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    <h1>TableSetter <small>&ndash; Version: 0.2.5</small></h1>
    <p><a href="https://github.com/propublica/table-setter">TableSetter</a> is a Ruby app that provides an easy way to present CSVs hosted locally or remotely (e.g. on google, etc) in custom HTML. TableSetter in the wild: <a href="http://projects.propublica.org/tables/failed-banks">a list of all stimulus projects from last year</a>, <a href="http://projects.propublica.org/tables/stimulus-spending-progress">the stimulus spending progress</a>, or <a href="http://projects.propublica.org/tables/failed-banks">a list of failed banks due to the last recession</a>.</p>
    <p>Each table is filterable and sortable on multiple columns. Also each column can be formatted in one of many different styles. In production mode, <strong>TableSetter</strong> provides valid expires headers and can be coupled with an upstream cache like <a href="http://rtomayko.github.com/rack-cache/">Rack::Cache</a> or varnish for speedy presentation.</p>
    <h2><a id="toc">Table of Contents</a></h2>
      <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
      <li><a href="#tablesetter">The table-setter command</a></li>
      <li><a href="#thedirectory">The Configuration Directory</a></li>
      <li><a href="#thefile">A TableSetter File</a></li>
      <li><a href="#deployment">Deployment</a></li>
      <li><a href="#rails">Rails</a></li>
      <li><a href="#links">Links</a></li>
      <li><a href="#credits">Credits</a></li>
      <li><a href="#changes">Change Log</a></li>
      <li><a href="#license">License</a></li>
    <h2><a id="installation" href="#toc">Installation</a></h2>
    <p>Install <strong>TableSetter</strong> through rubygems:</p>
<pre class="dawn">
gem install table_setter</pre>
    <p>or from the source files:</p>
<pre class="dawn">
git clone git://github.com/propublica/table-setter.git
cd table-setter
rake install</pre>
    <p>After you've installed the gem you'll have a new executable: <strong>table-setter</strong>. You can view the subcommands available by typing <strong>table-setter --help</strong>. To set things up you'll need to run it with the <strong>install</strong> command to install the configuration files and ERB templates into a directory. </p>
table-setter install path/to/directory</pre>
      To start the development server run:
table-setter start path/to/directory</pre>
    <p>Go to development url, <a href="http://localhost:3000/">http://localhost:3000/</a> and you'll see a list of the example tables. You can peruse the examples <a href="http://propublica.github.com/table-setter/documentation/tables/">here</a>.</p>
    <h2><a id="tablesetter" href="#toc">The table-setter command</a></h2>
      The <strong>table-setter</strong> command responds to three subcommands:
        <li><strong>install &lt;DIRECTORY&gt;</strong> installs the tablesetter files into the current directory or one you specify.</li>
        <li><strong>start &lt;DIRECTORY&gt;</strong> starts the development server so you can preview your tables before deploying.</li>
        <li><strong>build &lt;DIRECTORY&gt; -p &lt;PATH&gt;</strong> builds a static version of the tables, <strong>&lt;PATH&gt;</strong> is the relative path where you want to place the tables on your webserver.
See <a href="#deployment">Deployment</a></li>
    <h2><a id="thedirectory" href="#toc">The Configuration Directory</a></h2>
      The configuration folder contains the javascripts, stylesheets, view templates (written in <a href="http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/erb/rdoc/">ERB</a>), rackup file, and most importantly the configuration files for each table.
    <p>You'll put table definition files in the <strong>table</strong> directory, your javascript in  <strong>public/javascripts</strong> and css in <strong>public/stylesheets</strong>. You can make most HTML customizations in <strong>views/layout.erb</strong>.
    <p class="file">
      The <strong>config.ru</strong> file is a rackup file that instructs the webserver to start the <strong>TableSetter</strong> application and serve the assets contained in the configuration folder. In most cases you'll want to use apache and passenger (see <a href="#deployment">Deployment</a> for details).
