require 'ruboto/base' require 'ruboto/package' ####################################################### # # ruboto/activity.rb # # Basic activity set up. # ####################################################### # # Context # module Ruboto module Context def start_ruboto_dialog(class_name = nil, options = nil, &block) if options.nil? if class_name.is_a?(Hash) options = class_name class_name = nil else options = {} end end unless options.key?(:java_class) java_import 'org.ruboto.RubotoDialog' options[:java_class] = RubotoDialog end options[:theme] = unless options.key?(:theme) start_ruboto_activity(class_name, options, &block) end def start_ruboto_activity(class_name = nil, options = nil, &block) if options.nil? if class_name.is_a?(Hash) options = class_name class_name = nil else options = {} end end # FIXME(uwe): Deprecated. Remove june 2014. if options[:class_name] puts "\nDEPRECATON: The ':class_name' option is deprecated. Put the class name in the first argument instead." end java_class = options.delete(:java_class) || RubotoActivity theme = options.delete(:theme) # FIXME(uwe): Remove the use of the :class_name option in june 2014 class_name_option = options.delete(:class_name) class_name ||= class_name_option # EMXIF script_name = options.delete(:script) extras = options.delete(:extras) raise "Unknown options: #{options}" unless options.empty? if class_name.nil? && block_given? class_name = "#{'::').last}_#{source_descriptor(block)[0].split('/').last.gsub(/[.-]+/, '_')}_#{source_descriptor(block)[1]}" end class_name = class_name.to_s if Object.const_defined?(class_name) Object.const_get(class_name).class_eval(&block) if block_given? else Object.const_set(class_name, end i = i.setClass self, java_class.java_class i.putExtra(Ruboto::THEME_KEY, theme) if theme i.putExtra(Ruboto::CLASS_NAME_KEY, class_name) if class_name i.putExtra(Ruboto::SCRIPT_NAME_KEY, script_name) if script_name extras.each { |k, v| i.putExtra(k.to_s, v) } if extras startActivity i self end private def source_descriptor(proc) if md = /^#$/.match(proc.inspect) filename, line = md.captures return filename, line.to_i end end end end java_import 'android.content.Context' Context.class_eval do include Ruboto::Context end # # Basic Activity Setup # module Ruboto module Activity def method_missing(method, *args, &block) return @ruboto_java_instance.send(method, *args, &block) if @ruboto_java_instance && @ruboto_java_instance.respond_to?(method) super end end end def ruboto_configure_activity(klass) klass.class_eval do include Ruboto::Activity end end java_import '' java_import 'org.ruboto.RubotoActivity' ruboto_configure_activity(RubotoActivity)