#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # == Cloud Files API # ==== Connects Ruby Applications to Rackspace's {Mosso Cloud Files service}[http://www.mosso.com/cloudfiles.jsp] # Initial work by Major Hayden # # Subsequent work by H. Wade Minter # # See COPYING for license information. # Copyright (c) 2009, Rackspace US, Inc. # ---- # # === Documentation & Examples # To begin reviewing the available methods and examples, peruse the README file, or begin by looking at documentation for the # CloudFiles::Connection class. # # The CloudFiles class is the base class. Not much of note happens here. # To create a new CloudFiles connection, use the CloudFiles::Connection.new('user_name', 'api_key') method. module CloudFiles VERSION = '1.3.0' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'rexml/document' require 'uri' require 'digest/md5' require 'jcode' require 'time' require 'rubygems' require 'mime/types' $KCODE = 'u' $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'cloudfiles/authentication' require 'cloudfiles/connection' require 'cloudfiles/container' require 'cloudfiles/storage_object' end class SyntaxException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class ConnectionException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class AuthenticationException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class InvalidResponseException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class NonEmptyContainerException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class NoSuchObjectException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class NoSuchContainerException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class NoSuchAccountException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class MisMatchedChecksumException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class IOException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class CDNNotEnabledException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class ObjectExistsException < StandardError # :nodoc: end class ExpiredAuthTokenException < StandardError # :nodoc: end