    <p class="dir">
      In <strong>public</strong> you'll find the static assets required for the look and feel and functionality of the table:
        <li class="dir"> The <strong>images</strong> directory contains the small images  <img src="template/public/images/th_arrow_asc.gif" style="display:inline"> and  <img src="template/public/images/th_arrow_desc.gif" style="display:inline"> which show the user the sorting direction of a given column.</li>
        <li class="dir"> The <strong>javascripts</strong> directory contains scripts that power the dynamic functionality of a table. Each file depends on <a href="http://jquery.com/">jQuery</a>:
            <li class="file"><strong>application.js</strong> dispatches to the other javascript files to render the table at load time. It also defines the column highlighting function.</li>
            <li class="file"><strong>jquery.tablesorter.js</strong> the jQuery <a href="http://tablesorter.com/docs/">tablesorter plugin</a> that handles the dynamic sorting by column.</li>
            <li class="file"><strong>jquery.tablesorter.pager.js</strong> the <a href="http://tablesorter.com/docs/example-pager.html">tablesorter pager plugin</a> to tablesorter that provides the paging functionality.</li>
            <li class="file"><strong>jquery.tablesorter.multipagefilter.js</strong> a custom plugin that allows for searching across multiple pages</li>
        <li class="dir">The <strong>stylesheets</strong> directory contains <strong>application.css</strong>, the <strong>TableSetter</strong> stylesheet. Each style is prefaced with <strong>#tablefu</strong> so you should be able to include your organization's css on the page without affecting the tables.</li>
       <p class="dir">The <strong>tables</strong> directory contains yml configuration files for each of the tables you want to deploy. By default it contains:</p>
          <li class="file"><strong>example.yml</strong> contains most of the simple options in a <strong>TableSetter</strong> file.</li>
          <li class="file"><strong>example_local.yml</strong> and <strong>example_local.csv</strong> shows how to build a table from a local file. It also is hard_paginated (see <a href="#thefile">A Table Setter File</a>).</li>
          <li class="file"><strong>example_faceted.yml</strong> is an example of faceting.</li>
          <li class="file"><strong>example_formatted.yml</strong> and <strong>example_formatted.csv</strong> shows how to apply formatting to a column and a group of columns.</li>
    <p class="dir">The <strong>views</strong> directory contains the <a href="http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/erb/rdoc/">ERB</a> templates needed to render the table pages and index page.</p>
      <li class="file">
        <strong>404.erb</strong> and <strong>500.erb</strong> render when a table is not found or  a server error occurs, respectively.
      <li class="file"><strong>layout.erb</strong> contains the basic frame of the page. You should place most of your customizations here. If you'd like to add custom html, place it above or below the <strong>&lt;%=&nbsp;yield&nbsp;%&gt;</strong> tag.</li>
      <li class="file"><strong>index.erb</strong> renders the table list for the root path of the app.</li>
      <li class="file"><strong>table.erb</strong> renders an individual table. You shouldn't have to tweak this much, if at all.</li>
    <h2><a id="thefile" href="#toc">A TableSetter File</a></h2>
    <p>Each TableSetter file is written in <a href="http://www.yaml.org/">YAML</a> and outlines the the display options for a particular table. The filename dictates the path where it will appear (e.g. a config file named example.yml will appear at <strong>http://host/example</strong>). Initially TableSetter installs a few examples to get you started (see <a href="#thedirectory">above</a>).</p>
    <p>Each table setter file must begin with a <strong>table:</strong> declaration, and it's important to note that whitespace matters. For example consider this csv:</p>
McDuck Bank,100000,10000000,http://diveintomoney.com
Potter Savings and Loans,1100,1000000,http://angelsandwingsmrstewart.com
<p>these are the example options in a <strong>TableSetter</strong> config file:
  title: The title of the table

