= RubyCAS-Client Changelog

== In Progress...

* Behind-the-scenes change to the way previous authentication info is
  reused by the Rails filter in subsequent requests (see the note below 
  in the 2.0.1 release). From the user's and integrator's point of view 
  there shouldn't be any obvious difference from 2.0.1.

== Version 2.0.1 :: 2008-02-27

* The Rails filter no longer by default redirects to the CAS server on 
  every request. This restores the behaviour of RubyCAS-Client 1.x.
  In other words, if a session[:cas_user] value exists, the filter
  will assume that the user is authenticated without going through the
  CAS server. This behaviour can be disabled (so that a CAS re-check is 
  done on every request) by setting the 'authenticate_on_every_request' 
  option to true. See the "Re-authenticating on every request" section 
  in the README.txt for details. 

== Version 2.0.0 :: 2008-02-14

* Core client has been abstracted out of the Rails adapter. It should now
  be possible to use the client in other frameworks (e.g. Camping).
* Configuration syntax has completely changed. In other words, your old
  rubycas-client-1.x configuration will no longer work. See the README
  for details.
* Added support for reading extra attributes from the CAS response (i.e. in
  addition to just the username). However currently this is somewhat useless
  since RubyCAS-Server does not yet provide a method for adding extra
  attributes to the responses it generates.


== Version 1.1.0 :: 2007-12-21

* Fixed serious bug having to do with logouts. You can now end the
  CAS session on the client-side (i.e. force the client to re-authenticate)
  by setting session[:casfilteruser] = nil.
* Added new GatewayFilter. This is identical to the normal Filter but
  has the gateway option set to true by default. This should make
  using the gateway option easier.
* The CAS::Filter methods are now properly documented.
* Simplified guess_service produces better URLs when redirecting to the CAS
  server for authentication and the service URL is not explicitly specified. 
* The correct method for overriding the service URL for the client is now
  properly documented. You should use service_url=, as server_name= no longer
  works and instead generates a warning message.
* logout_url() now takes an additional 'service' parameter. If specified, this
  URL will be passed on to the CAS server as part of the logout URL. 

== Version 1.0.0 :: 2007-07-26

* RubyCAS-Client has matured to the point where it is probably safe to
  take it out of beta and release version 1.0.
* Non-SSL CAS URLs will now work. This may be useful for demo purposes, 
  but certainly shouldn't be used in production. The client automatically
  disables SSL if the CAS URL starts with http (rather than https). [rubywmq]

== Version 0.12.0

* Prior to redirecting to the CAS login page, the client now stores the
  current service URI in a session variable. This value is used to
  validate the service ticket after the user comes back from the CAS
  server's login page. This should address issues where redirection
  from the CAS server resulted in a slightly different URI from the original
  one used prior to login redirection (for example due to variations in the
  way routing rules are applied by the server).
* The client now handles malformed CAS server responses more gracefully.
  This makes debugging a malfunctioning CAS server somewhat easier.
* When receiving a proxy-granting ticket, the cas_proxy_callback_controller
  can now take a parameter called 'pgt' (which is what ought to be used
  according to the published CAS spec) or 'pgtId' (which is what the JA-SIG
  CAS server uses).
* Logging has been somewhat quieted down. Many messages that were previously
  logged as INFO are now logged as DEBUG.

== Version 0.11.0

* Added this changelog to advise users of major changes to the library.
* Large chunks of the library have been re-written. Beware of the possibility
  of new bugs (although the re-write was meant to fix a whole slew of existing
  bugs, so you're almost certainly better off upgrading).
* service and targetService parameters in requests are now properly URI-encoded,
  so the filter should behave properly when your service has query parameters.
  Thanks sakazuki for pointing out the problem.
* You can now force the CAS client to re-authenticate itself with the CAS server
  (i.e. override the authentication stored in the session) by providing a new
  service ticket in the URI. In other words, the client will authenticate with
  CAS if: a) you have a 'ticket' parameter in the URI, and there is currently no
  authentication info in the session, or b) you have a 'ticket' parameter in the
  URI and this ticket is different than the ticket that was used to authenticat
  the existing session. This is especially useful when you are using CAS proxying,
  since it allows you to force re-authentication in proxied applications (for
  example, when the user has logged out and a new user has logged in in the parent
  proxy-granting application).
* If your service URI has a 'ticket' parameter, it will now be automatically
  removed when passing the service as a parameter in any CAS request. This is
  done because at least some CAS servers will happily accept a service URI with
  a 'ticket' parameter, which will result in a URI with  multiple 'ticket' 
  parameters once you are redirected back to CAS (and that in turn can result 
  in an endless redirection loop).
* Logging has been greatly improved, which should make debugging your CAS
  installation much easier. Look for the logs under log/cas_client_RAILS_ENV.log
* When you install RubyCAS-Client as a Rails plugin, it will now by default
  use a custom logger. You can change this by explicitly setting your own
  logger in your environment.rb, or by modifying the plugin's init.rb.
* CasProxyCallbackController no longer checks to make sure that the incoming
  request is secure. The check is impossible since the secure header is not 
  passed on by at least some reverse proxies (like Pound), and if you are using
  the callback controller then you are almost certainly also using a reverse
* Cleaned up and updated documentation, fixed some example code.