## 0.3.0 (2012.9.01) Major gem revisions: * Interpolation class moved to Interpolate::Points * Binary search to find the correct interpolation interval * Optional blending function block can be passed to Interpolate::Points * gemspec file completely rebuilt, sans Jeweler ## 0.2.4 (2011.4.10) * Project cleanup: minor updates to the lib/ file structure and documentation ## 0.2.2 (2008.2.4) * Single source file has been split into class files * Tests now use `freeze` * Better edge case testing in the `Array` and `Numeric` `interpolate` methods ## 0.2.1 (2008.1.27) First public release Project Cleanup: * Documentation enhancements and updates. * `add` is now `merge` ## 0.2.0 (2008.1.24) * Changed the library name to "interpolate" * Added `Array#interpolate` that covers uniform arrays and nested arrays * Added more tests, documentation, and examples ## 0.1.0 (2008.1.22) 2 Major Changes: * Gradient calls `interpolate` on values for OOP goodness * Checks added for `respond_to?(:interpolate)` on values * Added `Numeric#interpolate` ## 0.0.1 (2008.1.20) * Initial coding * N-sized arbitrary floating point gradients