  # google_key:, file:, or url: define how a table is loaded.
  # only one is necessary
  file: loads a local CSV file from the /tables directory.
  url: will load a CSV file from an external server, and
  google_key: is a google key url from an external google doc (see note).

  deck: A HTML string describing the table, appears above the table itself.

  footer: A HTML string for notes/caveats etc. Appears below the table.

  column_options: # Defines a hash of options that are passed onto TableFu

    columns: # A list of columns to include, for example:
     - Bank # would only include the bank column in the table

    style: # A list of style declarations by column, for example:
      Bank: 'text-align:left;' # would left-align the text in the "Bank" column.

    sorted_by: # Defines the sort order and column to sort by of the table.
      Bank: ascending # would sort by the Bank column in ascending order

    total: # Declares which columns should have a totals row.
      ['Funds', 'Spent']

    formatting: # Defines which of the TableFu formatters to apply to a column.
      (%) Spent: bar # applies the bar formatter to the '(%) Spent' column.
      Link: # Creates a meta column form two other columns
        method: link # describes the formatter to use
        arguments: ['Bank', 'URL'] # Combines Bank and URL as arguments

  faceting: # Describes the faceting, or grouping, to apply to a table
    facet_by: Bank # groups the records by bank name

  hard_paginate: true # Dictates that the table should be spread across multiple pages
                      # can't be used with faceting, and disables the user filtering

  per_page: 250 # Instructs TableSetter to only page by 250 rows.

  live: true # publishes the table in the index page. Note that even if live is
             # set to false the table is still accessible directly.


    <h3>NB: A Note About google_key</h3>
    <p>At ProPublica, we mainly use TableSetter to format public google spreadsheets. You can find the <strong>google_key</strong> by publishing a spreadsheet as a webpage:</p>
      <img src="documentation/images/publish.png">
    <p>and in the dialog box, the google key is here:</p>
      <img src="documentation/images/key.png">
    <h2><a id="deployment" href="#toc">Deployment</a></h2>

    <em>(Cribbed from the excellent <a href="http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide.html#_deploying_a_rack_based_ruby_application">passenger documentation</a>.)</em>
    <p>If you're familiar with deploying a Rails application under passenger, not much changes when deploying a rack basked application. <strong>TableSetter</strong> includes a <strong>config.ru</strong> file that should be sufficient under most situations. You'll need to create a <strong>tmp</strong> directory inside the <strong>TableSetter</strong> directory on the server. The following virtual host configuration will deploy <strong>TableSetter</strong> directory:
&lt;VirtualHost *:80&gt;
  ServerName www.yourdomain.com
  DocumentRoot /path/to/table-setter/public
  <p>If you want to deploy <strong>TableSetter</strong> under a sub URI you should symlink the public folder to a directory in the document root:</p>
ln -s /path/to/table-setter/public /docroot/tables</pre>
  and change you're apache config to reflect the sub URI:
&lt;VirtualHost *:80&gt;
  ServerName www.yourdomain.com
  DocumentRoot /docroot/tables
  RackBaseURI /tables
<p>You probably don't want to parse a remote CSV file on every request in production, so the <strong>config.ru</strong> file contains directives to enable <strong>Rack:Cache</strong> a simple reverse proxy cache. If your web server is not behind an upstream cache you'll want to enable it by uncommenting the required lines.<p>
<p>You'll also want to enable the <strong>TableSetter:App</strong> expire time by uncommenting this line:</p>
TableSetter::App.cache_timeout = 60 * 15 # 15 minutes</pre>
<p>That line dictates the max age of a request and you'll want to tweak it depending on how frequently changed your tables will be and how many users you expect. If you want to define any <a href="https://github.com/propublica/table-fu">TableFu</a> formatters you should do so in <strong>config.ru</strong>.</p>

