8') all_problems = [] task_ids = [] doc.xpath('//tbody').each do |tbody| tbody.xpath('.//a[starts-with(@href,"/submit")]').each do |a| task_ids.push(CGI.parse(URI.parse(a.attributes['href'].value).query)['task_id'].first) end all_problems = tbody.xpath('.//a[@class="linkwrapper"]') end @problems = [] if all_problems.nil? raise 'Failed to get info. Do you participate this contest?' else until all_problems.empty? path = all_problems[0].attributes['href'].value pro = { |l| l.attributes['href'].value == path } all_problems = all_problems.reject { |l| l.attributes['href'].value == path } name = pro[0].inner_text if option_problems.empty? || (!option_problems.empty? && option_problems.include?(name)) @problems.push(name: pro[0].inner_text, path: path, task_id: task_ids.shift) print "#{name} " end end end puts 'Done!' end def create_inputs print 'Create inputs ... ' @problems.each do |problem| # take input and output params from url and save to file html = @agent.get(@url + problem[:path]).content.toutf8 doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html, nil, 'utf8') in_file = + "/input_#{problem[:name]}.txt", 'w') params = doc.xpath('//pre') params.shift params.each_with_index do |p, i| if i % 2 == 0 in_file.puts "-- Example #{i/2}" in_file.puts "#{p.text.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n").strip}" else in_file.puts "-- Answer #{(i-1)/2}" in_file.puts "#{p.text.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n").strip}" end end in_file.close end puts 'Done!' end def create_templates(option_template) print 'Create Templates ... ' if option_template == '' # use user default or system default template if AtcoderGreedy.config[:default_template][:"#{@language}"] != '' solve_template = open(AtcoderGreedy.config[:default_template][:"#{@language}"], &:read) else solve_template = open(File.dirname(__dir__) + '/templates' + "/#{@language}/solve.#{@language}", &:read) end else # use option_template template_path = GreedyTemplate.get_template_path(option_template) if template_path.nil? raise "ERROR: Template #{option_template} doesn't found" else solve_template = open(template_path, &:read) end end @problems.each_with_index do |problem| solve_file_content = solve_template.clone solve_file_content.gsub!(/DATE/,'%F')) solve_file_content.gsub!(/CONTEST/, @name.upcase) solve_file_content.gsub!(/PROBLEM/, problem[:name]) solve_file = + "/#{problem[:name]}.#{@language}", 'w') solve_file.print solve_file_content solve_file.close end puts 'Done!' end def set_directories(directory) print 'Set contest directory ... ' if directory == '' FileUtils.mkdir(@name) @dir = "./#{@name}" else if Dir.exists?(directory) @dir = directory else raise "ERROR: Directory doesn't exists:#{@dir}" end end puts 'Done!' end end