
GstSample — A media sample


#include <gst/gst.h>

GstBuffer *         gst_sample_get_buffer               (GstSample *sample);
GstCaps *           gst_sample_get_caps                 (GstSample *sample);
const GstStructure * gst_sample_get_info                (GstSample *sample);
GstSegment *        gst_sample_get_segment              (GstSample *sample);
GstSample *         gst_sample_new                      (GstBuffer *buffer,
                                                         GstCaps *caps,
                                                         const GstSegment *segment,
                                                         GstStructure *info);
GstSample *         gst_sample_ref                      (GstSample *sample);
void                gst_sample_unref                    (GstSample *sample);


A GstSample is a small object containing data, a type, timing and extra arbitrary information.

Last reviewed on 2012-03-29 (0.11.3)



typedef struct _GstSample GstSample;

The opaque structure of a GstSample. A sample contains a typed memory block and the associated timing information. It is mainly used to exchange buffers with an application.

gst_sample_get_buffer ()

GstBuffer *         gst_sample_get_buffer               (GstSample *sample);

Get the buffer associated with sample

sample :

a GstSample

Returns :

the buffer of sample or NULL when there is no buffer. The buffer remains valid as long as sample is valid. [transfer none]

gst_sample_get_caps ()

GstCaps *           gst_sample_get_caps                 (GstSample *sample);

Get the caps associated with sample

sample :

a GstSample

Returns :

the caps of sample or NULL when there is no caps. The caps remain valid as long as sample is valid. [transfer none]

gst_sample_get_info ()

const GstStructure * gst_sample_get_info                (GstSample *sample);

Get extra information associated with sample.

sample :

a GstSample

Returns :

the extra info of sample. The info remains valid as long as sample is valid. [transfer none]

gst_sample_get_segment ()

GstSegment *        gst_sample_get_segment              (GstSample *sample);

Get the segment associated with sample

sample :

a GstSample

Returns :

the segment of sample. The segment remains valid as long as sample is valid. [transfer none]

gst_sample_new ()

GstSample *         gst_sample_new                      (GstBuffer *buffer,
                                                         GstCaps *caps,
                                                         const GstSegment *segment,
                                                         GstStructure *info);

Create a new GstSample with the provided details.

Free-function: gst_sample_unref

buffer :

a GstBuffer, or NULL. [transfer none][allow-none]

caps :

a GstCaps, or NULL. [transfer none][allow-none]

segment :

a GstSegment, or NULL. [transfer none][allow-none]

info :

a GstStructure, or NULL. [transfer full][allow-none]

Returns :

the new GstSample. gst_sample_unref() after usage. [transfer full]

gst_sample_ref ()

GstSample *         gst_sample_ref                      (GstSample *sample);

Increases the refcount of the given sample by one.

sample :

a GstSample

Returns :

sample. [transfer full]

gst_sample_unref ()

void                gst_sample_unref                    (GstSample *sample);

Decreases the refcount of the sample. If the refcount reaches 0, the sample will be freed.

sample :

a GstSample. [transfer full]

See Also

GstBuffer, GstCaps, GstSegment