    <p>You can also use to pre-build <strong>table-setter</strong> your tables as html and upload the built files to your web server. You can build them using the <strong>table-setter</strong> command:</p>
table-setter build path/to/table-setter/directory -p path</pre>
<p>The build tables will be placed in the <strong>out</strong> directory inside the configuration directory.</p>
<p>The <strong>-p</strong> flag dictates where on the server relative to root you'll install the files. If I want my tables to appear under the <strong>tables/</strong> directory on my site, I'd run:</p>
table-setter build path/to/table-setter/directory -p tables</pre>
<p>And upload the files in the <strong>out/tables</strong> directory.</p>
    <h2><a id="rails" href="#toc">Rails</a></h2>
    <p>In order to use table-setter as a Rails, you'll need to install the <a href="http://github.com/propublica/table-setter-generator">table-setter-generator </a> gem. Once you've done that you'll be able to run:</p>
script/generate table-setter</pre>
<p>In your existing Rails app path and it will install the <strong>TableSetter</strong> routes, controller, views, and <strong>Table</strong> model.</p>
    <h2><a id="links" href="#toc">Links</a></h2>
      <li><a href="http://github.com/propublica/table-fu">TableFu</a><br>
        A gem that provides the conceptual backend to <strong>TableSetter</strong>.</li>
      <li><a href="http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide.html#_deploying_a_rack_based_ruby_application">Passenger Documentation</a><br>
        The Passenger Documention section on how to deploy a rack app under passenger.</li>
      <li><a href="http://docs.heroku.com/rack">Heroku Documentation</a><br>
        How to deploy a rack app in heroku.</li>
      <li><a href="http://github.com/propublica/table-fu/issues">Issues</a><br>
        The github issue tracker. Post bug reports and feature requests here.</li>
      <li><a href="http://www.yaml.org/">YAML</a><br>
        The YAML homepage. <strong>TableSetter</strong> config files are YAML files.
      <li><a href="doc/index.html">API Docs</a></li>
      <li><a href="http://www.pbs.org/newshour/interactive/static/tables/health-states/">In the Wild: PBS NewsHour</a><br>
        A state by state breakdown of legislative challenges to health care reform.
        <a href="http://media.apps.chicagotribune.com/tables/speed.html">In the Wild: Chicago Tribune</a><br>
        A table showing leniency rates of Chicago area judges in speeding cases.
        <a href="https://github.com/newsapps/tostones">In the Wild: Tostones, easy TableSetter testing and deployment</a><br>
        A set of fabric deploy scripts for deploying TableSetter to s3.
    <h2><a id="credits" href="#toc">Credits</a></h2>
    <p><a href="http://github.com/thejefflarson">Jeff Larson</a> (Maintainer),
      <a href="http://github.com/brianboyer/">Brian Boyer</a>,
      <a href="http://github.com/kleinmatic">Scott Klein</a>,
      <a href="http://github.com/markpercival">Mark Percival</a>,
      <a href="http://github.com/seebq">Charles Brian Quinn</a>,
      <a href="http://github.com/bouvard">Christopher Groskopf</a>,
      <a href="http://github.com/ryanmark">Ryan Mark</a>,
      <a href="http://github.com/palewire">Ben Welsh</a>, and
      <a href="http://github.com/jpmckinney">James McKinney</a>.</p>
    <h2><a id="changes" href="#toc">Change Log</a></h2>
    <p>Loads of bullet-proofing from <a href="http://github.com/jpmckinney">James McKinney</a> and js fixes from <a href="http://github.com/palewire">Ben Welsh</a>, you'll want to re-run <strong>table-setter install</strong> to grab the changes, as with previous releases.</p>
    <p>Fixes encodings issues and the FasterCSV name change for ruby 1.9.</p>
    <p>JavaScript fix for table-sorter.</p>
    <p>Fixing long standing bug with empty prefixes in the <strong>build</strong> command.</p>
    <p>Table Urls have an optional trailing slash. Fixes a bug in <strong>0.2.0</strong></p>
    <p>It's recommended not to use this version. <del><b>Backwards incompatible change:</b> Table urls no longer end in a  trailing slash. Please modify the <strong>url_for</strong> calls in your templates to reflect the change.</del></p>
    <p>JavaScript Fixes. <b>Note:</b> You'll need to delete the javascript's folder in the config directory and run <strong>table-setter install</strong> to grab the changes.</p>
    <p>New formatters via <a href="http://github.com/ryanmark">Ryan Mark</a>.
    <p>No Op.</p>
    <p>Bunch of fixes from <a href="http://github.com/ryanmark">Ryan Mark</a>, and beta markdown functionality. Once Markdown is tested we'll release 0.2.0</p>
    <p>Bugfix to the build command to place assets in the right place</p>
    <p>Fix in <strong>build_assets</strong> in command.rb, via <a href="http://github.com/propublica/table-setter/commit/2dd207d57eda4d78520b8a5fa99e6e085952206a">Christopher Groskopf</a></p>
    <p>Javascript fixes and thin added as a dependency.</p>
    <p>Initial release.</p>
    <h2><a id="license" href="#toc">License</a></h2>
    <pre>Copyright (c) 2010 ProPublica

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

