# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Module for configurable attributes module OnStomp::Interfaces::UriConfigurable # Extends `base` with {OnStomp::Interfaces::UriConfigurable::ClassMethods} def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end private def configure_configurable hash_opts config = OnStomp.keys_to_sym(CGI.parse(uri.query || '')). merge(OnStomp.keys_to_sym(hash_opts)) self.class.config_attributes.each do |attr_name, attr_conf| attr_val = config.key?(attr_name) ? config[attr_name] : attr_conf.key?(:uri_attr) && uri.__send__(attr_conf[:uri_attr]) || attr_conf[:default] __send__(:"#{attr_name}=", attr_val) end end # Provides attribute methods that can be configured by URI attributes # or query parameters. module ClassMethods # Creates a group readable and writeable attributes that can be set # by a URI query parameter sharing the same name, a property of a URI or # a default value. The value of this attribute will be transformed by # invoking the given block, if one has been provided. def attr_configurable *args, &block opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} args.each do |attr_name| init_config_attribute attr_name, opts attr_reader attr_name define_method :"#{attr_name}=" do |v| instance_variable_set(:"@#{attr_name}", (block ? block.call(v) : v)) end end end # Creates a group readable and writeable attributes that can be set # by a URI query parameter sharing the same name, a property of a URI or # a default value. The value of this attribute will be transformed by # invoking the given block, if one has been provided. If the attributes # created by this method are assigned an `Array`, only the first element # will be used as their value. def attr_configurable_single *args, &block trans = attr_configurable_wrap lambda { |v| v.is_a?(Array) ? v.first : v }, block attr_configurable(*args, &trans) end # Creates a group readable and writeable attributes that can be set # by a URI query parameter sharing the same name, a property of a URI or # a default value. The value of this attribute will be transformed by # invoking the given block, if one has been provided. The attributes # created by this method will be treated as though they were created # with {#attr_configurable_single} and will also be converted into Strings. def attr_configurable_str *args, &block trans = attr_configurable_wrap lambda { |v| v.to_s }, block attr_configurable_single(*args, &trans) end # Creates a group readable and writeable attributes that can be set # by a URI query parameter sharing the same name, a property of a URI or # a default value. The value of this attribute will be transformed by # invoking the given block, if one has been provided. If the attributes # created by this method are assigned a value that is not an `Array`, the # value will be wrapped in an array. def attr_configurable_arr *args, &block trans = attr_configurable_wrap lambda { |v| Array(v) }, block attr_configurable(*args, &trans) end # Creates a group readable and writeable attributes that can be set # by a URI query parameter sharing the same name, a property of a URI or # a default value. The value of this attribute will be transformed by # invoking the given block, if one has been provided. The attributes # created by this method will be treated as though they were created # with {#attr_configurable_single} and will also be converted into Class # or Module objects. def attr_configurable_class *args, &block trans = attr_configurable_wrap lambda { |v| OnStomp.constantize(v) }, block attr_configurable_single(*args, &trans) end private def attr_configurable_wrap(trans, block) if block lambda { |v| block.call(trans.call(v)) } else trans end end def init_config_attribute(name, opts) unless respond_to?(:config_attributes) class << self def config_attributes @config_attributes ||= {} end end end config_attributes[name] ||= {} config_attributes[name].merge!(opts) end end end