<% title _(taxonomy_upcase.pluralize) %> <% title_actions display_link_if_authorized((_("New %s") % _(taxonomy_upcase)), hash_for_new_taxonomy_path), link_to(_("Mismatches Report"), mismatches_taxonomies_path, :class => 'btn'), help_path %> <% if @count_nil_hosts > 0 %>
<%= _("Notice:") %> <%= _('There are') %> <%= link_to _("%{count} hosts with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned") % {:count => @count_nil_hosts , :taxonomy_single => taxonomy_single }, hosts_path(:search => _("not has %s") % taxonomy_single) %>
<% end %> <% @taxonomies.each do |taxonomy| %> "> <% end %>
<%= sort :name, :as => s_("Taxonomy|Name") %> <%= _("Hosts") %>
<%= link_to taxonomy.to_label, edit_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) %> <%= link_to @counter[taxonomy.id] || 0, hosts_path(:search => "#{taxonomy_single} = #{taxonomy}") %> <%= action_buttons( display_link_if_authorized(_("Edit"), hash_for_edit_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) ), display_link_if_authorized(_("Clone"), hash_for_clone_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) ), display_delete_if_authorized(hash_for_taxonomy_path(taxonomy), :confirm => _("Delete %s?") % taxonomy.name, :action => :destroy), (link_to((_("Select Hosts to Assign to %s") % taxonomy.name), assign_hosts_taxonomy_path(taxonomy)) if @count_nil_hosts > 0), (link_to(_("Assign All %{count} Hosts with No %{taxonomy_upcase} to %{taxonomy_name}") % {:count =>@count_nil_hosts, :taxonomy_upcase => taxonomy_upcase, :taxonomy_name => taxonomy.name} , assign_all_hosts_taxonomy_path(taxonomy), :method => :post) if @count_nil_hosts > 0) )%>
<%= page_entries_info @taxonomies %> <%= will_paginate @taxonomies %>